Last night was the real entry into Big 12 football. That was awesome. TCU is a great team, with two elite Wide Receivers and a great QB.
First... our In-Game antics are some of the worst on earth. We have a lot of morons. Most of you should be embarrassed by how you act.
Legitimate Complaints:
1. FG Unit. What in the f*cking f*ck was going on?
2. Time management at the end of the half. What in the f*cking f*ck was going on?
That is it. Maaaaaaybe, you could say something about the DBs. But, we were playing a damn good QB and receiving corps. I wanted to kick that damn possession receiver (meaning: white guy) right in his nutsack. If I ever hear the name Bech again, I'm gonna scream. Dude was a monster.
This is Big-Boy football now. Every single play isn't going to be perfect. We gotta work for it, every down, every week.
The Good Stuff:
1. PACE. That second to last drive of theirs. Pace completely destroyed them. That boy wasn't made in New York City. NEW YORK CITY!!???!?!?!? (if you know the reference, you're old)
2. KJ. If you're hating, you can eat a fat D. I love me some KJ.
3. Harvey. He needs to be on that Heisman podium at the end of the year.
4. Gus's shit-eating-grin for the entire 4th quarter. He knew. I knew. Anyone with an IQ over 60 knew. (In-Game Thread Participants didn't know)
Time to rest your liver and get ready for Corch Prime!!