No, this is patently false.
There are studies after studies at the US NIH that show the rate is the same with SARS-CoV-2 Delta. The California study just hit last week showcasing, once again, that's the case. Even the UK and Israeli's are pointing this out as well, even though the US Mass Media is saying otherwise.
not have US CDC numbers on
'breakthrough infections' any more because the CDC stopped defining
'breakthrough infections' as anything but serious disease or death,
not actually testing positive for SARS-CoV-2, over 6 months ago -- before Delta was common. That was a 100% political move that not only every medical school has been critical of, but the US NIH and even the US FDA itself as of late!
Only serious disease and death are 1/5th to 1/10th. Which brings me to ...
This is why you need to actually read what I say, and why I'm saying it's not vax v. meds ...
I said the
Medicine Debate of SARS-CoV-2 is matching exactly the HIV debate. I have never said anything about vaccines. Furthermore ...
We absolutely have! We've spent far more on HIV vaccine research than SARS-CoV-2! I'd argue, in inflation adjusted dollars, 25x as much. And we do have a PrEP!
In fact, one could strongly argue that the vax v. meds is really stupid, because the line of
'preventive' is blured. E.g., Truvada
Truvada is a pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) that prevents HIV infection more than the mRNA vaccines prevent SARS-CoV-2 Delta infection. In fact, the mRNA vaccine vectors don't prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection at all.
So is Truvada a med?! Or is it a vaccine?! And before you answer ... understand rabbies
'vaccines' are actually PrEP too. So now ... do you want to
'get into the details'? Or do you want to join the 3rd grade class?
Because 3rd graders debate things like ... whether Pluto is a planet.
Real astrophysicists debate the detailed physics.
Understand my point?!
Effective at preventing serious disease and death.
Not effective at all at preventing infection of SARS-CoV-2 Delta.
They weren't very effective at SARS-CoV-2 Alpha either, and Wuhan-1 barely half.
That's just proven fact in study after study of secondary transmission numbers.
Which explains why viral loads with Delta are the same, vaccinated or unvaccinated.
But the US CDC doesn't have those numbers, because it played politics.
So we're back to saying mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 are like MMR, and sterilizing and can achieve herd immunity. Sigh ...
Again, you're still believing the sterilization and herd immunity argument?!
You still think they are effective against infection?!
HINT: They were
never even designed to do such! They don't. The
hope was that natural immunity would build immunoglobulin A (IgA) antibodies in the upper respiratory tract when infected, while the intra-muscular mRNA spike protein for SARS-CoV-2 Wuhan-1 vaccine vectors was building immunoglobulin G (IgG) in the blood that prevented serious disease.
I'll quote
Time magazine from 2021 February, as they were the most succinct ...
"The way most people think of vaccines is pretty simple: you get vaccinated, and your immune system is primed and trained to fight off the invisible intruder in question, be it virus or bacteria. If you’re protected, you can’t be infected, and if you’re not infected, then you can’t spread it to anyone else.
And that’s true most of the time. But not all vaccines work that way, and it’s not actually what the two COVID-19 vaccines authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration—made by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNtech—are designed to do. Their effectiveness is measured by how well they protect people against moderate to severe COVID-19 disease—not how well they prevent infection or spread of the COVID-19 virus itself."
This is why it's getting old as the continued blame of the unvaccinated continues. People were lied to about what these vectors did.