Maybe they're not racist. But that's what it projects to most anyone who views it, including roughly 100% of black people. That's my point- why even fly a flag that literally repulses an entire race of people that are your neighbors and fellow residents, if it's not meant to do exactly that?
I don't buy that southern white people fly this flag because they really give a shit about the Civil War. I've met several jackasses who wear Confederate stuff and it's typically to let everyone know that they're a racist good ol boy.
I don't care what it was- if I was wearing, flying, or doing something that was basically a giant middle finger to my black friends and colleagues, I'd stop immediately. To know this, and not stop, is either signaling that you're a flat out racist, or that you genuinely do not give a shit about how painful it is to the black people that just might be your friends or colleauges. Neither option is good or acceptable, IMO.
For example, I can't stand Yankees and their holier than thou New England / New York liberal bullshit and attitude. I'd much rather identify with the deep south. Other than the Confederate Flag, how does one show southern heritage and pride?