2024 Election Thread

I asked this imbecile the same question like 10 times along with his buddy Cubs the server. I hammered this point home

The only response was that Trump’s Republicans shot it down. We are talking like April or May of 2024. Biden took office in January of 2021. Nearly 3 1/2 years! WTF?

I commend her for having the ovaries to ask Mamala the question. She of course sidesteps it and goes straight to reeeeeeeeeee!!!!! Trump.
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The clearest sign that Trump’s campaign internals do not look good right now (nationally not in Florida)is his latest comment/flip flop on Amendment 4 completely contradicting Ron DeSantis who is campaigning against it.
The clearest sign that Trump’s campaign internals do not look good right now (nationally not in Florida)is his latest comment/flip flop on Amendment 4 completely contradicting Ron DeSantis who is campaigning against it.
Florida has a chance to be pretty close. I expect Trump to win it, but the polls are within reach for Harris, as well as Rick Scott's opponent.
Florida has a chance to be pretty close. I expect Trump to win it, but the polls are within reach for Harris, as well as Rick Scott's opponent.
Florida is pretty much the maga home base ..isn’t worth investing in unless the insane fundraising numbers continue. but there have been small signs of fatigue setting in w some of DeSantis’s school board endorsements losing their races

either way it is too expensive and risky to put much effort into FL. Money should go to some Congress and the Senate race though, any D upset is more likely to happen down ballot.
Florida is pretty much the maga home base ..isn’t worth investing in unless the insane fundraising numbers continue. but there have been small signs of fatigue setting in w some of DeSantis’s school board endorsements losing their races

either way it is too expensive and risky to put much effort into FL. Money should go to some Congress and the Senate race though, any D upset is more likely to happen down ballot.
I wouldn't put a lot of money into it, but Trump only beat Biden by 4 points, current polling seems be around that margin too. I think it's a mistake for Dems to treat Florida like it's Alabama or Tennessee, it's not as red as people make it out to be.
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I wouldn't put a lot of money into it, but Trump only beat Biden by 4 points, current polling seems be around that margin too. I think it's a mistake for Dems to treat Florida like it's Alabama or Tennessee, it's not as red as people make it out to be.
apparently Trump flip flopped on Amendment 4 again , a less than 24 hour flip flop. tying himself in a pretzel on this issue that is clearly hurting Republicans since Roe was overturned. Criticizing Kamala on some flip flopping from 5 years ago then does a less than 24 hour one [roll]

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apparently Trump flip flopped on Amendment 4 again , a less than 24 hour flip flop. tying himself in a pretzel on this issue that is clearly hurting Republicans since Roe was overturned. Criticizing Kamala on some flip flopping from 5 years ago then does a less than 24 hour one [roll]

Trump doesn't really care about it, so he is trying play to both sides, and basically hurting himself with both sides.
Trump doesn't really care about it, so he is trying play to both sides, and basically hurting himself with both sides.
His flip-flops make it obvious that there's never been an ounce of conviction in his anti-abortion position.
While the fat neckbeard cries about Pence (who the resident retards hated anyway) Trump is collecting former Democratic Presidential candidates faster than @DaShuckster collects kids for his basement and @Cubs79 collects empty glasses after a busy shift

I don't know where this idea I'm a server came from, never worked in a restaurant in my life. But considering how you and the other two stooges clearly look down on servers, I hope you guys never eat out (which based on how you act on here, I assume your anti social asses dont dont get out much), because i bet all 3 of you tip like shit.
I don't know where this idea I'm a server came from, never worked in a restaurant in my life. But considering how you and the other two stooges clearly look down on servers, I hope you guys never eat out (which based on how you act on here, I assume your anti social asses dont dont get out much), because i bet all 3 of you tip like shit.
The guy posting at 3:00 A,M. on an early Sunday morning says that “we” don’t get out much 😂😂😂

Spells loser and loser job all over it

I tip 20% dick
I don't know where this idea I'm a server came from, never worked in a restaurant in my life. But considering how you and the other two stooges clearly look down on servers, I hope you guys never eat out (which based on how you act on here, I assume your anti social asses dont dont get out much), because i bet all 3 of you tip like shit.
Late shift at Chili’s I see. Hope you at least made a bill. From how bitchy you sound in your post, it must have been a long night of 10 percenters.

Since I have you on the line, could you tell me which one of Mamala’s proposed policies you like the most? Which of the offerings are you most excited about?

And sometimes I only give the tip. Giggity.
yes, nobody ever stays out late on a saturday night of a holiday weekend, you got me there mike.
Yeah,, and running to the WC instead of banging the chick you don’t have fag. Who responds to a guy trolling them in the WC on a Sunday morning at 3:00 A.M. and is up again at 8:00? You must have closed AND opened the restaurant. Try not to drop a tray of food 😂
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less about how much fun normal people are having on the weekends
Yeah, your team is COMPLETELY NORMAL 😂.

It’s so much “fun” to come to the WC and respond to someone who’s trolling you at 3:00 A.M. on a Sunday morning. What a blast!
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Ah my bad, Sunday is for putting on your makeup to be a good Catholic then coming home to denigrate and slur against a special needs son that loves his dad all because he happens to be on a different political team. Just like Jesus.
You’re a very angry person. I will pray for you.
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Ah yes thanks, I'm the one making fun of a special needs child simply for having a dad with slightly different political views than me, clearly you are correct here on who has the anger issues.
That wasn’t as angry, but only by about 20%.

