When government runs social media


Golden Knight
Gold Member
Sep 17, 2003
Cullowhee, NC
It will be amazing! No more pesky fake news, bad ideas and once and for all the American people will be on the same page together, united by the official government censors ,I mean truth managers. This week is the start of something great when only official ideas and thought are approved by my trust worthy and nobel government. I am glad they are here to help,keep me safe and now manage my thoughts and what I can see. They are saving me from myself and for that I thank you.
It will be amazing! No more pesky fake news, bad ideas and once and for all the American people will be on the same page together, united by the official government censors ,I mean truth managers. This week is the start of something great when only official ideas and thought are approved by my trust worthy and nobel government. I am glad they are here to help,keep me safe and now manage my thoughts and what I can see. They are saving me from myself and for that I thank you.
Yeah, those government-sympathizing "truth managers" are leading us down the "Marxist" path, right guys? :rolleyes:

Believe it or not, those commies are STILL spewing a whole bunch of leftist propaganda such as: the COVID-19 vaccines DO WORK; that Trump DID LOSE last November's election to Joe Biden; and there WAS an attempted insurrection at the Capitol back in January to 'stop the steal' inspired by the Orange man.

We don't need this kind of devious government-orchestrated mind-control to get everybody "on the same page" right guys?
😂 😂 😂
Yeah, those government-sympathizing "truth managers" are leading us down the "Marxist" path, right guys? :rolleyes:

Believe it or not, those commies are STILL spewing a whole bunch of leftist propaganda such as: the COVID-19 vaccines DO WORK; that Trump DID LOSE last November's election to Joe Biden; and there WAS an attempted insurrection at the Capitol back in January to 'stop the steal' inspired by the Orange man.

We don't need this kind of devious government-orchestrated mind-control to get everybody "on the same page" right guys?
😂 😂 😂
^^^^^^^ has learned nothing from history
^^^^^^^ has learned nothing from history
Like I said before, right-wing idiots have been telling us for over 75 years that the commies were going to take over.

This is nothing new from scared old white guys like y'all.
The usual gang here loves to proclaim -- with self-righteous anger -- that the government is ...gasp!...'controlling the message.'

But when you ask what message the government is supposedly controlling:
  • Is it that the Covid-19 vaccines work?
  • Is it that Trump lost the election fair and square?
  • Is it that some knuckleheads did break into the Capitol in a stupid attempt to disrupt the certification of the EC vote?
What do we get in response?

Uh, let's not talk about THAT, did you know Biden ordered Twitter to ban Alex Berenson??!? :) :) :)
The usual gang here loves to proclaim -- with self-righteous anger -- that the government is ...gasp!...'controlling the message.'

But when you ask what message the government is supposedly controlling:
  • Is it that the Covid-19 vaccines work?
  • Is it that Trump lost the election fair and square?
  • Is it that some knuckleheads did break into the Capitol in a stupid attempt to disrupt the certification of the EC vote?
What do we get in response?

Uh, let's not talk about THAT, did you know Biden ordered Twitter to ban Alex Berenson??!? :) :) :)
Do you know why they call it the "Spanish Flu"?
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The usual gang here loves to proclaim -- with self-righteous anger -- that the government is ...gasp!...'controlling the message.'

But when you ask what message the government is supposedly controlling:
  • Is it that the Covid-19 vaccines work?
  • Is it that Trump lost the election fair and square?
  • Is it that some knuckleheads did break into the Capitol in a stupid attempt to disrupt the certification of the EC vote?

What do we get in response?

