Two genomics experts on record: mRNA covid 💉 contaminated ☠️

This pandemic created the biggest money-making machine in our lifetime (led by Fauci and big pharma) who cared more about their back pockets than about the safety of a majority of people. This vaccine (now vaccines) should have been utilized only by seniors and immunocompromised and I posted this a couple of years ago. The roaches (see the lugnuts who posted above) showed up to slam anyone who didn't toe the Fauci line. Dipshits....
Are you sure about that? I read something different on Facebook.
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Just let people read and learn as much as possible, and make their own decision. I don't care how many people get pumped full of MRNA. I also don't care who doesn't get it. How much good or bad the shot does is up to opinions for and against. One thing we do know is it doesn't stop the spread, So you getting or not getting jabbed doesn't help nor hurt me.
Read info put out on both sides with a knowledge that both sides twist the info to their benefit and make your own best interest decision based on that information.
Of course they haven’t been compensated

People have been getting these conditions since the beginning of time and the increased incidence isn’t enough to warrant compensation. It’s complicated. Most cases didn’t result in any long-term issues and the side effects of Covid are greater in EVERY AGE GROUP

Unless you’re an anti-vaxxer and anti-CDC
like our resident morons 😂

He posted this in the Dungeon as well
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Of course they haven’t been compensated

People have been getting these conditions since the beginning of time and the increased incidence isn’t enough to prove anything

Unless you’re an anti-vaxxer and anti-CDC
like our resident morons 😂

He posted this in the Dungeon as well
Do the people in the dungeon slap him around like a ragdoll as we do?
*If there was a problem with the vaccines, there would be thousands and thousands of lawsuits..............

Exactly! Post hoc ergo propter hoc. If these stupid lemmings would just see that every single time that they clean their cars that it rains, they would jump all over this.

The New York Times called your theory ridiculous, and we can trust them since they’ve never pushed baseless political lies about things like Iraq having WMDs before and—oh, wait.
*If there was a problem with the vaccines, there would be thousands and thousands of lawsuits..............
How many missed your asterisk? :)

There are now hundreds of pending lawsuits against the US government, and hundreds of thousands of people trying to find lawyers. It's pretty much pro-bono/gratis as most lawyers know it's impossible.

Again, only 4 people have been paid by the US gov't, it's peanuts at low 4 figures, hence why no lawyers are taking any cases. And Pharma is indemnified by the US gov't and have fully immunity. However...

I think at some point there will be some lawyers that will group together, and at least one judge that will agree to hear a case, on mass fraud and willfully false statements by both Pharma and US Gov't alike.

There are already hundreds of hours of TV interviews that directly conflict with sworn testimony, and then we have all those US FDA experts who will testify to public servants and Pharma alike making false statements, knowingly. Because...

When the 'NDA Dam' finally breaks during discovery... it's gonna be a flood. And then, maybe, finally, hundreds of thousands of Americans who were harmed in the US and dealing with continuing medical complications will finally have their bills covered.

Like in Germany.

People, let alone their families, who died have it much better, sadly. Beyond the real medical harm, those who didn't die, and their families, have been marginalized by the sick, cruel world we now love in. Compassion is gone, and it's really a poor testament to how horrendous we are as a society.

That some people view some conditions as completely political, and doctors are under threat to even certify them, out of fear of being debanked.
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How many missed your asterisk? :)

There are now hundreds of pending lawsuits against the US government, and hundreds of thousands of people trying to find lawyers. It's pretty much pro-bono/gratis as most lawyers know it's impossible.

Again, only 4 people have been paid by the US gov't, it's peanuts at low 4 figures, hence why no lawyers are taking any cases. And Pharma is indemnified by the US gov't and have fully immunity. However...

I think at some point there will be some lawyers that will group together, and at least one judge that will agree to hear a case, on mass fraud and willfully false statements by both Pharma and US Gov't alike.

There are already hundreds of hours of TV interviews that directly conflict with sworn testimony, and then we have all those US FDA experts who will testify to public servants and Pharma alike making false statements, knowingly. Because...

When the 'NDA Dam' finally breaks during discovery... it's gonna be a flood. And then, maybe, finally, hundreds of thousands of Americans who were harmed in the US and dealing with continuing medical complications will finally have their bills covered.

Like in Germany.

