That assumes gun ownership = extraordinary proficiency. Just the unveiling of that hypothetical gun could have triggered the assailants to blow her away and her daughter. Instead, they're still alive and relatively unharmed. It goes both ways. Be realistic. If a guy charges into your front door with a loved one at gunpoint, do you really have the time to go rummaging through your house to get your gun (likely out of a gun safe), return to the point of entry and shoot the assailant without being fired upon? You aren't Liam Neeson.And that merely proves my point. If the boyfriend was involved in shady dealings that the girlfriend and daughter didn't know was going on, it would be a completely random act for them. Without knowing of his [alleged] shady dealings, they would both be innocent victims. And in such a case, had there been a gun in the house, the girlfriend would be well within her rights to blow that effer away.