Uh, let's not talk about THAT, did you know Biden ordered Twitter to ban Alex Berenson??!? :) :) :)

You guys FAIL to see the point here in my sarcasm. I have zero issues with the government having an official position on ANYTHING. I want my government to have positions. The issue is government leaning on private industry, in this case social media, and getting them to censor opinions and ideas contrary to what the government bureacrats think is right. Government has no authority to suggest what's acceptable speech and ideas should be . It's a limit placed upon it in the Constitution. I have the right to say COVID came from a lab in Wuhan and I don't trust MRNA technology. I have that right and the government does not have the right to silence that opinion. Whether I am right or wrong , it's not the place of government to silence desenting views. I could be totally wrong if I held that view.. It's wrong in the United States of America for government to lean on social media to squash views it doesn't like. I don't care what those views are or how whacked they may be, the United States Federal government when it does so is violating the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

That's my point here. they are not empowered to silence views and opinions they don't like. If you guys on the left accept this then I ask you, who decides what's acceptable and what's not? Who makes the call here? Is it Biden is it you Chemmie or Shuck? That's not a free society when one side gets to silence anything they don't like or agree with here and in my opinion some in government think COVID gives them a license to step on civil rights and ignore the Constitution. It doesn't . The Constitution and the limits placed on government don't go away because of virus and my civil rights are not shelved because of it. That's my argument here.

China dictates what their subjects can see ,what they can't see and only allows opinions that agree with the state . Do you gentlemen want that here in America ? I am in my 50s,earned two college degrees in the hard sciences and I think I can discern for myself whether to follow the advice of , I don't know my own doctor , or listen to a bunch of nitwits on the internet with their thousands of opinions . I don't need or want government silencing people because they don't like what the government says or does. I don't know about you folks but I don't want to live in China nor do I want their ideas creeping into my country.
It's wrong in the United States of America for government to lean on social media to squash views it doesn't like. I don't care what those views are or how whacked they may be, the United States Federal government when it does so is violating the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
First, it's not the Federal government "squashing views," its the owners of the various social media platforms. Two, the issue isn't stifling 'dissenting' views, it's squashing DANGEROUS views. If some idiot yells 'FIRE!' in a crowded movie theatre, the owner has every right to kick the SOB out.
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First, it's not the Federal government "squashing views," its the owners of the various social media platforms. Two, the issue isn't stifling 'dissenting' views, it's squashing DANGEROUS views. If some idiot yells 'FIRE!' in a crowded movie theatre, the owner has every right to kick the SOB out.
I'm, second , the government should not be leaning on them. Again, you say it's a dangerous view.

I don't like the speed limit . About 38,000 people die in car accidents every year . Is my view now dangerous?

You say they are dangerous. Problem is free speech wasn't put in place to protect views and ideas we all agree with . it's put into place to protect speech on the fringe and yes dangerous speech. I think Facebook can do what ever it wants, though they go from being a platform to a publisher when they regulate speech. The government needs to keep it's mouth closed.

I am not afraid of bad ideas and "dangerous speech". If an idiot yells fire in a movie theater I have the brains to ascertain do I smell smoke, are the fire alarms going off? I don't need to panic or listen to that idiot. This movie and fire argument is a red herring .

Again, who is the arbiter here of what dangerous is, what truth is? Goebbels was a great arbiter of truth . Stalin was an arbiter of truth. Mau is another one too. CNN and Fox News are other great arbiters or truth. Government should stay miles away from suggesting to social media what they should and should not clamp down on here . period.
Why can't you idiots understand fact versus fiction?
Nobody is trying to "silence views and opinions they don't like." That is preposterous.

Print, radio, television, films... Every pther form of media has regulations about publishing false and misleading information. Newspapers and radio stations can't just report any false information they want.
We are now figuring out that people, and hostile governmemts, are using the internet and social media to report false information. That would be illegal using any other form of media. This is the issue.
So, get your heads out of your asses and stop pretending the commies are coming to get you.
Right-wing idiots believe dumbass false information and they they get mad when people try to help them from believing dumbass false information. We're trying to help you morons!!!
Why can't you idiots understand fact versus fiction?
Nobody is trying to "silence views and opinions they don't like." That is preposterous.

Print, radio, television, films... Every pther form of media has regulations about publishing false and misleading information. Newspapers and radio stations can't just report any false information they want.
We are now figuring out that people, and hostile governmemts, are using the internet and social media to report false information. That would be illegal using any other form of media. This is the issue.
So, get your heads out of your asses and stop pretending the commies are coming to get you.
you're funny . The media doesn't report false information. Where do I start?