People, let alone their families, who died have it much better, sadly. Beyond the real medical harm, those who didn't die, and their families, have been marginalized by the sick, cruel world we now love in. Compassion is gone, and it's really a poor testament to how horrendous we are as a society.

That some people view some conditions as completely political, and doctors are under threat to even certify them, out of fear of being debanked.
You’re wrong. I read the exact opposite on Facebook.
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And don't forget 9mm is deadlier than rifle rounds

That 70S Show Lol GIF by Peacock

When I asked for proof his response was (I shit you not) "it's classified"

The Office Lol GIF
If you guys aren’t following this fiasco, start to pay attention it's getting a lot of press. They have the FDA pinned down on this one. Listen to this bullshit 🤦‍♀️💰☠️⚰️

The FDA responded but did not answer specific questions, nor did it acknowledge the problem of contamination and potential safety issues. In a written statement it said:

The mRNA COVID-19 vaccines authorized or approved for use in the United States are not defined as a gene therapy.
The FDA is confident in the quality, safety, and effectiveness of these vaccines. The agency’s benefit-risk assessment and ongoing safety surveillance demonstrates that the benefits of their use outweigh their risks.

If you guys aren’t following this fiasco, start to pay attention it's getting a lot of press. They have the FDA pinned down on this one. Listen to this bullshit 🤦‍♀️💰☠️⚰️

The FDA responded but did not answer specific questions, nor did it acknowledge the problem of contamination and potential safety issues. In a written statement it said:

Are you sure about that? I read something different on Facebook.
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If a Twitter with a cat photo posts screenshots then you have to trust them.

If you die the day you get a vaccine it’s because the vaccine mutated your DNA. But if you die 2 years after getting a vaccine it’s because the vaccine mutated your DNA.

100k Americans died on Jan 13, 2023. This was because it was Friday the 13th.

Eat paste. Sip silver buy gold. Tighten those lug nuts (not too tight). And be extra careful if you are Italian. Venus fly trap.
And don't forget 9mm is deadlier than rifle rounds

That 70S Show Lol GIF by Peacock

When I asked for proof his response was (I shit you not) "it's classified"

The Office Lol GIF
Depends on the rifle. I have a 22 LR which probably is the most owned rifle on the planet. 9mm is much more deadly than a 22lr.
WOW. If you haven't read Maryanne's article, do so. I only forward my vaccinated family really important findings. This definitely makes the cut. So many turbo cancers and cancers happening now, and of course the cardiac events and died suddenly's. This is beyond even my wild expectations of how horrible mRNA could be.

The most interesting thing about it is Kevin McKernan says that contamination could very easily be removed, except it increases costs.

Sound familar? Just like aluminum and mercury in the old school toxic jabs. They save a half a penny using a cheap adjuvant and inject you with poison to stimulate immune response

WOW. If you haven't read Maryanne's article, do so. I only forward my vaccinated family really important findings. This definitely makes the cut. So many turbo cancers and cancers happening now, and of course the cardiac events and died suddenly's. This is beyond even my wild expectations of how horrible mRNA could be.

The most interesting thing about it is Kevin McKernan says that contamination could very easily be removed, except it increases costs.

Sound familar? Just like aluminum and mercury in the old school toxic jabs. They save a half a penny using a cheap adjuvant and inject you with poison to stimulate immune response

If CNN and/or MSNBC is not reporting this--it's just a fabrication...
WOW. If you haven't read Maryanne's article, do so. I only forward my vaccinated family really important findings. This definitely makes the cut. So many turbo cancers and cancers happening now, and of course the cardiac events and died suddenly's. This is beyond even my wild expectations of how horrible mRNA could be.

The most interesting thing about it is Kevin McKernan says that contamination could very easily be removed, except it increases costs.

Sound familar? Just like aluminum and mercury in the old school toxic jabs. They save a half a penny using a cheap adjuvant and inject you with poison to stimulate immune response

I hate when people die Suddenly’s…
I hate when people die Suddenly’s…
It’s hilarious when you see non medical people try to talk using medical terminology. It makes absolutely no sense. It’s like a person with a brain tumor in the speech center that caused aphasia. It’s basically a word salad
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If CNN and/or MSNBC is not reporting this--it's just a fabrication...

