Charleston church shooting: 9 'killed because they were black,' official says

Police caught this POS.

Supposedly, he let some live so they could tell what happened and tell his story. Here's his story: he's a selfish piece of sh1t.

If Rachel Dolezal was there, what color would she have been? Serious question.

Very sad story :( Glad they caught the monster.
Heard he had drug and mental issues and his father gives him a gun for his 21st birthday. What an idiot.
There's a cold place in Hell for people who kill others in cold blood.

There's an even colder place in Hell for people who murder people in church during worship.
I haven't read anything on it and I really don't feel like reading much on it. Did he say he hated black people or did he hate Christians?
I haven't read anything on it and I really don't feel like reading much on it. Did he say he hated black people or did he hate Christians?

I believe it was due to hating black people. Also, read the title of the thread, dipshit.***
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Throw him in prison amongst the general populace. The black inmates would make him their personal punching bag every day for the rest of his life.
It all comes back to bad parenting. That is the problem.

I'm also curious to see what happens to his dad. Giving a hand gun as gift has a lot of different regulations.
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Good thing he wasn't illegally selling cigs or behind on child support, or he would have been done for.


It all comes back to bad parenting. That is the problem.

I'm also curious to see what happens to his dad. Giving a hand gun as gift has a lot of different regulations.

I thought I read somewhere that he took money his dad gave him for his birthday to buy a gun. Sounds easy for that to get turned into actually buying him a gun. Could also be BS.
What I see here is a racist coward who purposely chose a venue to kill black people where he knew there would be the absolute smallest chance of armed resistance. Churches are typically places where guns have either been banned or "frowned upon" because of it being a holy place. Which is a bit silly since churches, mosques, and synagogues have historically been highly targeted by sectarian terrorists and racists.

There are plenty of places in S Carolina to target large gatherings of black people. But those venues typically would have people legally carrying a firearm or police, or both.

I read a story on Detroit churches encouraging members to conceal and carry to fend off the local gangs who harass their members on Sundays. It's probably past due for southern black churches to do the same, to fend off would be racist mass murderers.

while this is shocking it's sadly not uncommon if you look at the history of racism in the south. That church alone has been targeted many times.
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