2024 Election Thread

This pick should be good for violence and crime in America

At least two people died during the violence in Minnesota’s Twin Cities, more than 600 arrests were made in the initial days of unrest, and the whole span of rioting and law enforcement response made it one of the most costly and destructive periods of civil unrestin US history. Minneapolis and Saint Paul sustained hundreds of millions of dollars in damage during those riots, and hundreds of buildings were heavily damaged.
Conservatives have charged Walz with essentially allowing rioters to “burn Minneapolis to the ground” and waffling on the deployment of National Guard troops to quell the violence.
Walz wasn’t the main authority in charge of responding to the unrest — that was the task of local officials, including Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey. But the task eventually passed to him once it was too much for local officials to handle. Both Walz and Frey’s governments have traded blame and presented their own versions of the events of those days of rage, but the full story of what happened is still not completely known.
I know you are not voting for Trump, so I am not applying this to you (just so we can avoid you telling me you aren't voting for Trump for the millionth time). If Republicans are going to run on stuff like this, they are going to lose. For one, people tend to vote based on the future, not the past. And Secondly, it's just going to remind everyone how crazy Trump's presidency was, even if that isn't the intent.
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I know you are not voting for Trump, so I am not applying this to you (just so we can avoid you telling me you aren't voting for Trump for the millionth time). If Republicans are going to run on stuff like this, they are going to lose. For one, people tend to vote based on the future, not the past. And Secondly, it's just going to remind everyone how crazy Trump's presidency was, even if that isn't the intent.
I expect Trump to lose, but since the alternative is still not good enough for the American people IMO, I’m not voting. This way, when the country goes to holy hell. I’ll make sure I told you all, since I wasn’t a part of the voting process.

In a democracy, I also have the right not to vote. I’m not going to vote for someone with the sole purpose of just stopping the other candidate from winning.
I expect Trump to lose, but since the alternative is still not good enough for the American people IMO, I’m not voting. This way, when the country goes to holy hell. I’ll make sure I told you all, since I wasn’t a part of the voting process.

In a democracy, I also have the right not to vote. I’m not going to vote for someone with the sole purpose of just stopping the other candidate from winning.
I don't care if you vote or not Mike, that wasn't the point of my post.
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no wonder the retards here are falling all over themselves
I think that’s a silly Fox Newsy argument. The text above it explicitly states that the attachment is “without regard to the SEX of that person.” The whole bottom part that was crossed out was irrelevantly included in there, being that all they are talking about is the attachment based on the sex of that person, and nothing else.
I don't care if you vote or not Mike, that wasn't the point or my post.
You’re asking me questions about someone who I’m not voting for or care about. So.., what IS your point? The strategy?

When has Trump ever had good strategy? He should have picked Haley as his VP. That alone was enough to drop him in the polls
You’re asking me questions about someone who I’m not voting for or care about. So.., what IS your point? The strategy?

When has Trump ever had good strategy? He should have picked Haley as his VP. That alone was enough to drop him in the polls
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We haven't even gotten to the DNC Convention yet (a sure-fire bump in the polls) and it's already crystal clear that the Republican ticket has no chance of winning the election.

But our board's "Not gonna vote for POTUS At All" Crowd apparently care enough to waste their time here bashing the Harris/Wals ticket. To borrow a Wals quote about Trump & Vance, 'that's weird as hell.'

But the cool thing about that strategy is that I can predict their post-election responses. They'll come here and give us another load of their bullsh*t: "I didn't give a sh*t about either of 'em anyways."
We haven't even gotten to the DNC Convention yet (a sure-fire bump in the polls) and it's already crystal clear that the Republican ticket has no chance of winning the election.

But our board's "Not gonna vote for POTUS At All" Crowd apparently care enough to waste their time here bashing the Harris/Wals ticket. To borrow a Wals quote about Trump & Vance, 'that's weird as hell.'

But the cool thing about that strategy is that I can predict their post-election responses. They'll come here and give us another load of their bullsh*t: "I didn't give a sh*t about either of 'em anyways."

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We haven't even gotten to the DNC Convention yet (a sure-fire bump in the polls) and it's already crystal clear that the Republican ticket has no chance of winning the election.

But our board's "Not gonna vote for POTUS At All" Crowd apparently care enough to waste their time here bashing the Harris/Wals ticket. To borrow a Wals quote about Trump & Vance, 'that's weird as hell.'

But the cool thing about that strategy is that I can predict their post-election responses. They'll come here and give us another load of their bullsh*t: "I didn't give a sh*t about either of 'em anyways."
So.., how many Jews and minorities did you and your Nebraska buddies round up this morning after discussing the strategy over morning coffee at one of your “meetings?”
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We haven't even gotten to the DNC Convention yet (a sure-fire bump in the polls) and it's already crystal clear that the Republican ticket has no chance of winning the election.

