Tx. I'm all in on risking my health to lift social distancing guidelines for economic boost

So basically you are just ok spreading this with no real preventative measures right? That is the only way to take your posts.
We should contain the hot spots for NOW. THIS could change
A 1-3% death rate for a disease that spreads this easily would be 100s of thousands of deaths, you realize that right? And also, this isnt just killing old people. There are new stories everyday about someone in their 30s that is on lifesupport or has passed away from this.

yes, and those are LARGELY outliers and exceptions that prove the rule. The mortality rate of this worldwide largely bear that out.
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We should contain the hot spots for NOW. THIS could change

But you cant contain hotspots if people are still traveling, going out to eat, etc etc. And what do you consider a hotspot? Florida has a lot of cases now are they a hot spot? Should Florida remain open for spring break so people can visit and then carry it back home?
yes, and those are LARGELY outliers and exceptions that prove the rule. The mortality rate of this worldwide largely bear that out.

The deaths might be outliers but permanent lung damage is also a concern and can most certainly effect younger people. Younger people are effected by this a lot more than originally thought.
The deaths might be outliers but permanent lung damage is also a concern and can most certainly effect younger people. Younger people are effected by this a lot more than originally thought.

We were dealing with deaths and life support here. We have absolutely no data on "permanent" lung damage to speak of.
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that is a big IF. i heard everyone in congress was on board.*

i think most people will view this as a bad case of the flu with 1-3% death rate and will eagerly go back to work to put food on the table. they will practice some social distancing while doing so. i still think itll get around, but its not going to be as bad as italy.

see my reply to cubs.

Looks like wayne was tired of crazy running away with "stupidest motherfuker of the cooler" award.

Imagine still posting things like "bad case of the flu".

Holy shit. It would be funny if you people weren't allowed to vote.
We were dealing with deaths and life support here. We have absolutely no data on "permanent" lung damage to speak of.

There are stories all over the place about it. THis is new so obviously we might not have enough data on it as of now, but it is most certainly a concern, which is what I said.
yes, and those are LARGELY outliers and exceptions that prove the rule. The mortality rate of this worldwide largely bear that out.
i honestly think the real mortality rate will fall back in line with a bad flu. everyone knows there are likely more people infected than being reported and will be ok. this drops the rate significantly but we dont have accurate models.

a friends company just informed them that the entire company will be taking a 30% pay cut for the rest of the year. i know this is just one small case, but there are likely thousands of others that are in the same place, or will be soon enough.

that question of going to work and putting food on the table or staying home and being on quarantine is going to be answered soon enough.
i honestly think the real mortality rate will fall back in line with a bad flu. everyone knows there are likely more people infected than being reported and will be ok. this drops the rate significantly but we dont have accurate models.

a friends company just informed them that the entire company will be taking a 30% pay cut for the rest of the year. i know this is just one small case, but there are likely thousands of others that are in the same place, or will be soon enough.

that question of going to work and putting food on the table or staying home and being on quarantine is going to be answered soon enough.

I honestly think you are a true dipshit for repeatedly saying your completely unscientific views.

Jesus Christ this isn't an election, your opinion doesn't matter. This is science.
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i honestly think the real mortality rate will fall back in line with a bad flu. everyone knows there are likely more people infected than being reported and will be ok. this drops the rate significantly but we dont have accurate models.

a friends company just informed them that the entire company will be taking a 30% pay cut for the rest of the year. i know this is just one small case, but there are likely thousands of others that are in the same place, or will be soon enough.

that question of going to work and putting food on the table or staying home and being on quarantine is going to be answered soon enough.
Based on the cruise where everyone on board was tested (1.4%) and South Korea where everyone can get tested (1.33%). I’d say your imaginary numbers are off by an order of magnitude. The rate will be even higher once there are no hospitals or doctors that can take people in due to being overwhelmed.
Based on the cruise where everyone on board was tested (1.4%) and South Korea where everyone can get tested (1.33%). I’d say your imaginary numbers are off by an order of magnitude. The rate will be even higher once there are no hospitals or doctors that can take people in due to being overwhelmed.

Yeah, but are you taking his feelings into account? He did say he had a feeling it was going to be just like a bad case of the flu.

Little known fact: @UCFWayne 's feelings are in fact a peer reviewed study, certified for medical use in over one hundred countries. I heard the WHO is planning on taking his feeling's into account on their upcoming conclusive study of COVID 19.

Who knows what other scientific breakthroughs are being stored in wayne's feelings? The cure for cancer? Maybe the secret to cold fusion?

Wayne, please share more of your feelings with us! Scientists and mathematicians everywhere are waiting with baited breath (not due to COVID19).
Yeah, but are you taking his feelings into account? He did say he had a feeling it was going to be just like a bad case of the flu.

Little known fact: @UCFWayne 's feelings are in fact a peer reviewed study, certified for medical use in over one hundred countries. I heard the WHO is planning on taking his feeling's into account on their upcoming conclusive study of COVID 19.

Who knows what other scientific breakthroughs are being stored in wayne's feelings? The cure for cancer? Maybe the secret to cold fusion?

