I took some time trying to find the right emoji for the Texas Tech Red Raider for Saturday's game thread - WTF is a Red Raider? I ended up going down a rabbit hole to only find out their mascot is even dumber than it sounds.
In sum, the "Masked Rider” is the Red Raider's primary mascot - it looks like some kind of weird red and black incel lone ranger:
They also have some lame Yosemite Sam knock off they bring to away games because one of the conferences they were in wouldn't let them bring their horses:
I spent too much time reading some Texas Tech page about the Red Raider history and the way too long Wikipedia article - I will give you the cliffs so you don't have to --
- TT didn't have a mascot at first. Back in the 20's the head coaches wife thought they should be the matador's because of the Spanish architecture on campus - that's why they are red and black (like a matador's cape and costume). Yet people complain that Knightro makes no sense…
- Sometime in the 30's, they started calling themselves the Red Raiders because of their red uniform.
- In the 30s also some students pulled a prank where they dressed up in a cape and cowboy boots and rode a horse onto the football field and called it the Masked Rider. For some reason, Texas Tech thinks this is the funniest thing that has ever happened and will probably
love playing silly pranks like hide the soap with BYU's football team.
- This horse "prank" became their tradition and they always had different students riding out on a horse in a mask. Apparently it was a big controversy when they had a girl do it because, you know, Texas.
- The most interesting part of all this, is how ****ed up the whole Masked Rider thing has been, here are some of the bullets:
- 1975 - dead horse - the horse was kidnapped and received chemical burns after being painted with orange paint prior to Tech's football game against Texas. The horse died a couple years later from ruptured intestines due to the effect of the toxic paint.
- 1982 - hospitalized cheerleader - the Masked Rider ran into an SMU cheerleader and put her in the hospital for a week with a bunch of injuries.
- 1992 - knocked out referee - the Masked Rider ran into a referree and knocked him unconcious.
- 2001 - dead horse - the horse was in a car accident and sustained serious injuries leading to euthanization.
But the craziest one was in Sept 1994. In a game against the New Mexico Lobos. While riding the horse, the rider's saddle broke and they fell off. So this being Texas, what happened? The horse ran into a wall... head first.... and immediately died.
At this point, it seems like everyone realized that there is something wrong with having these horses riding top speed around the stadium, resulting in people getting hospitalized and horses dying. So they would retire the practice and replace it with something more reasonable. Right?
From Wikipedia:
"The Masked Rider is the primary mascot of Texas Tech University. It is the oldest of the university's mascots still in existence today."