But our board's "Not gonna vote for POTUS At All" Crowd apparently care enough to waste their time here bashing the Harris/Wals ticket. To borrow a Wals quote about Trump & Vance, 'that's weird as hell.'

But the cool thing about that strategy is that I can predict their post-election responses. They'll come here and give us another load of their bullsh*t: "I didn't give a sh*t about either of 'em anyways."
I love how you choosed italics to type your screeching.
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They'll come here and give us another load of their bullsh*t: "I didn't give a sh*t about either of 'em anyways."
We do give a shit Adolf. We give a shit about how crappy the choices are. However, your Biden-like demented brain who thinks they are posting on a Nebraska board can’t even remember that was said about 100 times.

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I don't know what this means, but ok, good talk.
Adolf loves your posts.

Adolf is looking for a side lover to replace his wife, since she’s so homely and manly anyway, he doesn’t care about gender. I’m just warning you.
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We haven't even gotten to the DNC Convention yet (a sure-fire bump in the polls) and it's already crystal clear that the Republican ticket has no chance of winning the election.

But our board's "Not gonna vote for POTUS At All" Crowd apparently care enough to waste their time here bashing the Harris/Wals ticket. To borrow a Wals quote about Trump & Vance, 'that's weird as hell.'

But the cool thing about that strategy is that I can predict their post-election responses. They'll come here and give us another load of their bullsh*t: "I didn't give a sh*t about either of 'em anyways."
I think we all would have more respect for you if you just simply said “ I would much rather vote for a pedophile enabler, than for Donald.“

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Adolf loves your posts.

Adolf is looking for a side lover to replace his wife, since she’s so homely and manly anyway, he doesn’t care about gender. I’m just warning you.
Thanks, your intellectualism is shining through this morning for sure.
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Thanks, your intellectualism is shining through this morning for sure.
Once again, the lever of intellect for the argument presented was at the appropriate level. How that you get it now.
Once again, the lever of intellect for the argument presented was at the appropriate level. How that you get it now.
Sure was, you did great Mike, thanks for putting me in my place.

Hey, are you voting for Trump? You haven't told me in the last 5 minutes and I'm dumb as you like to point out, so I forgot.
not well enough to have an opinion, unfortunately
For one, people tend to vote based on the future, not the past
says the guy who is basing his vote 100% on the fantasy that 2016-2020 was a dictatorship and that the last 4 years were a wonderful, booming economy.

normal people vote based on what they think won't have a tangible negative impact to their lives. idiots vote based on the wealth of propaganda they consume and the internet back-pats they receive for falling in line. they lack the courage to be disliked so they feign benevolence while begging for crumbs of pussy.

the positive/negative feedback dichotomy from faceless peers has become your religion. nobody believes that you're actually that passionate about Palestine, Ukraine, or whatever the latest virtue trend happens to be, but your conditioning has led you to believe that your only path to camaraderie and acceptance is through bleating the tired talking points fed to you (ironically) by billion dollar media and entertainment empires.
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not well enough to have an opinion, unfortunately

says the guy who is basing his vote 100% on the fantasy that 2016-2020 was a dictatorship and that the last 4 years were a wonderful, booming economy.

normal people vote based on what they think won't have a tangible negative impact to their lives. idiots vote based on the wealth of propaganda they consume and the internet back-pats they receive for falling in line. they lack the courage to be disliked so they feign benevolence while begging for crumbs of pussy.

the positive/negative feedback dichotomy from faceless peers has become your religion. nobody believes that you're actually that passionate about Palestine, Ukraine, or whatever the latest virtue trend happens to be, but your conditioning has led you to believe that your only path to camaraderie and acceptance is through bleating the tired talking points fed to you (ironically) by billion dollar media and entertainment empires.
What? I am voting the way I am because I am a liberal. You think if Trump wasn't the candidate I would be voting for the Republican? Possible I guess depending on who it was and what they were running on, but I've never voted for a Republican in my life so highly doubtful.
Sure was, you did great Mike, thanks for putting me in my place.

Hey, are you voting for Trump? You haven't told me in the last 5 minutes and I'm dumb as you like to point out, so I forgot.
Glad you finally got it. If you’re looking for a response that you will love and agree with, maybe you join the board I’m sure that you will find a bunch of your buddies in there that will satisfy your craving to agree with you fully including Adolf Shuckler
What? I am voting the way I am because I am a liberal and the propaganda I consume reinforces my incentive to do so.

