Your weekly update on left wing hate and violence

If you read the comments on Facebook regarding these stories, you'll see that liberals aren't even trying to hide their support anymore. They have convinced themselves that republicans are simply evil enough that they must be assaulted or possibly killed.

No one in th Democratic Party seems interested in trying to diffuse their lunatic violent base

If it's on Facebook, it must be true!
If it's on Facebook, it must be true!

These are people with their names plastered for everyone to see making these comments. Why wouldn't I think this is what these people really believe?

You seem to be in denial that your fellow liberals have gone over the edge and are out of control. At least you seem to have resisted the call for violence and hate.
These are people with their names plastered for everyone to see making these comments. Why wouldn't I think this is what these people really believe?

You seem to be in denial that your fellow liberals have gone over the edge and are out of control. At least you seem to have resisted the call for violence and hate.
Generally losers with no or low paying jobs.
These are people with their names plastered for everyone to see making these comments. Why wouldn't I think this is what these people really believe?

You seem to be in denial that your fellow liberals have gone over the edge and are out of control. At least you seem to have resisted the call for violence and hate.

As I said before, I choose not to group everyone together and look at people as an individual. I do think some liberals have gone off the deep end. I also believe some conservatives have. However, I believe most people aren't as extreme as you want to make them out to be.
As I said before, I choose not to group everyone together and look at people as an individual. I do think some liberals have gone off the deep end. I also believe some conservatives have. However, I believe most people aren't as extreme as you want to make them out to be.
If you were being honest, you categorize people into groups when it suits you as well. From what I've read, and I could be wrong, but I believe that you support protected classes of people, for instance. This is the opposite of treating people as individuals, as it affords benefits to people not because of their individual merit for those benefits but because of their common attributes.

As for observing a growing trend in a group of people who share the same views, it is entirely appropriate to categorize them as a group for discussion. Because, like it or not, if that group turns into a mob the people won't simply be individuals at that point. When you've got media assertively stating that this is the beginning of a dictatorship with no supporting facts and you have celebrities using their pedestal to advocate assassination of the rightfully elected President of the United States, the tide of incitement is overwhelming.

On the other hand, there has been a relatively small and quiet, but growing, acknowledgement in the democrat party that they have gone overboard with the anti-everything hyperbole and need to rein it back. We'll see what happens.
It's really simple- if a conservative actor pondered aloud in 2010, "Say, isn't it about time for another Presidential assassination??", he would be absolutely massacred by the media, run out of Hollywood, and the rest of the drugged up morons in LA would launch a TV ad spot to pontificate why hate must stop.

Yet here we are in 2017, at a time when multiple celebrities have endorsed killing Trump in front of their left wing fanatic fans, and relatively nothing has come of it. There is total sympathy amongst the Hollywood elite and left wing pundits for this type of speech.

Not even a fellow left wing hate-Trump'er attempting to massacre GOP congressmen is putting a stop to this.
If you were being honest, you categorize people into groups when it suits you as well. From what I've read, and I could be wrong, but I believe that you support protected classes of people, for instance. This is the opposite of treating people as individuals, as it affords benefits to people not because of their individual merit for those benefits but because of their common attributes.

As for observing a growing trend in a group of people who share the same views, it is entirely appropriate to categorize them as a group for discussion. Because, like it or not, if that group turns into a mob the people won't simply be individuals at that point. When you've got media assertively stating that this is the beginning of a dictatorship with no supporting facts and you have celebrities using their pedestal to advocate assassination of the rightfully elected President of the United States, the tide of incitement is overwhelming.

On the other hand, there has been a relatively small and quiet, but growing, acknowledgement in the democrat party that they have gone overboard with the anti-everything hyperbole and need to rein it back. We'll see what happens.

Of course, I am oversimplifying it, I will concede that.

You can also count me as one of those people who thinks that a good amount of people are going WAY overboard with the anti-everything. It's annoying and doesn't help with anything.
It's really simple- if a conservative actor pondered aloud in 2010, "Say, isn't it about time for another Presidential assassination??", he would be absolutely massacred by the media, run out of Hollywood, and the rest of the drugged up morons in LA would launch a TV ad spot to pontificate why hate must stop.

Yet here we are in 2017, at a time when multiple celebrities have endorsed killing Trump in front of their left wing fanatic fans, and relatively nothing has come of it. There is total sympathy amongst the Hollywood elite and left wing pundits for this type of speech.

Not even a fellow left wing hate-Trump'er attempting to massacre GOP congressmen is putting a stop to this.

