• Poll
New Pegasus/Horse Entrance in BIG12?

Do you want a new look for Pegasus & the Knight?

  • Yes, it is outdated and needs a refresh

    Votes: 12 60.0%
  • No, leave it the way it is

    Votes: 8 40.0%
  • Get rid of the Knight on horseback

    Votes: 0 0.0%

It's the offseason...but been thinking about this for a while now and admittedly haven't been to a home game in like 10yrs (don't live in Orlando anymore) but do we still do this every home game or just on select games?

(P.s. this is one of the better clips I found, most are not this good)
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If not every game, it should be. If so, this needs to be upgraded in the Big12. Sorry but the white horse and golden knight (in his armor that a cosplayer can make over the weekend) are a bit outdated. The white horse just screams cute/innocent. It's like seeing a horse in the county fair. Doesn't help that the knight gallops at a mild speed. I would love a more modern, badass black knight (with updated armor) on a black stallion galloping at full speed when Zombie Nation starts to play. FSU, in their own unique way, pulls this off and it's mainstay and gets featured on TV every time they play. I think I've seen our horse once on TV. Not trying to us with FSU but, you know...not many schools with horse mascots/entrances...

If this can be modernized/pulled off right in 2023, it can create a lot of hype during home games and actually be featured more on TV. We should take advantage of our horse/knight mascot and do something cool and unique, not just have them there just cause & and not modernize it. We're still a young school, it's fine to refine things...we don't have to be married to the white horse and old looking knight galloping and not really doing all that much.

OT: Are Air BnB's still worth it?

There's been a lot of negative feedback on social media about Air bnb's and how they just don't offer the same value as they once used to. Whether that is increased "cleaning fees", not well maintained properties, or just plain lying about what their place really offers.

Personally, I'm team Hotel, there's something about coming back to your bed neatly made after coming back from touring whatever it is.

Assange has been isolated, holed-up, prosecuted or incarcerated longer than Manning

'Liberals' at work ... with enough Conservatives supporting them ...

I just want to point out that Assange has been either isolated/holed-up avoiding arrest or other prosecution or even directly incarcerated, for LONGER, both prosecution and incarcaration, that Manning, who actually had an US Clearance and was the ACTUAL PERSON who leaked the information HE (at the time, now SHE) had cleared access to. This is everything this wrong with the US right now.

He didn't have any access to information, and to prosecute someone for Espinoage using the charge that he 'solicited classified information' has been abused, repeatedly, against Americans in recent years as well. This is exactly what the British did to American citizens, and why the 1st Amendment is explicitly written that the power of the press is the assembly of people using their individual right to free speech. The government is explicitly not allowed to define who a press is.

Please stop using the 'not a real journalist' argument. You're destroying the 1st Amendment. Take out your issues on Manning, or others for that matter, not Assange.

Holiday weekend sees massive amount of flight cancellations

I would be very concerned about scheduling any flights right now

Seems like it’s worse around the holidays. Hopefully it won’t effect flights during football season and international flights

You literally could get stranded for days and miss work, etc.

We need to come up with a compensation plan

This NIL thing is so murky and cloaked that we don’t know how to go about it. I think relying on a big pocket booster just offering gobs of money isn’t going to work. Heck I don’t see that working for anybody really. People have already mentioned how the big boosters will consider themselves personnel Managment and try to override coaching decisions. The biggest problem I can see is investing in players who don’t pan out. The compensation should definitely be results based. Short term there’s going to be a lot of money wasted on NIL. It’s complete amateur hour out there.

We are a young fan base. However we aren’t actually small. We are passionate. We want good things for our players.

So how exactly does our Mission Control compensation plan for players work? How much goes to the board members and staff of Mission Control plus their expenses versus goes to the players? How do funds get directed to which players?

How will we ever do a market compensation analysis and know whether overall we are competing? We can’t pay the most but even with that it is possible to win at a high level. We will probably need to take a money ball perspective to get the most. I think we are going to have to focus a lot on the transfer portal. How do we create a sense of community with our players to make them feel like this is a family and not just a job? I absolutely don’t want to deal with Dillon Gabriel 2.0 a billion times through out the years. Plus I think the popularity of college football will decrease if we are just a pro league. If anyone can find the right set of parameters and innovate I absolutely believe it will be us. Lol we ran circles around the blue bloods like Alabama when it came to stupid things like hammering online polls with macro scripts.