Duke Lacrosse players raped a lady! Media is all over that ,but wait turns out forensics and such indicate that lady was making it up. They skewered those kids ,lied about and walked away Scott free.

The Media hangs Richard Jewell totally out to dry. They try and convict an innocent man. They destroy his life and they were totally wrong.

The Ferguson Missouri cop shooting. They run with total bull crap for weeks. Obama pipes in Eric Holder pipes in and they were ALL WRONG. Forensics and science prove the cop was right and the victim was wrong . The media destroyed that man's life and was totally wrong.

That kid from Covington Kentucky, the smirked kid. Turns out he was innocent ,the extended video proves he did nothing and the media lied,edited video and again attempted to ruin the kids life, but he fought back and sued the crap out those scum bags and got settlement after settlement.

I could go on,but the American press routinely gets it wrong, misreports facts and doesn't do their job worth a crap. I don't like it when my government doesn't abide by the law that set it up and ignores restrictions placed on it by the law regardless of how Nobel it thinks it's being.

I guess you guys are fine with internment when FDR denied due process rights to tens of thousands of Japanese Americans. I mean they could have been dangerous. I guess you're ok with the NSA getting all your cell phone,text and email meta data tracking every text ,phone call and email message because there might be dangerous ideas in them?

I stand for civil liberties, personal liberty, personal responsibility and for the Constitution and Bill of Rights. I squarely stand on those ideals and principles and even if you guys believe different things I will defend your rights to disagree with me,with my ideas and I will defend your right to have your own ideas ,your own life and your liberty as you see fit.

Chemmie, I don't fear commies. I will gladly debate and take them on. I want them to espouse their ideas. I want them to be truthful of who they truly are. I can stand here and say I want you to be free ,free from government intrusion,free to succeed and free to fail, free to marry who ever you want and free to disagree. Commies on the other can't be truthful of what they truly want or who they truly are especially here because most of us would say F-off you idiot. lol
you're funny . The media doesn't report false information. Where do I start?

Duke Lacrosse players raped a lady! Media is all over that ,but wait turns out forensics and such indicate that lady was making it up. They skewered those kids ,lied about and walked away Scott free.

The Media hangs Richard Jewell totally out to dry. They try and convict an innocent man. They destroy his life and they were totally wrong.

The Ferguson Missouri cop shooting. They run with total bull crap for weeks. Obama pipes in Eric Holder pipes in and they were ALL WRONG. Forensics and science prove the cop was right and the victim was wrong . The media destroyed that man's life and was totally wrong.

That kid from Covington Kentucky, the smirked kid. Turns out he was innocent ,the extended video proves he did nothing and the media lied,edited video and again attempted to ruin the kids life, but he fought back and sued the crap out those scum bags and got settlement after settlement.

I could go on,but the American press routinely gets it wrong, misreports facts and doesn't do their job worth a crap. I don't like it when my government doesn't abide by the law that set it up and ignores restrictions placed on it by the law regardless of how Nobel it thinks it's being.

I guess you guys are fine with internment when FDR denied due process rights to tens of thousands of Japanese Americans. I mean they could have been dangerous. I guess you're ok with the NSA getting all your cell phone,text and email meta data tracking every text ,phone call and email message because there might be dangerous ideas in them?

I stand for civil liberties, personal liberty, personal responsibility and for the Constitution and Bill of Rights. I squarely stand on those ideals and principles and even if you guys believe different things I will defend your rights to disagree with me,with my ideas and I will defend your right to have your own ideas ,your own life and your liberty as you see fit.

