Tx. I'm all in on risking my health to lift social distancing guidelines for economic boost


Todd's Tiki Bar
May 29, 2001
This is one of the things I fear, moving forward.

People have to work. We are at a virtual stand-still in this economy. 60% of this country is paid by the hour. I think the longer this wears on, the more that folks simply will say "I am going to risk getting the virus to put food on the table." And then we really start to see cases shoot up, hospitals put at their capacities, etc.

At what point will Americans simply say "eff it?" Naturally, much of this has to do with what is open, can be opened, and necessitates business.
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This is one of the things I fear, moving forward.

People have to work. We are a at a virtual stand-still in this economy. 60% of this country is paid by the hour. I think the longer this wears on, the more that folks simply will say "I am going to risk getting the virus to put food on the table." And then we really start to see cases shoot up, hospitals put at their capacities, etc.

At what point will Americans simply say "eff it?" Naturally, much of this has to do with what is open, can be opened, and necessitates business.
Americans arent patient enough to wait this out, even if they are financially stable enough to do so.
Serious question: what will be more frightening for people, the inability to feed themselves and their families or a virus that has a 1% mortality rate?
It won't be 1% when there are no ICU beds to save people.

Let me put it this way. Can you imagine a booming global economy where there is incredible fear and people dying by the hundreds of thousands as medical systems collapse?

It's easy to imagine recovery where we are at now. Just work and when people get sick they stay home. Except we are in the first 10% of severity right now. We cannot have a booming economy while this virus is active. We have to deal with this problem first and then rebuild because ignoring it is not just a bad idea, it's literally impossible. You can't just pretend this doesn't exist without making it 10x worse.
It won't be 1% when there are no ICU beds to save people.

Let me put it this way. Can you imagine a booming global economy where there is incredible fear and people dying by the hundreds of thousands as medical systems collapse?

It's easy to imagine recovery where we are at now. Just work and when people get sick they stay home. Except we are in the first 10% of severity right now. We cannot have a booming economy while this virus is active. We have to deal with this problem first and then rebuild because ignoring it is not just a bad idea, it's literally impossible. You can't just pretend this doesn't exist without making it 10x worse.

I am not necessarily in disagreement with some of what you are saying. But answer my entire question. Solve that conundrum.
I am not necessarily in disagreement with some of what you are saying. But answer my entire question. Solve that conundrum.
People will be able to feed themselves with everyone out of work. We're giving out 2T. That's $6,000 per person and not everyone is losing their jobs. We can hold out for 4 more months to save lives.

If you try to rebuild the economy it will still tank because of the increased death toll and fear.

There is no win here. The sooner we accept it and choose the correct "less bad" situation the quicker we can get through this safely and then rebuild.
Serious question: what will be more frightening for people, the inability to feed themselves and their families or a virus that has a 1% mortality rate?

If we go back to life as normal the virus is going to spread to the point where we are easily the worst country in the world with regards to it. The economy isnt going to be good if that is the case. So we can either choose a bad economy and a lot of sick people, or we can choose trying to protect our health and rebuilding the economy in a few months.
People will be able to feed themselves with everyone out of work. We're giving out 2T. That's $6,000 per person and not everyone is losing their jobs. We can hold out for 4 more months to save lives.

If you try to rebuild the economy it will still tank because of the increased death toll and fear.

There is no win here. The sooner we accept it and choose the correct "less bad" situation the quicker we can get through this safely and then rebuild.

I dont know what his people dont get about this. If the virus is still spreading at a pretty rapid rate, the economy is still going to suffer a great deal. I believe they honestly think if we lift restrictions people will just go about life as normal and the economy will be back to normal in a matter of weeks and everything will be fine, but that of course wont be the case.
I dont know what his people dont get about this. If the virus is still spreading at a pretty rapid rate, the economy is still going to suffer a great deal. I believe they honestly think if we lift restrictions people will just go about life as normal and the economy will be back to normal in a matter of weeks and everything will be fine, but that of course wont be the case.

The question is can we enforce it? Will it work and for how long?? This isn’t South Korea
I already have an idiot trump nut hugging friend on FB saying the same thing. "F the old people, time to live our lives and save the economy"

Dipshit truly isn't smart enough to think two steps ahead when our hospitals are swamped, normally healthy people are dying because they can't even get basic medical care. All the non sick/injured people that we have normally get kicked to the curb too, since hospitals are overwhelmed with covid patients.

Good job, you just killed hundreds of thousands of people AND wrecked the economy.
The question is can we enforce it? Will it work and for how long?? This isn’t South Korea

Lots of places are enforcing it right now, so I dont see why not. For how long? I dont know, I dont control the virus's schedule. No, it isnt South Korea, they were far more prepared for this type of thing then we obviously are.
I already have an idiot trump nut hugging friend on FB saying the same thing. "F the old people, time to live our lives and save the economy"

Dipshit truly isn't smart enough to think two steps ahead when our hospitals are swamped, normally healthy people are dying because they can't even get basic medical care. All the non sick/injured people that we have normally get kicked to the curb too, since hospitals are overwhelmed with covid patients.

Good job, you just killed hundreds of thousands of people AND wrecked the economy.

Do they not realize what this looks like? If Capitalism is about sacrificing people so the stock market can stay strong, then Capitalism is a failure of a system (at least the way we do it).

And also, anyone with this approach can never claim they are pro life again.
No, it isnt South Korea, they were far more prepared for this type of thing then we obviously are.
So.., how big is SK? How fragile is their economy? What’s the population?

I would think that SK isn’t larger than Texas
So.., how big is SK? How fragile is their economy? What’s the population?

