I'm saying that you need to get out of the gun control echo chamber and look at things from a broader perspective. Your linked opinion pieces are perfect examples of selection bias on this topic. From the term gun violence, to talking about homicides in general, to looking only at incidences of a gun firing and not the effect of guns on everything else. Again, saying that having a gun in the home increases the chance of homicide is obvious; but homicide includes criminal murder/manslaughter, accidental shooting, and justifiable homicides. Not drawing the distinction so that you can pile on the numbers is disingenuous. I would hope that everyone would say that killing someone to save your life or your family's lives is a good thing. But these numbers just treat it all as bad. At least the second article talks to gun crime, but they only look at gun crime to make their decision. And it makes the same error in lumping all gun deaths that aren't suicide into homicides.
We don't handle guns the way that we handle other things that cause cultural, societal, and economic chaos. With guns, we just want to take them away. Now, that is impossible because any prohibition in America has failed. But we do it anyway. No education. Very little PR campaigns on gun security and safe practices. Certainly no acts of Congress to provide credits or force insurance companies to cover gun locks and gun safes.
Imagine, if you will, if we handled out-of-wedlock voluntary sex and reproduction the same way. In 2018, an all--time high of 2.5 million cases of just syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia were reported to the CDC. 94 infants died from syphilis in 2018. That's not even to mention the more fatal STDs nor are we hitting pregnancy-related medical deaths and suicides. We're not even touching the number of lives (both of fetuses and of mothers) ended by abortion. So, in our hypothetical, rather than teaching safe sex practices in school, rather than getting people comfortable with all the different orientations, rather than providing all kinds of resources for birth control and legislation forcing insurance companies to provide birth control, rather than spending all kinds of money wiping away the consequences of sexual reproductive acts, we just say don't do it and criminalize those that have sex when someone in society says that they shouldn't? How would that work out?