UCF is acting like Micky Mouse U..

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And UCF happens to be a great story. David vs. Goliath on more than one level. Controversy in the CFP even before UCF beat Auburn. Two SEC teams in the CFP final that no one outside of Georgia and Alabama care about. Coach accepted job at Nebraska before the bowl game and comes back to coach it.

UCF This year is a great story!
You clearly don't give a damn about the game, judging by the lack of monetary and fan support for UCF that is true for the whole program.

UCF invests a fraction of what real programs do, they have fewer than half the fans and play inferior opponents.
The few fans UCF does have want charity, that is what they got this year.
I'm going to do my small part to see that the next New Years Day Bowl with a huge payoff goes to a more deserving team and program.
I'm betting the rest of REAL college football supporters are about ready to put you whining ingrates back in your place.

Lack of support?

UCF sold out their Peach Bowl allotment in less than 24 hours.

UCF doesn't get the millions that SEC teams do from TV contracts. Are you really this uninformed?

You need to get a better news service than the one you get in that trailer park.
Even your school president is acting like a silly brat.
I was really happy for Frost and UCF till you all started this punk campaign to discredit the championship game and the system itself.
If you don't like it, go away. Your program got more return on a pittance of investment than most, you should be proud and HAPPY, not act like a school of petulant children.
You may be happy to learn I'm going to do my part in making The NCAA and member schools realize there needs to be a cost to UCF for it's deliberate campaign to undermine our game.

Now, run along back to the little leagues where you belong Micky.
I'm sorry that we've taken this special moment from you. I wish your team luck tonight. Go get that asterisks!!
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Your bus pass school won it's first bowl 6 years ago.
UGA is spending more to put lockers inside Sanford Stadium than your HS field cost to build.
You think a small investment and beating other community college teams has earned you more than you've received when it's just the opposite.
You got a New Years Day bowl that PSU and several others were more deserving of, yet you ingrate children whine like spoiled brats.
I'm going to enjoy your slide back down to where you belong.
We also beat Georgia. Enjoy being routed by bama for the consolation game, nerd.
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You clearly don't give a damn about the game, judging by the lack of monetary and fan support for UCF that is true for the whole program.

UCF invests a fraction of what real programs do, they have fewer than half the fans and play inferior opponents.
The few fans UCF does have want charity, that is what they got this year.
I'm going to do my small part to see that the next New Years Day Bowl with a huge payoff goes to a more deserving team and program.
I'm betting the rest of REAL college football supporters are about ready to put you whining ingrates back in your place.

Go ahead and "Do your part". I'm sure you yield great power in this area. So great that you have go to the fan forum to let them know.....

Doesn't matter. Georgia gonne lose by 14 anyway.

UCF 2017 National Champs!!!!!!!!!!
You lightweights want to damage the game that gave you more than you earned.

You clearly don't give a damn about the game, judging by the lack of monetary and fan support for UCF that is true for the whole program.
Ummm, you need to check that. UCF outnumbered Auburn at the Peach. UCF's TV ratings have been solid since 2009.

UCF invests a fraction of what real programs do, they have fewer than half the fans and play inferior opponents.
Ummm, no. UCF gets $3M/year TV compared to $30M/P5 average. UCF's TV ratings are actually at median P5 now. So UCF with $30M/year instead of $3M/year, would be night'n day.

In fact, UCF's revenue argument is better than not only Boise's, but TCU's and Utah's. But don't let our facts get in the way of your assumptions.

Not bad for a program that has been playing football for less than 4 decades, and barely 2 at the FBS level. UCF was the youngest program to win a BCS bowl. Now it's the youngest program to win a CFP bowl too.

In fact ... name the P5 teams that have won two (2) New Year's Day Bowl Games in the last four (4) years? You can count them on one hand.

The few fans UCF does have want charity, that is what they got this year. I'm going to do my small part to see that the next New Years Day Bowl with a huge payoff goes to a more deserving team and program.
We'll also file this in, "Georgia won't play UCF" file, along with others.

I'm betting the rest of REAL college football supporters are about ready to put you whining ingrates back in your place.
Gee, I see a lot of whiners in here with us. ;)
You clearly don't give a damn about the game, judging by the lack of monetary and fan support for UCF that is true for the whole program.