You cannot honestly tell me that if Hillary was president, we wouldn't have the same sort of stuff, just from the other side.

You cannot honestly tell me that if Hillary was president, we wouldn't have the same sort of stuff, just from the other side.

There absolutely would have been the same thing. The acceptance of these actions from the media and Democrats is what 85 is talking about. If a conservative said they wanted to blow up the White House or that is was time for an assassination on Clinton or Obama the media would be up in arms over it and Democrats would be freaking out saying every GOPer needs to renounce this type of speech.

You cannot honestly tell me that if Hillary was president, we wouldn't have the same sort of stuff, just from the other side.

Weak sauce. You are deflecting in every way possible.

You provided a link which stated that a bunch of random nobodies who were probably deranged made these threats.

That is NOT the same as prominent, famous left wing celebrities and pundits making these threats. They have a platform. People follow them. People LISTEN to them. These are the assholes that are invited to Obama's WH galas, Emmy parties, DNC Fundraisers, etc etc etc

Alec Baldwin, arguably the fat "face" of RESIST!, was the first person to defend Griffin.
Weak sauce. You are deflecting in every way possible.

You provided a link which stated that a bunch of random nobodies who were probably deranged made these threats.

That is NOT the same as prominent, famous left wing celebrities and pundits making these threats. They have a platform. People follow them. People LISTEN to them. These are the assholes that are invited to Obama's WH galas, Emmy parties, DNC Fundraisers, etc etc etc

Alec Baldwin, arguably the fat "face" of RESIST!, was the first person to defend Griffin.

I'm not deflecting. I don't think these actors/actresses should be saying that sort of thing but I do not control them. I also do not control the media. The media spits out what people read/want to see. They're obviously getting ratings. Also, do you honestly think Trump doesn't actually love all the attention, negative or not? Please, he loves it.

My issue is with you lumping all liberals together, thinking we all think that way, which we don't.

The Kathy Griffin thing mostly backfired by the way, I'm not sure why you all keep referencing it. She was forced to apologize and then had a stupid press conference once she realized maybe some people didn't mind it.

To continue your obsession with how FB reacts, my VERY liberal social media channels about 90-95% disagreed with the photo shoot. The ones that didn't were part of that group of people who take things way to far and are just as likely to be hidden on my feed as some blind-Trump lover.
Sorry bq but you're wrong here. As I was saying, it is now mainstream for Democrats to wish for, or act upon, assaults and murders targeting Republicans.

Nebraska DNC Official was caught on tape saying he was glad Scalise was shot, and he ended by saying "I hope he f*cking dies".

These ****ing libtard devils are really showing their true colors. Where's their "tolerance", those sanctimonious, super-shitty, hypocritical scumbags? For eight years we had to put up with multiculturalism in the White House--a Marxist, sjw libtard deviant bastard with lots of negative baggage and skeletons in his closet--and not a one of us, nor conservatives in general responded to this interloper's illegitimate presidency with direct or indirect threats of assassination nor did we riot like spoiled-rotten little children in the aftermath of his winning the election and during his inauguration, destroying property and protested non-stop against this Kenyan's presidency nor physically attacked his supporters the way these very evil scumbags on the Left are doing and have done to our people. The {{media)) is responsible for inciting these idiots and morons and assholes with their non-stop hate propaganda and demonization of Donald Trump and his supporters.
These ****ing libtard devils are really showing their true colors. Where's their "tolerance", those sanctimonious, super-shitty, hypocritical scumbags? For eight years we had to put up with multiculturalism in the White House--a Marxist, sjw libtard deviant bastard with lots of negative baggage and skeletons in his closet--and not a one of us, nor conservatives in general responded to this interloper's illegitimate presidency with direct or indirect threats of assassination nor did we riot like spoiled-rotten little children in the aftermath of his winning the election and during his inauguration, destroying property and protested non-stop against this Kenyan's presidency nor physically attacked his supporters the way these very evil scumbags on the Left are doing and have done to our people. The {{media)) is responsible for inciting these idiots and morons and assholes with their non-stop hate propaganda and demonization of Donald Trump and his supporters.
You're a big part of the problem.
Articles are all over how a CNN Supervising Editor admits in undercover video that CNN is out for a witch hunt on Trump and how the Russia Scandal is just a joke.

Here is a good first minute clip which is the jist on all of the reports that came out late yesterday on it.

Articles are all over how a CNN Supervising Editor admits in undercover video that CNN is out for a witch hunt on Trump and how the Russia Scandal is just a joke.

