Why is a Capitol Riot Commission controversial?


Diamond Knight
Nov 30, 2003
This seems like such a no-brainer but, naturally, it's controversial too.

This seems like such a no-brainer but, naturally, it's controversial too.

Because it is likely to be an open-ended political tool to push anti-Republican sound bites into the media and then come up with a report that doesn’t really change anything. Also, if we’re going to do that one riot, why wouldn’t we have a commission to look at all of the other rioting and unrest over the year that was far more destructive and consequential?
Why is an independent commission necessary? It seems like the normal criminal investigation will go far enough to learn everything we need to know.
So we need to form a commission to investigate unproven voter fraud, but we don't need one to investigate an actual proven attack on the United States Capital?
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So we need to form a commission to investigate unproven voter fraud, but we don't need one to investigate an actual proven attack on the United States Capital?

It's the world we live in now. An actual attack on the capital to try and thwart democracy, no big deal. Some conspiracy theorists mention voter fraud without being able to provide any evidence of it, needs to result in more voter restrictions across the country.
So we need to form a commission to investigate unproven voter fraud, but we don't need one to investigate an actual proven attack on the United States Capital?
What do you hope to learn from this commission?
I want to know if this was coordinated with anyone who works for the government.

That's a good one. These as well:

- Were either the House Sergeant at Arms (Paul Irving) or Senate Sergeant at Arms politically pressured into making the call to not deploy the National Guard prior to the riot to avoid bad optics?

-Once the riot started it took over 3 hours for the National Guard to arrive. At what time was their deployment activated and by who?
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Because it didn't happen. Total hoax done with holograms and editing.
One more - did foreign governments or individuals provide financial support to those that planned and executed the riot?
Like what?

To add to Robs points, you have the oathkeeper saying she was security for the Trump rally before she went to the capitol. Like one of MTG's close friends now being arrested, Lauren Boebert giving tours of the capitol against the current covid rules and tweeting out locations while it was happening, etc etc. Roger Stone being their with the proud boys, and of course having his connections to Trump, etc etc etc.
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Why is an independent commission necessary? It seems like the normal criminal investigation will go far enough to learn everything we need to know.

I think your missing the point of the commission, which has been referred to as a 9/11 like commission. The purpose of the 9/11 commission was to investigate government level failures and recommendations on how to avoid them, not to determine who the actual terrorists were.
One more - did foreign governments or individuals provide financial support to those that planned and executed the riot?
You can ask the same questions of the riots that destroyed federal, public, and private property all year. Why does one deserve a commission and not the rest?
You can ask the same questions of the riots that destroyed federal, public, and private property all year. Why does one deserve a commission and not the rest?

I never said that one deserves a commission and not the other, but I also believe that the lack of commission for one would not justify not having one for the other.
Because one was trying to overthrow our government.
Hyperbole. Nobody was even armed. Do you really think there was a chance that viking dude was going to become some kind of authority in the US government?

They disrupted a process for a couple of hours. That's not OK, but let's not act like these people were going to take over the government.
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This seems like such a no-brainer but, naturally, it's controversial too.

Because it is simply political posturing.
Hyperbole. Nobody was even armed. Do you really think there was a chance that viking dude was going to become some kind of authority in the US government?

They disrupted a process for a couple of hours. That's not OK, but let's not act like these people were going to take over the government.

So what do you think would have happened if they had gotten to Pelosi, AOC, Pence, Romney etc, they were just going to have a nice talk? And how in the world do you know none of them had weapons?
Did they? Most left peacefully without burning the place down or burning cop cars. Glad AOC survived that attempted murder.

Most protestors around the country also left peacefully without burning things down, so your point?

What is it with you and always having to change the topic? YOu realize it is possible to talk about the capitol riots without bringing up last Summer don't you?
So what do you think would have happened if they had gotten to Pelosi, AOC, Pence, Romney etc, they were just going to have a nice talk? And how in the world do you know none of them had weapons?
Has anybody claimed that any of the rioters were armed?
Has anybody claimed that any of the rioters were armed?

I mean we know some had zip ties, we know they had operable nooses outside, and we know they used flags and such to attack people, so to think that none of them were armed is pretty presumptuous I think. I also don't think it matters that much. A violent mob doesn't have to be armed to still be a violent mob.
What do you hope to learn from this commission?
I think we've already confirmed the lines of communication and authority to command security must be improved. Apparently, they could not even provide water to the security forces without getting approval from the pentagon. It's also going to lead to the age old discussion of fencing. Of course the GOP don't need help looking like idiots when you have R. Johnson (R-Wi) sitting on the panel continuing to propagte conspiracy theories and making statements like it was a picnic outing with everyone playing nice and just having fun.
Hyperbole. Nobody was even armed. Do you really think there was a chance that viking dude was going to become some kind of authority in the US government?

