2024 Election Thread

Yeah boy! We don't want no stinkin' "far left" candidate in the White House. (Please define what exactly 'far left' policy means.)

In contrast, a convicted felon, business fraudster, twice-impeached, insurrection-leading, Putin-asskissing, authoritarian would be so much better.

Yeah, a little patch of border wall is so much more effective in solving the problem than a bipartisan bill that would have beefed up border security.

Chud logic is truly mind-boggling.
That was not what the bill did, It provided more money for processing those who came in. It was not about sealing off the border.
Kamala was considered to the left of Bernie Sanders. enough said.
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That was not what the bill did, It provided more money for processing those who came in. It was not about sealing off the border.
Yes, it provided more money for processing. But apparently you missed the $20 billion dollars allocated to increase the number of border patrol agents and increase deportation flights.
Kamala was considered to the left of Bernie Sanders. enough said.
Left of Bernie Sanders? Where'd you get THAT gem??!?
appears Trump is backing out of debates.
Smart move by them. Let the lingering debate picture be what we witnessed last month (despite the constant lying). He’s got nothing to gain by doing a Kamala debate. Though the odd attacking nature of the statement does indicate that they are feeling a little threatened.
I have an honest request. Can anyone please answer this question:

How in gods green earth you think it's ok to vote for trump when 40 of Trump's 44 cabinet members refused to endorse him?

His own right hand man, former Vice President Pence will not endorse him.

Why would you vote for him? Why?


I'm going to continue posting hilarious tweets until someone answers.

BINGO! They have Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

The best they can do is point to the border and pray we've all forgotten about the bill to beef up border security that Trump told his minions to kill.

Personal attacks will be our crew's go-to response from now through election day. They can't help themselves. They have to post something!
That border bill did little to seal the border, it was mostly tons of money to process those getting across.
BINGO! They have Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
Besides the obvious reasons (functioning economy, universal respect from world powers), because it makes you pedos and incels seethe

and frankly that’s more than enough reason on itself
> be @DaShuckster
> say something stupid
> “they’ll probably bully me now”
> gets bullied

what did he mean by this?
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
The best they can do is point to the border and pray we've all forgotten about the bill to beef up border security that Trump told his minions to kill.
13th time loser. What did the Biden administration do for over 3 years to fix the biggest border crisis in United States history?

Have you found any hobbies yet other than avoiding your mutt wife?
I have an honest request. Can anyone please answer this question:

How in gods green earth you think it's ok to vote for trump when 40 of Trump's 44 cabinet members refused to endorse him?
Yep, our little ankle-biters don't want to touch that one with a ten-foot pole. Or 'educating' us about The Wall...or defending a convicted felon...or defending Trump's bromance with Putin.

Instead, they litter this election thread with insult...after insult...after insult...

I guess the rest of us will have to wait for some adults to post if we want to have any genuine election discussions.
Yep, our little ankle-biters don't want to touch that one with a ten-foot pole. Or 'educating' us about The Wall...or defending a convicted felon...or defending Trump's bromance with Putin.

Instead, they litter this election thread with insult...after insult...after insult...

I guess the rest of us will have to wait for some adults to post if we want to have any genuine election discussions.
—Ankle biters

—reeeeeeee Insult after insult.

Funny how you won’t an answer @Ucfmikes question, but then turn around and bitch no one answers ninja’s.

Another two Ls for you.
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Have you found any hobbies yet other than avoiding your mutt wife?
When you’re trying to hold out just a bit longer on the wife or GF and not blow your baby batter, best to think of stuff to get your mind off it, like:

-aborted fetuses
-Shooky’s mutt

Works erratime.
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Yep, our little ankle-biters don't want to touch that one with a ten-foot pole. Or 'educating' us about The Wall...or defending a convicted felon...or defending Trump's bromance with Putin.

Instead, they litter this election thread with insult...after insult...after insult...

I guess the rest of us will have to wait for some adults to post if we want to have any genuine election discussions.

I guess i will have to wait for some make believe friends to post if I want to have any genuine election discussions.
Translation. I have no life and I’m yearning for some new posters that either see my position and become my besties or someone new who doesn’t agree with me that I can annoy the shit out of.
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Translation. I have no life and I’m yearning for some new posters that either see my position and become my besties or someone new who doesn’t agree with me that I can annoy the shit out of.

100% spot on.

-aborted fetuses
-Shooky’s mutt

Works erratime.
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I have an honest request. Can anyone please answer this question:

How in gods green earth you think it's ok to vote for trump when 40 of Trump's 44 cabinet members refused to endorse him?

His own right hand man, former Vice President Pence will not endorse him.

Why would you vote for him? Why?

Why is it sofa-cking quiet? 🤣

For the billionth time, we aren't voting for Trump. Hope this helps.
Yeah, and he’s an imbecile for picking this VP candidate. Ridiculous. Pick someone decent to run the country when he fukcs up if elected. The guy make ALL THE WRONG MOVES.
Yeah, and he’s an imbecile for picking this VP candidate. Ridiculous. Pick someone decent to run the country when he fukcs up if elected. The guy make ALL THE WRONG MOVES.

Should have picked Haley or someone like her. All the democrats have to do is play his soundbites of Vance and his Trump loathing.

Now, before the Retard Squad comes in and starts screeching that Haley is a sell-out blah blah blah, let's jog the mental rolodex to the 2020 debates when Kamala insinuated Joe Biden was racist. "You're not a racist, BUUUUUUTTTTTTT......"
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For the billionth time, we aren't voting for Trump. Hope this helps.
In all seriousness, because I don’t care to get involved in the pissing match in here… are you planning on voting for a 3rd party candidate or not voting at all? Just interested in where the people who are not voting for either candidate are going
In all seriousness, because I don’t care to get involved in the pissing match in here… are you planning on voting for a 3rd party candidate or not voting at all? Just interested in where the people who are not voting for either candidate are going

Oh, I will vote--just not for POTUS. Tons of shit still on the ballot that is quite important...
Ah, I guess I missed the part where I was only talking to you and mikes. Oh nevermind, I wasn't.

Take the L and move on back to letting shuck live rent free in your head.

Neat. And yet again, I was only speaking for us. Little slower than usual for you today, I see.

And look who brought up Shooky. Not I.

Yet another L for you. At this point, it's just getting embarrassing für dich.

That fact is neither good nor bad, just the facts mam.
From the link you provided:

"Joshua Tauberer, founder of GovTrack, told Check Your Fact that GovTrack used to publish legislator “report cards” based on a single calendar year at the end of the first year of a two-year Congress.

“The statistic that Rep. Waltz is referring to was based on a single calendar year,” Tauberer said. “Several years ago we discontinued creating new single-calendar-year ‘report cards’: We determined that the limited data available in a single year was not sufficient to create a reliable portrait of the activity of legislators, particularly given the ebbs and flows of the legislative calendar, and therefore did not serve as a useful tool to our users and the American public.”

Just the facts, mam.