Here is a good first minute clip which is the jist on all of the reports that came out late yesterday on it.

Not too surprising at all. It is a witch hunt. But PV has doen a hatchet job to various videos they've published in the past. There's been a lot of editing here, too, but I can't think of how any of it would be taken that far out of context.
Snowflake wearing a backpack in Richmond, VA was caught on security camera setting a homeowners USA Flag up in flames in the middle of the night and homeowner was very fortunate the flames didn't spread on his house.
Do you all have this stuff on Google Alerts or something?

Do you now have concern with using CNN to get your news, now that they've:

- Had to retract a totally falsified "Russia!" story that painted Trump in a bad light
- Had a producer caught on video admitting that they are pushing the Russia angle despite knowing it's a "nothing burger"-
- Had their own left wing punidit Van Jones caught on camera admitting there is nothing to the Russia conspiracy yet they push it anyways?

This is not merely conjecture, this is hard proof that CNN quite literally is Fake News and is deliberately lying to push stories they know are false.
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- Had their own left wing punidit Van Jones caught on camera admitting there is nothing to the Russia conspiracy yet they push it anyways?
I saw the clip from PV and it is a blurb and rife for being taken out of context, which Van Jones claims it was:

Interviewer: "What do you think is going to happen this week with the whole Russian thing?
Van Jones: "The whole Russia thing is a big nothing-burger. There is nothing you can do --"
Did I mean that there is "nothing" to the allegations that members of team Trump colluded with the Russians and then tried to cover it up by firing FBI Director James Comey? No -- and far from it.
But that's not what I was talking about. I have been consistently pushing my fellow Democrats to deal with bread and butter issues -- and not just hope and believe Trump will be impeached and gone tomorrow. I have been beating this drum for weeks now.
I said in a recent Twitter chat: "I am glad there is a Russia investigation, and I hope they get to the bottom of it. But I think Democrats are fooling ourselves if we think that something is going to come out of this investigation that is somehow going to end the Trump presidency and make everything better. Unless there is a real smoking gun, which there is probably not, it's just going to be a big old mess. Meanwhile we are not talking about jobs, not talking about poverty, not talking about solutions, not talking about the addiction crisis. Let's talk about our stuff."

Could be nothing more than backtracking, but given how deeply edited and brief the clip from PV is, and how Jones isn't able to finish his thought on the subject (he's interrupted by another person), I don't doubt that it is parsing, which is what PV is notorious for.
I saw the clip from PV and it is a blurb and rife for being taken out of context, which Van Jones claims it was:

Could be nothing more than backtracking, but given how deeply edited and brief the clip from PV is, and how Jones isn't able to finish his thought on the subject (he's interrupted by another person), I don't doubt that it is parsing, which is what PV is notorious for.

Sure. This is a guy who smiles nightly as his colleagues push hysteria over false Russia narratives.

Remember- it wasn't Russia, it was whitelash!
The lesbians in Chicago kicked out fellow lesbians who brought a rainbow flag with a Star of David on it.

These people are sooooo inclusive and accepting of others.

Signs with dildos on them? Awesome!

A gay woman being proud of being Jewish? UNACCEPTABLE
I just watched the first episode of The Handmaids Tale

LOFL at the deranged liberals trying to sell this as pending reality

Now that I've seen what show they're talking about, I am more convinced than ever that modern liberals are mentally ill and deranged. They can somehow view this absurd show and warp it into a possible reality.

I can only hope that the DNC in 2020 marches out women dressed like this to make a pitch for their prized abortion industry
If only libtard multicultural commies and LGBT q fascists would turn off their televisions and think for themselves. They are too far gone, especially the blm segment of the population. The zio cabal would literally be shi**ing their pants, if libtard commie sjws turned off the social media for awhile. They don't call it programming for just one reason. It's programming, as in programming you to think and feel a certain way. It's brainwashing on a grand scale.
I just don't see how anyone that is remotely intelligent can honestly watch CNN and take them seriously. I get Trump and be abrasive and how certain minded people can be triggered by him but CNN has been caught at least three times now either cheating outright for Hillary or making up news.
I just don't see how anyone that is remotely intelligent can honestly watch CNN and take them seriously. I get Trump and be abrasive and how certain minded people can be triggered by him but CNN has been caught at least three times now either cheating outright for Hillary or making up news.

Don't disagree with you regarding CNN, however, Trump has been caught lying...way more than CNN has.