They could never safely scale, then went cheap. A very lethal 1-2 punch. Chopped up the DNA into tiny little bits to scatter like buckshot throughout your body making cancer much worse. Like a murderer chops up a body and throws the pieces into the river hoping they would decompose and disappear. What a cluster. Can't make this sh*t up. 💰 🤦‍♂️

And here is another expert this time out of Germany that replicated the findings and is on record! Man, this could be the one that takes down this entire house of cards

They could never safely scale, then went cheap. A very lethal 1-2 punch. Chopped up the DNA into tiny little bits to scatter like buckshot throughout your body making cancer much worse. Like a murderer chops up a body and throws the pieces into the river hoping they would decompose and disappear. What a cluster. Can't make this sh*t up. 💰 🤦‍♂️

And here is another expert this time out of Germany that replicated the findings and is on record! Man, this could be the one that takes down this entire house of cards

I read something completely different on Facebook. I don’t think this is accurate at all.
Turbo cancers.

Run GIF by Challenger

Eat paste. Sip silver. Buy gold. Lots of poison jab antidotes. Watch out for the Italian Venus fly trap. Everybody’s dying.
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Wtf is a turbo cancer?

Over the last several months, antivaxxers have been claiming that COVID-19 vaccines cause “turbo cancer”, cancers (or cancer recurrences) of a particularly aggressive and fast-growing variety diagnosed in younger and younger patients. “Turbo cancer” is not a thing, and the evidence cited is as weak as any antivax “evidence”, including anecdotes and misinterpretation of epidemiology
Unsurprisingly, it didn’t take long for antivaxxers to try to link COVID-19 vaccines to cancer as well, with attempts beginning even before the FDA granted an emergency use authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer vaccine two years ago. First, they falsely claimed that the mRNA vaccines “permanently alter your DNA” even though basic molecular biology should have told them that mRNA in the vaccine can’t integrate into your genome, and that the mRNA vaccines were “gene therapy, not vaccines” complete with a conspiracy theory about the CDC having supposedly changed the definition of a vaccine to include them. Next came misrepresenting old studies to claim that mRNA causes cancer. More recently, long-time antivax lawyer Thomas Renz got access to the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), a database tracking the health of military personnel, and used it to make claims that are, at best erroneous and at worst intentionally misleading, specifically that COVID-19 vaccines have resulted in an epidemic of cancer in military personnel, including a nearly 900% increase in esophageal cancer and a nearly 500% increase in breast and thyroid cancers since before the military imposed its vaccine mandate. As I explained at the time, the claims were incredible on their face just from a scientific plausibility standpoint given that we know from the nuclear bombings at Hiroshima and Nagasaki that the cancers due to the most powerful carcinogen of all, large doses of ionizing radiation, take at least two years to begin showing up (leukemias) while most solid cancers don’t show up for around 10 years. Given that the vaccines were only introduced to the general population two years ago, even if the vaccines were as powerful a carcinogen as an ionizing radiation dose from being exposed when a nuclear bomb goes off, it would be only now that we might be beginning to see a glimmer of a cancer signal for leukemias, and even then most people didn’t receive the vaccine until months or even a year later, making too soon
The nuclear bomb took 10 years for most cancers to show up. 2 years minimum

Lethal doses of radiation.

However, the vaccine took months to < 2 years

Get a life Crazy Bill. Don’t you have any hobbies other than obsessing over Covid Vaccines? Maybe fixing refrigerators? Investing in gold? 🤷‍♂️😂

Don’t be a loser
Where is “Lord Alfred” with the daily chud report from americas frontline supplement service?
Maybe he realized that posting to 5 people who don’t give a crap, don’t buy into conspiracy theories, constantly make fun of you, and discredit you, wasn’t worth a weekend early morning post.
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There’s the lord Alfred we know and love. Turbo cancer. Eat paste. Sip silver. Buy gold. Italian Venus fly traps. Check out this tweet from supplement hockers.

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Wtf is a turbo cancer?

Over the last several months, antivaxxers have been claiming that COVID-19 vaccines cause “turbo cancer”, cancers (or cancer recurrences) of a particularly aggressive and fast-growing variety diagnosed in younger and younger patients. “Turbo cancer” is not a thing, and the evidence cited is as weak as any antivax “evidence”, including anecdotes and misinterpretation of epidemiology