Chemmie, I don't fear commies. I will gladly debate and take them on. I want them to espouse their ideas. I want them to be truthful of who they truly are. I can stand here and say I want you to be free ,free from government intrusion,free to succeed and free to fail, free to marry who ever you want and free to disagree. Commies on the other can't be truthful of what they truly want or who they truly are especially here because most of us would say F-off you idiot. lol
Jesus Christ, man. You are a walkin', talkin", Tucker Carlson lovin', old white man, cliche.
Like I said before, right-wing idiots have been telling us for over 75 years that the commies were going to take over.

This is nothing new from scared old white guys like y'all.
Along with plenty of Democrats for 45 of those years. But now the Democrats have just moved to saying it's the Fascists, and keep trying to explain how they advocate Socialism, not Communism, even though plenty of Europeans point out its actually Communism, not Socialism, they are advocating.

HINT: It's always been both Fascism and Communism that's the problem.
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Here's the real, new slogan of both sides ... 'Stop the Kill!'

That's what I'm calling it from now on. And plenty of Conservatives are on board too with Progressives. Different 'teams,' but same attitude.

They say we've gotta 'Stop the Kill!' so we can 'End the Restrictions!'

You know what I see?

Endless restrictions, goal posts moving, more blame. 18 months of it, and so few who actually understand how various immunoglobulins work, and why it's not working.

So done with both sides at this point.
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Jesus Christ, man. You are a walkin', talkin", Tucker Carlson lovin', old white man, cliche.
I guess that makes you Rachel Madow or Jim Acosta ? lol.

Dude, and I mean Dude with all due respect , I am politically independent. I am what you could describe as conservatarian. I don't like the left and the so called Republicans are feckless spineless people who don't fight. The news media sucks. They are largely in the tank for the Progressives along with social media. They are not honest brokers of information. you are kidding yourself if you think American journalism is alive and well.

I did watch the watch the Richard Jewell movie and the Netflix series on the unibomber and yes the press was totally committing journalistic malpractice there.

lastly, who is this Tucker Carlson you speak of ? Weird, I don't watch cable news and I think the last time I watched Fox Bill O'Riley worked there. lol.
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Here's the real, new slogan of both sides ... 'Stop the Kill!'

That's what I'm calling it from now on. And plenty of Conservatives are on board too with Progressives. Different 'teams,' but same attitude.

They say we've gotta 'Stop the Kill!' so we can 'End the Restrictions!'

You know what I see?

Endless restrictions, goal posts moving, more blame. 18 months of it, and so few who actually understand how various immunoglobulins work, and why it's not working.

So done with both sides at this point.

My thread was really about the idea of the government putting a it's finger on social media to get them to silence viewpoints the government doesn't like.

However, when ever politics intersects medicine or science. politics wins . Covid had been politicized . That's the problem . I read a local news story out of Mass posted on a boating forum dockside chat from a NBC affiliate about the rise of deaths in folks vacinated in Massachusetts. It's interesting. I don't disagree with you though. we should all be on the sane page with the desire to end the virus .

lastly, I heard on the XM that NFL is going all in on woke stuff with names of victims from police shootings on helmets and playing the black national anthem and so forth. When politics intersects sports, politics wins which means sports loses. I don't watch pro sports or the NFL but this woke choice will backfire in my opinion,but that's another water cooler thread .lol.
I guess that makes you Rachel Madow or Jim Acosta ? lol.

Dude, and I mean Dude with all due respect , I am politically independent. I am what you could describe as conservatarian. I don't like the left and the so called Republicans are feckless spineless people who don't fight. The news media sucks. They are largely in the tank for the Progressives along with social media. They are not honest brokers of information. you are kidding yourself if you think American journalism is alive and well.

I did watch the watch the Richard Jewell movie and the Netflix series on the unibomber and yes the press was totally committing journalistic malpractice there.

lastly, who is this Tucker Carlson you speak of ? Weird, I don't watch cable news and I think the last time I watched Fox Bill O'Riley worked there. lol.

What about this? What about that? Blah, blah, blah. All of your "what abouts" aren't relevant, and it is just mindless whining.

