Whole Foods gets sued by gay pastor

Why is it that straight men can't get enough of 2 girls going at it, but straight women typically aren't interested in 2 gay dudes kissing? I've noticed this.
Because as a straight man, you're probably more visually aroused and you truly enjoy watching women - whatever they're doing, but especially getting naked and aroused. Straight women aren't typically as visual and therefore are not turned on by the sight of men getting aroused. Plus, we guys see two women going at it and think "hey, they need a penis eventually" whereas women will see two guys going at it and think that there's nothing in it for them.
Whole foods is very bigoted. The correct terminology is LGBTTTQQIAA+.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Ally, and Pansexual.

So why would they include questioning if you are born that way? WTF is intersex and pansexual?
Questioning is for when you're figuring out what you're attracted to.
Intersex is more biology, it presents in many forms such as, for example, when a person is born with a vagina and undescended testicles, or has XXY chromosomes. Intersex individuals sometimes don't even know they have a condition if there isn't much being expressed physically.
Pansexual is similar to bisexual but they are attracted to people regardless of gender identity. So say me, for example, I'm bisexual because I primarily am attracted to masculine men and feminine women, generally I'm not as attracted to androgynous looking individuals, trans, feminine men, or butch women. Pansexual people would be.
Questioning is for when you're figuring out what you're attracted to.
Intersex is more biology, it presents in many forms such as, for example, when a person is born with a vagina and undescended testicles, or has XXY chromosomes. Intersex individuals sometimes don't even know they have a condition if there isn't much being expressed physically.
Pansexual is similar to bisexual but they are attracted to people regardless of gender identity. So say me, for example, I'm bisexual because I primarily am attracted to masculine men and feminine women, generally I'm not as attracted to androgynous looking individuals, trans, feminine men, or butch women. Pansexual people would be.

havent the lgbt community been arguing that they were born that way? if so, why would they even put questioning down as it makes it seem like its actually a choice? seems contradictory to me.... didnt we just used to call intersex people hermaphrodites? isnt queer really just gay?

all those additions to the end of lgbt just seem redundant and stupid.
So I understand in your world the concepts have to be simple like a sitcom and that's why you could only come up with one incredibly cliche scenario. Some people experiment in college because often times sexuality can be fluid and not 100% gay or straight. And sometimes people are just flat-out bisexual. I'm married with a kid and I'm bisexual. We exist.

Sexuality has been proven to be more fluid for women than men, they've even done brain scan observations for signs of arousal and have scientifically proven that attractive men and women can, and do, light up a women's arousal zones in the brain. Not saying all women are bisexual at all, but those that identify as bisexual, are.

It's actually one of the more simple concepts, how is even that confusing for you? I'm not even talking about the "morality" of it, just that it exists.
Try as you might to talk down to me, you're only insulting yourself. You are married, you chose to be married with a child. Now I am not going to insult you and act as if I know anything about you but I know plenty of 30 and 40 something women that when in the right mood will do bi-sexual things. These women are married, most with grown kids and its like smoking when you drink, they do these things when the moment is right but I hardly doubt they would they were born that way, it is a choice.

Tell me, do you have to be with women or does it just happen?
I know plenty of 30 and 40 something women that when in the right mood will do bi-sexual things. These women are married, most with grown kids and its like smoking when you drink, they do these things when the moment is right

She already answered that statement....

Some people experiment in college because often times sexuality can be fluid and not 100% gay or straight. And sometimes people are just flat-out bisexual. I'm married with a kid and I'm bisexual. We exist.
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Because as a straight man, you're probably more visually aroused and you truly enjoy watching women - whatever they're doing, but especially getting naked and aroused. Straight women aren't typically as visual and therefore are not turned on by the sight of men getting aroused. Plus, we guys see two women going at it and think "hey, they need a penis eventually" whereas women will see two guys going at it and think that there's nothing in it for them.

Try as you might to talk down to me, you're only insulting yourself. You are married, you chose to be married with a child. Now I am not going to insult you and act as if I know anything about you but I know plenty of 30 and 40 something women that when in the right mood will do bi-sexual things. These women are married, most with grown kids and its like smoking when you drink, they do these things when the moment is right but I hardly doubt they would they were born that way, it is a choice.

Tell me, do you have to be with women or does it just happen?
Cheating is cheating. And it can be done by homosexuals, heterosexuals, and bisexuals.

And cheating, unlike sexual attraction, is a choice.

Try as you might to talk down to me, you're only insulting yourself. You are married, you chose to be married with a child. Now I am not going to insult you and act as if I know anything about you but I know plenty of 30 and 40 something women that when in the right mood will do bi-sexual things. These women are married, most with grown kids and its like smoking when you drink, they do these things when the moment is right but I hardly doubt they would they were born that way, it is a choice.

Tell me, do you have to be with women or does it just happen?

Oh, is this what goes down on the Sir G Yacht after big getaways to Nantucket to chum it up with the fellow white guys in real estate?


A sip of your $500 bourbon and these married women turn into Sasha Grey?
so does one have to be sexually attracted to ones own sex to have sex with them?

Now I don't care what consenting adults do behind closed doors and don't experience same gender attraction so I can't say what it is like. However, I imagine it is probably like drinking water in the desert. Does one have to be thirsty to drink? They can choose not to hydrate but it is a biological imperative that they do.

Oh, and good on Whole Foods for standing up to the law firm and the guy.
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Now I don't care what consenting adults do behind closed doors and don't experience same gender attraction so I can't say what it is like. However, I imagine it is probably like drinking water in the desert. Does one have to be thirsty to drink? They can choose not to hydrate but it is a biological imperative that they do.

Oh, and good on Whole Foods for standing up to the law firm and the guy.

Basically this.
Basically this.
Don't know if that is a good analogy since without water you die but without sex it just feels like you're going to die.

I've said it many times, I don't care what you do in the privacy of your life, none of my business but I don't believe that bisexuality is like being gay. I've had this conversation with a gay couple who we are friends with their views were similar to mine.
Oh well if you spoke to your gay couple friends then that settles it, bisexuality clearly doesn't exist.
Or, it does whether you believe it or not.

And I chose to marry Dingy, not because he's a man but because he's awesome and I fell in love with him. Had I found a woman that was this awesome and fell in love with her then I'd be married to a woman. Still, however, being bisexual.
And honestly, that's fine that you don't believe it exists. In the end, as long as you're not trying to infringe on the rights of bisexuals, it doesn't matter if you believe in them or not. So we can all agree to disagree.
Don't know if that is a good analogy since without water you die but without sex it just feels like you're going to die.

I've said it many times, I don't care what you do in the privacy of your life, none of my business but I don't believe that bisexuality is like being gay. I've had this conversation with a gay couple who we are friends with their views were similar to mine.
Well, that settles it. A survey of two people is all you need to form a legit thesis.

And honestly, that's fine that you don't believe it exists. In the end, as long as you're not trying to infringe on the rights of bisexuals, it doesn't matter if you believe in them or not. So we can all agree to disagree.
I don't believe in infringing rights of anyone, its just a discussion.
A Former Democratic Senator from Pennsylvannia who was once married to his wife for 40 years (she died in 1996), announced in an op-ed piece in the Sunday NY Times that he is marry a man.

Finding Love Again, This Time With A Man