I would think that SK isn’t larger than Texas

South Korea is about twice the size of Texas population wise, but I fail to see the point. We are supposedly the wealthiest and most power nation in the history of the world, so you would think we could handle these types of events.
South Korea is about twice the size of Texas population wise, but I fail to see the point. We are supposedly the wealthiest and most power nation in the history of the world, so you would think we could handle these types of events.
Ok.. so it’s small. Easier to manage. Honestly,
Americans are more likely to do whatever they want. It’s going to come down to something like Martial law
Do they not realize what this looks like? If Capitalism is about sacrificing people so the stock market can stay strong, then Capitalism is a failure of a system (at least the way we do it).

And also, anyone with this approach can never claim they are pro life again.

Your mistake is assuming these people have rational thoughts. Their worldview is not influenced by facts, so it can't be changed by facts.
This guy would have wanted to negotiate a truce with Hitler a week into WW2.
Interesting., major talking points today are about opening the economy and isolating hot spots. Tough decisions
Your mistake is assuming these people have rational thoughts. Their worldview is not influenced by facts, so it can't be changed by facts.

Yep. Of all the times for this type of thing to happen, it had to occur with a completely unqualified person at president, who also has the most cult like following. This country is so screwed.
Trump is probably the best person to handle this situation, because he realizes that the economy IS important. A lot of agreement today about this point
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its really not that hard of a question. i think people are starting to realize that.

Just because it might not be a hard question to answer for some doesn't mean it's necessarily the best path forward for the country. I know that medical professionals are concerned, to say the least.
Trump is probably the best person to handle this situation, because he realizes that the economy IS important. A lot of agreement today about this point

Trump is probably the worst person for this situation.
1.) No experience in government
2.) Thin-skinned
3.) Inconsistent in both his communication to the American people and his strategy.

Wake up.
Just because it might not be a hard question to answer for some doesn't mean it's necessarily the best path forward for the country. I know that medical professionals are concerned, to say the least.
its not an easy question right now, but when push comes to shove and you have an empty pantry it becomes easy to answer. there will be a breaking point. i think its some time in mid april.
Trump is probably the best person to handle this situation, because he realizes that the economy IS important. A lot of agreement today about this point

Everybody thinks the economy is important. But the reality, is that as long as this virus is spreading then our economy is going to suffer. The best thing for the economy is to get this thing contained as quickly as possible, not to essentially ignore and go back to life as normal and infecting no telling how many more people.
Trump is probably the worst person for this situation.
1.) No experience in government
2.) Thin-skinned
3.) Inconsistent in both his communication to the American people and his strategy.

Wake up.
He’s the best.

1). Irrelevant right now. He’s had 4 years in government. What has he not done that someone with more experience would do?

2). Irrelevant

3) There are no consistent solutions. It’s a dynamic crisis with variables
its not an easy question right now, but when push comes to shove and you have an empty pantry it becomes easy to answer. there will be a breaking point. i think its some time in mid april.

The food supply is not hurt, if we have a sufficient stimulus that helps people then the pantries wont go empty.
Everybody thinks the economy is important. But the reality, is that as long as this virus is spreading then our economy is going to suffer. The best thing for the economy is to get this thing contained as quickly as possible, not to essentially ignore and go back to life as normal and infecting no telling how many more people.
For the 3rd time. Is this possible in the United States? Stop telling us how great we are as your answer

Additionally, your answer to the length of time was a copout.
its not an easy question right now, but when push comes to shove and you have an empty pantry it becomes easy to answer. there will be a breaking point. i think its some time in mid april.

Yes, again, easy to answer for the individual. I view it as a collective, however.
its not an easy question right now, but when push comes to shove and you have an empty pantry it becomes easy to answer. there will be a breaking point.
The key is to put money in peoples' hands for them to survive long-enough for the virus to start running its course.

Some here want to act like it's some giant revelation that the economy is important. But stupidly trying to kick-start business-as-usual BEFORE the number of infections is on the down-slope of the bell curve is destined to be self-defeating.
For the 3rd time. Is this possible in the United States? Stop telling us how great we are as your answer

Additionally, your answer to the length of time was a copout.

Most places are doing it right now, so yes, I would say it is possible, I already stated that.

How was a it a copout? We dont know the length of time at this point.
The food supply is not hurt, if we have a sufficient stimulus that helps people then the pantries wont go empty.
that is a big IF. i heard everyone in congress was on board.*

Yes, again, easy to answer for the individual. I view it as a collective, however.
i think most people will view this as a bad case of the flu with 1-3% death rate and will eagerly go back to work to put food on the table. they will practice some social distancing while doing so. i still think itll get around, but its not going to be as bad as italy.

The key is to put money in peoples' hands for them to survive long-enough for the virus to start running its course.

Some here want to act like it's some giant revelation that the economy is important. But stupidly trying to kick-start business-as-usual BEFORE the number of infections is on the down-slope of the bell curve is destined to be self-defeating.
see my reply to cubs.
that is a big IF. i heard everyone in congress was on board.*

i think most people will view this as a bad case of the flu with 1-3% death rate and will eagerly go back to work to put food on the table. they will practice some social distancing while doing so. i still think itll get around, but its not going to be as bad as italy.

see my reply to cubs.

A 1-3% death rate for a disease that spreads this easily would be 100s of thousands of deaths, you realize that right? And also, this isnt just killing old people. There are new stories everyday about someone in their 30s that is on lifesupport or has passed away from this.
Most places are doing it right now, so yes, I would say it is possible, I already stated that.

How was a it a copout? We dont know the length of time at this point.
Exactly. How can we have an indefinite nationwide lockdown that isn’t 100% guaranteed to work
Exactly. How can we have an indefinite nationwide lockdown that isn’t 100% guaranteed to work

So basically you are just ok spreading this with no real preventative measures right? That is the only way to take your posts.