What Republican contenders could you actually see winning the nomination?

I think the only ones who have a chance are Trump, Carson, Bush and Christie. Trump didn't come off great last night. Carson seems a little to meek. Bush was the seasoned politician he is. Christie scored points for trying to call off the dick waving contest the moderator was drumming up and Trump and Fiorina were getting into.
Agreed with Rubio or fiorna being a good vp choice. At this point, I'd be willing to run Romney again.

Bush needs to stop acting like his idiot brother and get it together.
He'll tell us how in two weeks. He thinks we'll really like it.

Kasich, Bush, Rubio, slim chance Fiorina (she or Rubio will end up being VP).
Trump and Carson have been riding the anti-establishment surge to the top spots in the polls and Kasich decides he's going to pound his long years of Washington service. If that doesn't say out-of-touch and inability to adjust strategy, I don't know what does.
The outsider/fringe guys always do well in the beginning. We still have 5 months until the first primary. Trump is going to have to come up with substantive plans if he wants to stay at the top. He can't keep it up with the one liners. I honestly don't think he really wants to be POTUS, he's just enjoying the influence he's having on everything.

I agree on Kasich though, I'm sort of starting to like him but I cringe every time he goes on his architect of the balanced budget spiel.
Any of them.

Clinton is the worst candidate in modern history, a walking scandal, and is generally disliked by everyone. Even Democrats that I know reluctantly hold their nose while admitting they'll "probably" vote for her.
My first choice would be Fiorna, second would be Rubio now that Walker is dead. I would vote for Trump over any democrat in the field today.
As I said, the winners last night was
Rubio, Fiorina, Christie, & Kasich.
Trump had a so/so debate, yet they attacked him the entire 1st half.
Jeb! was asleep then became better..
Cruz was not bad,
Carson was good, but I think he can single handedly solve Insomnia throughout the country..
His State of the Union would have everyone asleep in 10 min.

Walker, Huckabee, and Paul need to just get out, they are not even worth it..

As for who can come out and be a force..
Jeb Bush is a Bush.. Power just in the name, and at the same time he has to overcome the name.
Rubio I think still has a good chance, remember we are MONTHS away from voting.. I think for the GOP it is best the Media does not attack their candidate for a long time.. Trump is good to take the bullets for the GOP.
Kasich is a Moderate, and I think would have the best chance of knocking off any of the 3 main Dem candidates. Including Biden. .
As of now a Castro is a VP for the Dems. or Sen. Booker..

I think a Rubio/Kasich, or Kasich/Rubio Ticket would be really good.
Christie maybe a longshot, but he was very good last night, and he is also a moderate.
the GOP needs a Moderate to have a chance..

Hillary will beat Everyone, but maybe a Kasich/Rubio ticket can have enough moderates and independents vote GOP.
Bernie is the interesting one.. If he comes out as the nominee.. The key is College kids will actually vote..

And again we are a ways away from Iowa and NH actually voting..
Lol everyone, but Paul will lose in the general. Fiorina is just a loud little interrupting cvnt to foil Trump to entertain us. Caitlyn Jenners penis has more substance than this field save Paul who actually wants to help the poor by not incarcerating all of them.
It's amusing that anyone thinks that Hillary would win. She is struggling against an old socialist. She has not even been attacked by the money yet. We have yet to see how dirty she really is, but we will.
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Lol everyone, but Paul will lose in the general. Fiorina is just a loud little interrupting cvnt to foil Trump to entertain us. Caitlyn Jenners penis has more substance than this field save Paul who actually wants to help the poor by not incarcerating all of them.

Poor people are stupid. But not as stupid as Rand fukcing Paul and his racist, alarmist daddy.
Lol everyone, but Paul will lose in the general. Fiorina is just a loud little interrupting cvnt to foil Trump to entertain us. Caitlyn Jenners penis has more substance than this field save Paul who actually wants to help the poor by not incarcerating all of them.


Color me shocked to find you hate everyone but Rand Paul. I'm actually surprised since he's trying to be more mainstream than his idiot, racist father. In fact he proposed raising the defense budget. I'm sure Ron Paul spanked him for that, in between his racist rants.
I love the Ron Paul commercials during these debates though. THE WORLD IS GOING TO END!!!
It's always the name calling. it's never let's look at what clearly differentiates Rand & realize he can win the swing states whereas you people want to roll out the same ol same ol GOP base primary election say anything appeaser who will lose again to the gimme my free shit crowd in the general.

It'll be easy for the Dems to defeat all of these candidates except Rand since there's so much ammo to call them a gay basher, rich guy, etc.

Latest debate was classic: Trump immediately goes after the only candidate who is more than marginally different, Chris Christie fear mongering, fat Huck talking all war on health problems w no mention of obesity, Trump trolling Bush, Carly & Carson, do more of same foreign policy & expect different results. Meanwhile Rand calmly stands there sticking up for the Constitution, individual liberties, get rid of penalties that hurt poor people way worse than Jeb Kush, not interrupting like a little "look at me" insecure bitch to cater to telling voters the GOP can & does take for granted what they want to hear.