Bottom line: every other media source is regulated to try to prevent the spread of deliberately false ideas and lies.
This movie and fire argument is a red herring .
It is? If I own a movie theatre or a bar, I don’t have the right to kick out any batshit crazy who is scaring my other customers? Your whole argument hinges on government control. If the big, bad government was so hellbent on mind control, vaccinations would be required. But they’re not, so you’re left with nothing more than ‘I have no proof but I know the government IS INFLUENCING social media!!!’
Again, who is the arbiter here of what dangerous is, what truth is?
Once upon a time, the truth was readily evident and acknowledged by even our leaders hurt by it. After the Nixon tapes surfaced, nobody in government said the WaterGate cover-up was fake, when polio was ravenging the country, nobody called the life-saving vaccine a hoax, and when AIDS hit, nobody was saying the government was sticking its health care nose where it didn’t belong.

If reasonable people can’t reasonably agree on a set of governing laws and a prudent response to a public health crisis, the alternative isn’t ‘freedom,’ it’s chaos.
My thread was really about the idea of the government putting a it's finger on social media to get them to silence viewpoints the government doesn't like.

However, when ever politics intersects medicine or science. politics wins . Covid had been politicized . That's the problem . I read a local news story out of Mass posted on a boating forum dockside chat from a NBC affiliate about the rise of deaths in folks vacinated in Massachusetts. It's interesting. I don't disagree with you though. we should all be on the sane page with the desire to end the virus .

lastly, I heard on the XM that NFL is going all in on woke stuff with names of victims from police shootings on helmets and playing the black national anthem and so forth. When politics intersects sports, politics wins which means sports loses. I don't watch pro sports or the NFL but this woke choice will backfire in my opinion,but that's another water cooler thread .lol.
More whining.
The NFL, Twitter, Facebook, and gay-hating bakers, can still run their businesses the way they want. You're just crying because you don't like the message. Stop bitching so much. You old farts are incessant.
It is? If I own a movie theatre or a bar, I don’t have the right to kick out any batshit crazy who is scaring my other customers? Your whole argument hinges on government control. If the big, bad government was so hellbent on mind control, vaccinations would be required. But they’re not, so you’re left with nothing more than ‘I have no proof but I know the government IS INFLUENCING social media!!!’

Once upon a time, the truth was readily evident and acknowledged by even our leaders hurt by it. After the Nixon tapes surfaced, nobody in government said the WaterGate cover-up was fake, when polio was ravenging the country, nobody called the life-saving vaccine a hoax, and when AIDS hit, nobody was saying the government was sticking its health care nose where it didn’t belong.

If reasonable people can’t reasonably agree on a set of governing laws and a prudent response to a public health crisis, the alternative isn’t ‘freedom,’ it’s chaos.

Dude, my thread isn't about the vacine or the government having an official position . It's about government leaning on social media to silence people it doesn't agree with and yes in this case it's about Covid. I didn't like the Patriot Act when they violated our 4th Amendment rights collecting data on all of us. It's bigger than Covid ,it's the government pushing or attempting to use pressure to silence people's opinions .

Look, I think the vacines are working. I have no issue with the government encouraging it . I don't have an issue with government trying to get people who are reluctant to get vacinated. I do have an issue with the government politicizing it. Like politicians sayings it's all Republicans who don't want it. In science it's rarely all or nothing. it's hyperbole. Second, if you are on the left why do you care if a bunch of stupid republicans don't want to get vacinated and end up dead? you hate them anyway right? If you're vacinated why do you care? you're good to go.

Then you have politicians and some doctors making blanket medical advice and applying it to everyone. I would have a lot more respect for these people if they said hey in general do this and then say you really need to consult with your doctor . Why? well some people taking vacines is a real issue . my son who is 22 had a massive stroke when he was 24 days old. His brain bless out and it destroyed his occipital lobe . He is severely disabled and blind. I have had more specialist for him than you can shake a stick at. he has had spinal surgery, hip reconstruction surgery, tibia surgey and some other surgeries all before he was 12. Kyle has never had two vacines due their risks for seizures and some other neurological issues. We consulted neurologists and his primary care pediatrician on these matters, not the internet, not Republicans,not Democrats, not the government,but his doctors. That's how it should be. I have consulted his doctors about being vacinated for covid and I didn't get ,yah go for it, no problems. I got we just don't know . There are risks to these vacines and there is a risk to Covid .