Prayers up!!!
Yeah, your team is COMPLETELY NORMAL 😂.

It’s so much “fun” to come to the WC and respond to someone who’s trolling you at 3:00 A.M. on a Sunday morning. What a blast!
You are really concerned with what time other people post, you said this shit to me a few weeks ago too when I posted at 9 pm. I never realized there was a board curfew.
You are really concerned with what time other people post, you said this shit to me a few weeks ago too when I posted at 9 pm. I never realized there was a board curfew.
Still waiting on pins and needles for your favorite Mamala policies. I’ve given you like 3 hours now to google them.
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You are really concerned with what time other people post, you said this shit to me a few weeks ago too when I posted at 9 pm. I never realized there was a board curfew.
There’s a loser curfew and you went past it, when you responded with absolutely nothing useful.

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Uncle Tom strikes again x2.

While we sit with bated breath for cubs to google Mamala’s policies, you can watch this vivisection of her shitty interview.

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I don't know where this idea I'm a server came from, never worked in a restaurant in my life. But considering how you and the other two stooges clearly look down on servers, I hope you guys never eat out (which based on how you act on here, I assume your anti social asses dont dont get out much), because i bet all 3 of you tip like shit.
2 waters, and yes we’re ready to order
One of the things about this year's election I find annoying is the mainstream media's (MSM's) insistence on treating this one as they would a 'normal' race. They approach it as if it were Obama vs McCain or Bush vs Gore. Doing so creates a massive double-standard because Harris gets treated the way a normal politician running for Prez would. And that's okay.

The problem is that Trump spouts crazy bullsh*t about sharks, electric batteries in the ocean, Hannibal Lector, and bird deaths by windmills and the MSM looks the other way. Can you imagine the MSM Freakout if Harris or Walz said crazy sh*t like Trump does on a daily basis?

Trump is a convicted felon who tried to overturn the last election--but you'd be hard pressed to know it from the election coverage.

Harris has been questioned about her policy positions yet when it comes to Trump's racist, misogynistic, and crazy bullsh*t, its crickets. It was a 'big deal' when Harris changed her campaign position on fracking before she became Vice President. Yet Trump changed his position on abortion twice in 24 hours.

I guess it's just too darn important (i.e. $$$$$$$) for the MSM to treat this election any different than they've done in the past. Screw journalistic integrity, they've got to be 'fair.'
One of the things about this year's election I find annoying is the mainstream media's (MSM's) insistence on treating this one as they would a 'normal' race. They approach it as if it were Obama vs McCain or Bush vs Gore. Doing so creates a massive double-standard because Harris gets treated the way a normal politician running for Prez would. And that's okay.

The problem is that Trump spouts crazy bullsh*t about sharks, electric batteries in the ocean, Hannibal Lector, and bird deaths by windmills and the MSM looks the other way. Can you imagine the MSM Freakout if Harris or Walz said crazy sh*t like Trump does on a daily basis?

Trump is a convicted felon who tried to overturn the last election--but you'd be hard pressed to know it from the election coverage.

Harris has been questioned about her policy positions yet when it comes to Trump's racist, misogynistic, and crazy bullsh*t, its crickets. It was a 'big deal' when Harris changed her campaign position on fracking before she became Vice President. Yet Trump changed his position on abortion twice in 24 hours.

I guess it's just too darn important (i.e. $$$$$$$) for the MSM to treat this election any different than they've done in the past. Screw journalistic integrity, they've got to be 'fair.'
Only weirdos type in italics

Congratulations on conversing with yourself
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One of the things about this year's election I find annoying is the mainstream media's (MSM's) insistence on treating this one as they would a 'normal' race. They approach it as if it were Obama vs McCain or Bush vs Gore. Doing so creates a massive double-standard because Harris gets treated the way a normal politician running for Prez would. And that's okay.

The problem is that Trump spouts crazy bullsh*t about sharks, electric batteries in the ocean, Hannibal Lector, and bird deaths by windmills and the MSM looks the other way. Can you imagine the MSM Freakout if Harris or Walz said crazy sh*t like Trump does on a daily basis?

Trump is a convicted felon who tried to overturn the last election--but you'd be hard pressed to know it from the election coverage.

Harris has been questioned about her policy positions yet when it comes to Trump's racist, misogynistic, and crazy bullsh*t, its crickets. It was a 'big deal' when Harris changed her campaign position on fracking before she became Vice President. Yet Trump changed his position on abortion twice in 24 hours.

I guess it's just too darn important (i.e. $$$$$$$) for the MSM to treat this election any different than they've done in the past. Screw journalistic integrity, they've got to be 'fair.'
It's the "both sides" fallacy that kills me. No you don't have to balance coverage by being fair to both sides. One side is a literal traitor to the Constitution that attempted to overthrow democracy while being a convicted felon, start acting like it's insane he is even running.
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First Poll is a Republican pollster. Harris’s national lead is around 3-4 points so she probably wins the popular vote . The swing States polls are really tight, about 2-4 of them being either tied or 1 point in either direction depending on the pollster. Harris has shown a consistent weakness in Pennsylvania compared to other Midwest States ..if she loses bc of PA she will be questioned the rest of her life for passing on Shapiro as the VP pick unless NC or GA bail out that scenario.

Unless there is a major event to swing things(disastrous debate) this Election may be Year 2000 close.
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