Dude, you have perhaps the worst anger management issues of anyone on the board and you talk about your ever expanding gun collection and your stockpiling of ammo nearly every single week. Get outta here with that silliness.
I have no problem with 'preppers.' In fact, if the
'fits hit the shan,' he's the first guy you'll go to for food and protection.
That's what gets me about Progressives, they never take the responsibility of freedom seriously, and just want to inhibit the most responsible, most self-sufficient, Americans.
It's the same reason I like to hang out with people who conceal carry. If I go into an establishment with them, I feel much safer.
Now ...
where a critically thinking Liberal differentiates themselves from a Progressive here is pointing out this fact ...
I have had to tell my conservative friends that "concealed carry" wouldn't have done squat in this situation. Firing up at someone 300m+ away is something you need a rifle for, and ideally a 6mm+ round too. And few disagree.
Even one of the country music artists have pointed this out. But, still, only 2% of crimes committed in the US are with rifles. So for the other 98% of cases, "concealed carry" is still very viable.