They disrupted a process for a couple of hours. That's not OK, but let's not act like these people were going to take over the government.

So are you telling me that if during the riots near the White House this past November the rioters had breached the walls of the White House, damaged property, got into the President's office (Oval Office), photographed his notes, stole laptops, disrupted him from carrying out his duties for only "a couple of hours" and only a few people were killed - you would not support a commission to investigate it?
So are you telling me that if during the riots near the White House this past November the rioters had breached the walls of the White House, damaged property, got into the President's office (Oval Office), photographed his notes, stole laptops, disrupted him from carrying out his duties for only "a couple of hours" and only a few people were killed - you would not support a commission to investigate it?
I wouldn't think it's necessary. A criminal investigation into it would probably tell us everything we need to know. When was the last time a commission ended up amounting to anything other than perpetuating a political narrative?
I wouldn't think it's necessary. A criminal investigation into it would probably tell us everything we need to know. When was the last time a commission ended up amounting to anything other than perpetuating a political narrative?

And say the National Guard wasn't deployed even with the knowledge that the rioters would be there? And didn't make it on scene for 3 hours? I would certainly have questions that I would want answered extending far beyond just arresting the actual rioters.

And you're right, the media undoubtedly would turn it into a political narrative, just as the 9/11 commission was to some degree. But the implications of the finding of the commission obviously extended well beyond politics.
And say the National Guard wasn't deployed even with the knowledge that the rioters would be there? And didn't make it on scene for 3 hours? I would certainly have questions that I would want answered extending far beyond just arresting the actual rioters.

And you're right, the media undoubtedly would turn it into a political narrative, just as the 9/11 commission was to some degree. But the implications of the finding of the commission obviously extended well beyond politics.
We already know why the national guard wasn't there. There's only one person with the authority to call them in and he didn't do it.
We already know why the national guard wasn't there. There's only one person with the authority to call them in and he didn't do it.

Not true, the deployment of the national guard prior to the riot was rejected both the House and Senate Sergeant at Arms (I believe one appointed by a Democrat, one a Republican). If they were politically pressured to make that decision I believe those that encouraged the guard not to be deployed should be held accountable and we should look at reforms where this position is not appointed by a politician that would be the purpose of an independent commission.

Post riot, where were the guardsman, when were they notified to deploy, and how long did that take? Clearly there was a security failure that could result in changes to where they are stationed and/or who has the authority to deploy them - again that would be the purpose of an independent commission and would not fall under a criminal investigation.
Because it is likely to be an open-ended political tool to push anti-Republican sound bites into the media and then come up with a report that doesn’t really change anything. Also, if we’re going to do that one riot, why wouldn’t we have a commission to look at all of the other rioting and unrest over the year that was far more destructive and consequential?

Nice whataboutism, Comrade.
I always thought commissions of this type are created to produce an official narrative going forward. It means the government needs to clear itself of any wrong doing. Like the October Surprise commission, 9/11 commission, Iraq intelligence commission, The commission on Pearl Harbor (Roberts Commission), etc.

This commission will go down in history alongside some of the shadiest whitewashes our government has produced. It’s dog and pony propaganda for twitter.
Because one was trying to overthrow our government.
Overthrow government and no guns were used? Stop. They were running around like idiots stealing lecterns. If the sole purpose was to overthrow the government there would have been multiple people killed by gunfire.
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Possible one of the protesters could of had a pebble and got AOC in the eye. Or splashed a smoothie all over Pelosi. You never know. Our government could easily crumble over unarmed protesters.
AOC wasn’t even at Capitol and she said she was hiding during this.
The responses to this thread tells you all you need to know about the sad state of the Republican Party.
The responses to this thread tells you all you need to know about the sad state of the Republican Party.
I’m not really either party. I voted for Clinton and Obama. Just happened to vote for Trump. I think I would have voted for a different candidate other than Joe. I couldn’t vote for him. He doesn’t know what’s going on half the time. Just like I couldn’t vote for Romney.
So we need to form a commission to investigate unproven voter fraud, but we don't need one to investigate an actual proven attack on the United States Capital?
voter fraud 100% happened, to what extent is worth determining via investigation.

the capitol protest certainly happened, what mystery are you hoping to unravel?