Lastly,I worked in government for a few years. Y'all seem to inherently trust government. I inherently am skeptical of it. I am skeptical of those wanting power over my life. Government us not always right and it's not the ultimate authority over me or my life.
More whining.
The NFL, Twitter, Facebook, and gay-hating bakers, can still run their businesses the way they want. You're just crying because you don't like the message. Stop bitching so much. You old farts are incessant.
I don't give a rats ass about their message . I have a brain and ability to think for myself. I care about liberty . I care about them stepping on your rights and mine. I care about government knowing it's place and the limits the law places on their power.

The NFL can do what ever the hell it wants. What ever. no skin off of my back.

Chemmie, I believe you have the freedom to be you and I have the freedom to be free from you. live and let let live brother ...
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Dude, my thread isn't about the vacine or the government having an official position . It's about government leaning on social media to silence people it doesn't agree with and yes in this case it's about Covid.

Look, I think the vacines are working. I have no issue with the government encouraging it . I don't have an issue with government trying to get people who are reluctant to get vacinated. I do have an issue with the government politicizing it.
It's YOU and people like you are the ones 'politicizing' it with your "the government ain't telling ME what to do!" attitude. If everyone acted responsibly by getting a vaccine shot, we'd put this damn pandemic behind us. It's attitudes like yours that is destined to keep it here.
Like politicians sayings it's all Republicans who don't want it. In science it's rarely all or nothing. it's hyperbole. Second, if you are on the left why do you care if a bunch of stupid republicans don't want to get vacinated and end up dead? you hate them anyway right? If you're vaccinated why do you care? you're good to go.
For the umpteen time, we've been dealing with a highly contagious disease for crying out loud! And, get this, we've been blessed with vaccines that -- if people jump on board -- will ultimately eradicate it and end this back-and-forth, mask/no mask craziness.

This is not some 'my right to do what I want' BS. What you do affects me and my loved ones and vise versa. We're all in this together -- which is what, apparently, is eating you up. We live in a society that is built upon literally thousands of universal beliefs and understandings.....but taking a life-saving vaccine is where it crosses the line for you? Give me a break.
How can we even have liberty if people can’t post lies on faceberg and tweeter?
Today's right-wing platform:
Spread lies and false information and ignore facts
Claim the media and higher education are the problem, and spreading lies
Suppress voters
Scare people with 75+ year old commie boogiemen
Trigger those scared people with racial discourse
Keep lining the pockets of the ultra-wealthy

You guys should be proud.
It's YOU and people like you are the ones 'politicizing' it with your "the government ain't telling ME what to do!" attitude. If everyone acted responsibly by getting a vaccine shot, we'd put this damn pandemic behind us. It's attitudes like yours that is destined to keep it here.

For the umpteen time, we've been dealing with a highly contagious disease for crying out loud! And, get this, we've been blessed with vaccines that -- if people jump on board -- will ultimately eradicate it and end this back-and-forth, mask/no mask craziness.

This is not some 'my right to do what I want' BS. What you do affects me and my loved ones and vise versa. We're all in this together -- which is what, apparently, is eating you up. We live in a society that is built upon literally thousands of universal beliefs and understandings.....but taking a life-saving vaccine is where it crosses the line for you? Give me a break.
You and your loved ones are all vaccinated. Nothing that anyone else does can affect you.
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It's YOU and people like you are the ones 'politicizing' it with your "the government ain't telling ME what to do!" attitude.
Then how you explain the people, even doctors, going against the US FDA, US CDC and now even WHO recommendations?!

That's the problem, it's Pro-Vaxxers now as much as Anti-Vaxxers!