UCF invests a fraction of what real programs do, they have fewer than half the fans and play inferior opponents.
The few fans UCF does have want charity, that is what they got this year.
I'm going to do my small part to see that the next New Years Day Bowl with a huge payoff goes to a more deserving team and program.
I'm betting the rest of REAL college football supporters are about ready to put you whining ingrates back in your place.

We are undefeated against Bama and the last time we played UGA we won easily.*
I'M contacting conferences, making an effort to have them see the importance of shunning UCF football to send a message.
You lightweights want to damage the game that gave you more than you earned.
The biggest joke is the UCF ''fan base''.
You people are too cheap to invest in the program or even show up at games. You're too chickenshit to play a big boy schedule yet you think the world owes you something.
What you deserve is for The NCAA to reserve the best bowls for programs that actually pull their weight. UCF is a cheap, disinterested program that got lucky and overachieved with a high school schedule.
Good luck getting another hand out like this year's Peach Bowl after biting the hand that feeds your cheap ass program.
The biggest joke is the UCF ''fan base''.
You people are too cheap to invest in the program or even show up at games.
Let me guess ... you saw one of the "10 minutes before the game" pictures ... and not at the "end of the 1st quarter," right?

You're too chickenshit to play a big boy schedule yet you think the world owes you something.
Are you talking to yourself? You mean Georgia is too chickensh-- to schedule UCF!
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You're right. We are like Mickey Mouse. We print money and people love us. The Campus of UCF is the happiest place on Earth.

You got a problem with that, scro ?
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Even your school president is acting like a silly brat.
I was really happy for Frost and UCF till you all started this punk campaign to discredit the championship game and the system itself.
If you don't like it, go away. Your program got more return on a pittance of investment than most, you should be proud and HAPPY, not act like a school of petulant children.
You may be happy to learn I'm going to do my part in making The NCAA and member schools realize there needs to be a cost to UCF for it's deliberate campaign to undermine our game.

Now, run along back to the little leagues where you belong Micky.

Let me guess ... you saw one of the "10 minutes before the game" pictures ... and not at the "end of the 1st quarter," right?

Are you talking to yourself? You mean Georgia is too chickensh-- to schedule UCF!

We play a major league schedule every single season. We also support and invest in the sport you lightweights want to both tear down and take charity from.
We play a major league schedule every single season.
No one says the SEC isn't. The ACC is very good too. The Big 10 as well.

The Big 12? The PAC 12? Er, umm, check out their SoS against the American. Heck, even RPI has the American better, and UCF's SoS better than Oklahoma.
But the NCAA only uses them for basketball, not football, unfortunately.

We also support and invest in the sport you lightweights want to both tear down and take charity from.
Then go off and form Division 4. See what the US DoJ thinks of that.

And what they do with your "non-profit" and "trust" status as a result. ;)
It's a cheap, nondescript commuter school for yokels.
The '70s thru '90s? Yes.

The '00s, let alone '10s? Not so much. We have more on-campus housing than anyone, and soon will have more than Florida and FSU ... combined.

Heck, some Ohio State fans made that claim, only to find out we're already overtaking them too ... before we even look at off-campus, University owned, housing too (which only gets worse for Ohio State).

Understand you are alienating the largest undergraduate university in the country that is still growing! Good job!
Sorry, I know MickEy is important to you people.
Believe it or not most people don't listen to that song after they turn 5.

Is it true when HS drop outs in GA go out to celebrate, you guys go to one of the 4 local Waffle Houses?

Guess where UCF Players go when they want to celebrate that is right in their backyard?

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Even your school president is acting like a silly brat.
I was really happy for Frost and UCF till you all started this punk campaign to discredit the championship game and the system itself.
If you don't like it, go away. Your program got more return on a pittance of investment than most, you should be proud and HAPPY, not act like a school of petulant children.
You may be happy to learn I'm going to do my part in making The NCAA and member schools realize there needs to be a cost to UCF for it's deliberate campaign to undermine our game.

Now, run along back to the little leagues where you belong Micky.
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The high school schedule including a beat down of Ga so you called your own school a high school .....epic fail Mensa
Good job in turning the whole UCF fan base against Georgia. I was kind of pulling for you guys but now it looks like I'm jumping on board with Bama...Roll Tide!

You don't have a ''fanbase'', worth considering, let alone worry about.
You are cheap people looking for a free ride.
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