The Why Factor


Diamond Knight
Jan 26, 2004
You can check out UCF Football twitter to see the actual post but the point here is that the coaches are taking the time to explain "why" they do things different than the last coaching staff to the players as they transition to new way of competing on the field.

Really like what I'm hearing about new staff. They emphasize competing while setting up an environment of respect for both players and coaches.

FYI. KZ had most long pass yardage last season as QB in CFB and Heupel likes the long ball even more in his offensive play calling. Look for even more fun passing game this year :)
These kids are being well served by having exposure to different systems. The ones that don't make it to the next level will be prepared for coaching.
2 years ago we were embarrassed in the Cure Bowl and needed to get bigger in off season.
This off season after a great 2017 we need to get healthy again and stay quick. Sounds like training is suited well for where this team is at. Too much weights and not enough running could have been more destructive than helpful. We'll see. Excited for our D under new DC.
2 years ago we were embarrassed in the Cure Bowl and needed to get bigger in off season.
This off season after a great 2017 we need to get healthy again and stay quick. Sounds like training is suited well for where this team is at. Too much weights and not enough running could have been more destructive than helpful. We'll see. Excited for our D under new DC.

Not excited about the 4-3 change. Randy has LBs switching to DE. AJ Wooten is 1st team DT? Seems like we have better LBs that should be on the field?
I'm also not a fan of a 4-3 base scheme in today's game. Too predictable allowing the opposing offensive line to quickly identify pass protections and it adds beef on the D-line that wears down faster against the prevailing up tempo offenses we see these days.
Still have to get pressure on QB, attack ball, cover receivers and wrap up on tackles. It’s not the starting point. It’s what you do once Ball is snapped.
I haven't seen a 2-deep spring depth chart come close to final depth charts ever.
It's gonna get better.