We know politics is a team sport to you, because Trump is the most liberal Presidential Nominee with an (R) next to his name ever.

You're not equipped to have that conversation, though. You'd rather that war mongering, hating Jews, panicking about Russia, sucking up to corporations, slobbering over lifetime government officials, and children being mutilated become the bastion of liberal ideology.

What a hilarious full-circle your team has come since the days of protesting war and not trusting authority.
I know you are not voting for Trump, so I am not applying this to you (just so we can avoid you telling me you aren't voting for Trump for the millionth time). If Republicans are going to run on stuff like this, they are going to lose. For one, people tend to vote based on the future, not the past. And Secondly, it's just going to remind everyone how crazy Trump's presidency was, even if that isn't the intent.
and Minnesota knows him more than anyone so if it is such a liability it would show there. The GOP expected Shapiro probably so are a little thrown off in how to attack him. the stolen valor bs won’t work either , he served 24 years and attained the rank of command sergeant major vs Vance working in a press office for a 4 year enlistment.
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Since when did serving in the military qualify you to become a good president or VP. Or get elected.

It didn’t help John McCain and he was a lifer

We know politics is a team sport to you, because Trump is the most liberal Presidential Nominee with an (R) next to his name ever.

You're not equipped to have that conversation, though. You'd rather that war mongering, hating Jews, panicking about Russia, sucking up to corporations, slobbering over lifetime government officials, and children being mutilated become the bastion of liberal ideology.

What a hilarious full-circle your team has come since the days of protesting war and not trusting authority.
Let's see, I am voting for Democrats who currently have 4 governors who are Jewish (Republicans 0) 9 US Senators who are Jewish (Republicans 0), 21 reps who are Jewish (Republicans 2) a current sec of state who is Jewish, the current presidential nominee is married to a Jewish guy, and about 70% of Jews in this country vote for the same party I am. But I hate Jews?
I've never voted for a Republican in my life so highly doubtful.
This always cracks me up. People on either side who only vote for their team, no matter what. And I imagine people like you would be the first to scream about it.

Before you launch into some inane diatribe, I’ve more than voted for my share of dems, independents, and republicans. So, save it.
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This always cracks me up. People on either side who only vote for their team, no matter what. And I imagine people like you would be the first to scream about it.

Before you launch into some inane diatribe, I’ve more than voted for my share of dems, independents, and republicans. So, save it.
Why would I vote for people who I don't agree with much on? If I had been old enough to vote for Bush Sr or even Dole, I might have, I don't think they were crazy and Clinton was a right leaning Democrat anyway. Romney wasn't a terrible candidate but I preferred Obama. But W Bush? No, war and religion is not my thing. McCain, wasn't the worst but certainly loved war too much for me. And then Trump, who I obviously think is batshit crazy. So it's not "no matter what", it's that one side is still relatively normal, though I don't agree with them on everything, and the other side has gone nuts.

And saying you have voted for both means nothing without saying who you voted for. Voting for moderates from each side is fine, plenty of people have done that. But I also know someone who went from die hard Bernie to die hard Trump over night, because she knows nothing about actual policy, and there are plenty or people like that too that make no sense.
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Why would I vote for people who I don't agree with much on? If I had been old enough to vote for Bush Sr or even Dole, I might have, I don't think they were crazy and Clinton was a right leaning Democrat anyway. Romney wasn't a terrible candidate but I preferred Obama. But W Bush? No, war and religion is not my thing. McCain, wasn't the worst but certainly loved war too much for me. And then Trump, who I obviously think is batshit crazy. So it's not "no matter what", it's that one side is still relatively normal, though I don't agree with them on everything, and the other side has gone nuts.
Oh, you don’t like war and religion?

Trump sounds like your guy.
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Yeah, he is to religion what the Olive Garden is to Italian food.

I see you conveniently ignored war.
It doesn't matter what he is, he doesnt care, the people who he surrounds himself with and who he listens to are.

We aren't at war. We are assisting another country at war in Europe trying to prevent it from becoming more widespread. And every president, including Trump has supported Israel.
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Yeah, he is to religion what the Olive Garden is to Italian food.

I see you conveniently ignored war.
It’s useless to try and debate here

The answer to everything is basically “he or she isn’t Trump.”

For the record, Kamala Harris DOES NOT SUPPORT ISRAEL and it was questionable if Biden did as well.
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It’s useless to try and debate here

The answer to everything is basically “he or she isn’t Trump.”

For the record, Kamala Harris DOES NOT SUPPORT ISRAEL and it was questionable if Biden did as well.
How is it questionable? He has been providing weapons since this whole thing started.