If everyone acted responsibly by getting a vaccine shot, we'd put this damn pandemic behind us. It's attitudes like yours that is destined to keep it here.
Even if the IgG-predominant vaccines don't stop the spread/secondary transmission because they don't sterlize the upper respiratory tract and produce more IgA and IgM antibodies?!

How many times does have to be said by the US NIH and select media outlets since mid-2020 and again this year ... mRNA vaccines are NOT designed to stop the spread, but only boost your blood to fight it yourself.

People need to stop being 3rd graders and understand NOTHING has been shown that mRNA vaccines reduce the spread effectively, and there's not just the original 'design' aspect we always knew, but a growing MOUND of evidence that they do NOT.

That's why this isn't stopping, even after the Israelis broke 60% and then 70% before the Delta variant arrived.
I did watch the watch the Richard Jewell movie and the Netflix series on the unibomber and yes the press was totally committing journalistic malpractice there.
Yep. Same goes for Ruby Ridge and Waco. It's amazing how many people forget things they said and did.

Same with the Covington Kids, Duke lacrosse team, et al.

lastly, who is this Tucker Carlson you speak of ? Weird, I don't watch cable news and I think the last time I watched Fox Bill O'Riley worked there. lol.
Carlson is the new Beck, maybe with a bit of O'Reilly. The only thing I'll give Carlson credit for is that he'll actually talk about real, European Socialism, and not the Communism that Americans think is Socialism. He'll actually provide viewpoints even others on Fox News, or the US Media, will never.

But I disagree with him as much as I do Beck, or O'Reilly. The only reason I even watch him is that he's on TVs in various areas or airports I'm in. If I could change one thing about him, it would be to remove his opinion ... but that's the case of all journalists these days.

In fact, I probably would love Carlson if he just never stated his opinion. Because, again, he has people on, and covers real people, that the US Media and Fox News won't. Real socialists, real issues, real problems that even the GOP cause too, not just the DNC.
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The usual gang here loves to proclaim -- with self-righteous anger -- that the government is ...gasp!...'controlling the message.'

But when you ask what message the government is supposedly controlling:
  • Is it that the Covid-19 vaccines work?
Do they stop spread/secondary transmission?

  • Is it that Trump lost the election fair and square?
There are a lot of small business owners shutdown while they saw big businesses do exactly what they were doing. Jan 6th was wrong, but a lot of Americans are trustrated.

Even Warren Buffet said this was grossly unfair and through no fault of their own. That's the real issue.

  • Is it that some knuckleheads did break into the Capitol in a stupid attempt to disrupt the certification of the EC vote?
What do we get in response?
Uh, let's not talk about THAT, did you know Biden ordered Twitter to ban Alex Berenson??!? :) :) :)
You'll never find any evidence. But when the White House Press 'Czar' is complaining about Big Tech not being like Standard Oil and banning everyone a single one of them bans, that pretty much says what the White House wants.

Think about that from a 1st Amendment standpoint. The White House just stated that all of Big Tech should collude to deny anyone and everyone a voice that just one individual organization thinks should be banned.

That's the thing ... the Biden administration is just as bad as the Trump administration.
Yep. Same goes for Ruby Ridge and Waco. It's amazing how many people forget things they said and did.

Same with the Covington Kids, Duke lacrosse team, et al.

Carlson is the new Beck, maybe with a bit of O'Reilly. The only thing I'll give Carlson credit for is that he'll actually talk about real, European Socialism, and not the Communism that Americans think is Socialism. He'll actually provide viewpoints even others on Fox News, or the US Media, will never.

But I disagree with him as much as I do Beck, or O'Reilly. The only reason I even watch him is that he's on TVs in various areas or airports I'm in. If I could change one thing about him, it would be to remove his opinion ... but that's the case of all journalists these days.

In fact, I probably would love Carlson if he just never stated his opinion. Because, again, he has people on, and covers real people, that the US Media and Fox News won't. Real socialists, real issues, real problems that even the GOP cause too, not just the DNC.
You dumb.