Wayne, please share more of your feelings with us! Scientists and mathematicians everywhere are waiting with baited breath (not due to COVID19).
Maybe by “bad flu” he meant Spanish flu.
Based on the cruise where everyone on board was tested (1.4%) and South Korea where everyone can get tested (1.33%). I’d say your imaginary numbers are off by an order of magnitude. The rate will be even higher once there are no hospitals or doctors that can take people in due to being overwhelmed.
The majority of people worldwide that contract this virus will recover without medical intervention, whether we confirm their case or not. People are going to see that the celebrities that had it are doing just fine and the athletes that had it are doing just fine and the other people in their friendship circles that got it are doing fine. That's where the balance point with this is, that you're going to have a large number of people that are seeing life move on for the overwhelming majority of covid-19 infected people and they're going to look at their basic necessities and they're going to be forced to make a decision. It's Maslow's hierarchy of needs at play; the physiological needs of food, water, warmth, and rest outweigh security and safety.

There is also a hell of a lot of noise in the numbers. In Italy, they're counting anyone that had a presumptive case of covid-19 and then died as a covid-19 death, regardless of the severity of covid. This is natural in an event that evolves this rapidly; no one is stopping to audit the diagnoses and determinations of death. We, the public, may not ever see the true numbers. Even if it is mainstream news, it'll be years later after a good amount of forensics. Not to mention that most of the models now do not take into account any development of treatments, mitigations, or vaccines.
He’s the best.

1). Irrelevant right now. He’s had 4 years in government. What has he not done that someone with more experience would do?

2). Irrelevant

3) There are no consistent solutions. It’s a dynamic crisis with variables

1.) He hasn't been challenged yet, that is when experience matters.

2.) It matters when you want to reassure worried Americans

3.) Yes, there are consistent solutions. The experts are giving them to him but he isn't listening.
1.) He hasn't been challenged yet, that is when experience matters.

2.) It matters when you want to reassure worried Americans

3.) Yes, there are consistent solutions. The experts are giving them to him but he isn't listening.
Physicians want to shut down the country ASAP. No
This is a medical problem. Listen to the people with the most experience in medicine.
If the medical experts ran the country, it would have been shutdown weeks ago. It’s not going to happen yet. Thank God for that
I just got off the phone with my 94yo grandmother and she said "This reminds me of when Polio was going around but back then people listened to the doctors."
I refuse to believe that Trump will be dumb enough to kill half a million people. I think all his talk is just to prop up the stock market so billionaires can sell before it all fall apart.
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The majority of people worldwide that contract this virus will recover without medical intervention, whether we confirm their case or not. People are going to see that the celebrities that had it are doing just fine and the athletes that had it are doing just fine and the other people in their friendship circles that got it are doing fine. That's where the balance point with this is, that you're going to have a large number of people that are seeing life move on for the overwhelming majority of covid-19 infected people and they're going to look at their basic necessities and they're going to be forced to make a decision. It's Maslow's hierarchy of needs at play; the physiological needs of food, water, warmth, and rest outweigh security and safety.

There is also a hell of a lot of noise in the numbers. In Italy, they're counting anyone that had a presumptive case of covid-19 and then died as a covid-19 death, regardless of the severity of covid. This is natural in an event that evolves this rapidly; no one is stopping to audit the diagnoses and determinations of death. We, the public, may not ever see the true numbers. Even if it is mainstream news, it'll be years later after a good amount of forensics. Not to mention that most of the models now do not take into account any development of treatments, mitigations, or vaccines.

Therein lies the problem with the numbers reported. A person with an advanced upper respiratory illness that contracts covid and dies falls into the category of death toll, when in reality that person had a high likelihood of death to begin with. It may sound cold hearted to say it this way, but it's like saying a person with advanced AIDS that succumbs to west-Nile virus died because of west-Nile.
If we are reopening in April cancel the stimulus. Why bailout the companies if we're going back to business as usual?

These ****ers are trying to get 2T and then work their employees literally to death at the same time.

The money is suposed to be to pay employees who are out of work. These people are crooked as shit.
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The majority of people worldwide that contract this virus will recover without medical intervention, whether we confirm their case or not. People are going to see that the celebrities that had it are doing just fine and the athletes that had it are doing just fine and the other people in their friendship circles that got it are doing fine. That's where the balance point with this is, that you're going to have a large number of people that are seeing life move on for the overwhelming majority of covid-19 infected people and they're going to look at their basic necessities and they're going to be forced to make a decision. It's Maslow's hierarchy of needs at play; the physiological needs of food, water, warmth, and rest outweigh security and safety.

There is also a hell of a lot of noise in the numbers. In Italy, they're counting anyone that had a presumptive case of covid-19 and then died as a covid-19 death, regardless of the severity of covid. This is natural in an event that evolves this rapidly; no one is stopping to audit the diagnoses and determinations of death. We, the public, may not ever see the true numbers. Even if it is mainstream news, it'll be years later after a good amount of forensics. Not to mention that most of the models now do not take into account any development of treatments, mitigations, or vaccines.
I was wondering how high the numbers would have to get before the “numbers are fake” brigade started working overtime.
No country is going to let our people into their country if we don't take this seriously and I don't blame them.
If the medical experts ran the country, it would have been shutdown weeks ago.
Exactly. And we'd all be better off for it.
It’s not going to happen yet. Thank God for that
How can you say such a thing? By "keeping the country running minus the really contagious places," do you really think that's going to make the economy better??!?

All it is going to accomplish is making sure the entire country becomes as overwhelmed with infected people like NY, Seattle, and Atlanta currently are. Pray tell, how will THAT help the economy?
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