At the end of the day the powers at be wont let Rand anywhere near a primary victory. Presidents r selected not elected. As you were w maintaining & fighting for politics as usual.
Rand's last name hurts him more than anything else. He'd be up there IMO if it weren't for his father. I mean he's running looney toon conspiracy theorist click bait infomercials during the debate, that is hurting Rand a lot.
Haven't seen one in months, but for the most part I don't watch commercials was on about 2-3 minute DVR buffer for the debates to breeze thru.
Your last sentence is why people laugh at what you say.

If people wanted Rand to win, they'd f*cking vote for him. Same with Ron PAul. This is the problem with "libertarians" like you- it's NEVER the fact that people simply don't want to elect them. No- it's always THE SYSTEM! to blame for the continual failure of people named Paul.

The boogeyman is out to get freedom loving people!!!!!!!!!!!
This same awesome system gave the GOP back to back Ls in the past two general presidential elections, but keep nominating cuckservatives:

I really do not see it being easy for any GOP candidate to seriously Beat Hillary, Biden, or Bernie at this point..
do the Math.. 270.. It is not easy for the GOP..
Have some fun..
My Toss-ups are FLA, Virginia. Michigan, Ohio, Arizona, Colorado, New Hampshire, North Carolina.. & The GOP has to win all of them almost..

How are you still on the Democrat band wagon when they all support destroying Israel?
Chris Christie strikes me as the best chance for a fiscal conservative in the white house. I didn't like how Carly Fiorina was pandering to the military complex. Jeb is too much of a politician. Carsen - not enough experience in politics or business.

I liked Rubio for his out of the box answer on immigration reform, and Commander in Chief. I also thought Trump had the best answers around being able to work with world leaders. So between Rubio, Trump and Chris Christie for me right now.
Christy has 0 chance. and he is no conservative. His love fest with Obama ruined his chance.

Trump has to win early, as people start dropping out he will have a tougher go. Of course I do like his normal answer that he will look at this that and many other things.

Bush is still the insiders choice, and it is too early to count him out, though I personally hope he is done.

Rubio seems to be holding his own in the top 1/3 to 1/2, and may be a good compromise pick for a lot of people, Sort of inside the establishment, with some fairly solid conservative values. He likely gives Reps Fla which has been a problem. If he could win, Kasich or Fiorina, as a running mate, could be a tough nut for the Dems to beat.

1ofTheseKnights said:
This same awesome system gave the GOP back to back Ls in the past two general presidential elections, but keep nominating cuckservatives:

The Reps didn't nominate conservatives, they did the party insiders that Washington wanted. Had Romney gotten the same # of Rep party voters that Mc Cain did, he would have won. Romney won the independents last time, the Dems turned out their base, and the Reps turned off their base.
Good Walker sucks ass. Meanwhile Rand just won a straw poll in MI, but you won't see that on your Cuckservative blogs nor your Faux News. Just how zany Trump is & how sassy Carly is.

I Side Withs are cool this time of year. Enjoy seeing "liberal" people with a commie leading their I Side With with Rand scoring in the 70%s similarly seeing some "conservative" with Rand in the 80%s
They are all morons. If they could keep their mouth shut, one of them may have a chance. This week it was the comment about a muslim becoming president, we'll see what happens next week
I think a Rubio/Kasich, or Kasich/Rubio Ticket would be really good.

I really think Rubio/Kasich is the ticket, Although I like Kasich more at the Pres. he is more of a moderate, and may win more independents, which is needed to beat the Dems.

**Free Advice, quit with the Planned Parenthood BS, it is Women's Healthcare they also help prevent more abortions with Birth Control.. Also If you are against Abortion, then stop being against helping people when they are born.. Only 3% of what they do is Abortion, and none of their Gov't Funds go towards that!

Also Climate Change.. 97% of Scientists say Climate Change is real, and is likely caused by humans....
We have too much of a carbon footprint.. We need both parties to lower emissions, and have cleaner energy sources..

As of now I foresee another issue coming up..
If I was a foreign leader, & had somewhat of a powerful army, knowing the lame duck Pacifist will do nothing, I would potentially start as many wars as I could, knowing the US would not back its Alliances.. and would not back its military power, leaving the next President in a world at war....
If I was China, Russia, Brazil, Argentina, Iran, and North Korea, I would use the USA's weakness as a time for gaining strength. Gain more land, resources.. Remember resources = $$$
and $$$ = Power..
97% of scientist used to believe in the big bang as well.
2nd now every one has health care, there is no reason to give planned parenthood any money. Let them stand on their own as they should.
Kasich is too inside the beltway, to be good for top of tix. Reps need a solid conservative not a Rino progressive. Rubio/kasich in that order might be a tough tix to beat.
Lock up Fla and Ohio, U have a big step in the right direction.
**Free Advice, quit with the Planned Parenthood BS, it is Women's Healthcare .

Shut-up, Mach. It isn't women's healthcare. Healthcare is like 10% of their overall business. It exists solely so that women can be ho's and when the screw up, they can get their mistake euthanized. It should be called Contraception and Baby Killing Services.