Cops shot in Louisiana

Keep watching FoxNews and regurgitating their nonsense. Sterling's death prompted this, not the peaceful protest that had been occurring. Lucky for all of us a convention starts tomorrow which should provide some answers to this problem.

Why do you keep saying that?

Are you that shallow and clueless?

Every watch other networks like CNN, CBS, NBC?

All at one time or another have told the truth many have stated...yet you keep spewing out FOX News stuff...a channel you admitted you don't even watch...and its pretty clear you almost want others to think you don't watch any other channels either. ((actually, we know you watch the other channels but you constantly want to hide the truth)

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Personally I don't like Fox News and don't watch it. But I have to wonder why you keep throwing that out at me like an insult.

I wonder if BLM is going to storm the stage and shout down the conventions like they have at some of every major candidates' rallies. There's nothing that says peaceful like aggressively stifling free political speech.
Or have a barbecue with the local police force.
Keep watching FoxNews and regurgitating their nonsense. Sterling's death prompted this, not the peaceful protest that had been occurring. Lucky for all of us a convention starts tomorrow which should provide some answers to this problem.

Even Eric Holder's Justice Dept noted that there was never a "Hands Up Don't Shoot" cry in it was actually a fight over an officer's gun that ended that fellows life.

From MSNBC after that report and Joe S calls out all of the liars, including the NFL:

Great conversation on MSNBC where Joe S sticks to data...even supports the very liberal former MYC Mayor Bloomberg comments about who commits the most crimes in certain neighbors in NYC.

He also shows what a hypocrite his liberal co-host is by telling everyone who she lives (Westchester County) and how clueless she is to actually real lives in the South Bronx.
Now you agree with the Justice Dept. LMAO!!!!!!!

The Justice Dept had to agree given that the actual facts of the case proved that at no time was he standing with his hands up, being blasted away anyways by a racist cop.

You do understand that, yes? That this entire movement essentially took off, with the media's help, based upon a complete lie that was drafted by "witnesses" who in fact say nothing but wanted to create a narrative in the first hours anyways? People shouting "hands up don't shoot" are just rewarding those who lied to police about what they "saw".
The Justice Dept had to agree given that the actual facts of the case proved that at no time was he standing with his hands up, being blasted away anyways by a racist cop.

You do understand that, yes? That this entire movement essentially took off, with the media's help, based upon a complete lie that was drafted by "witnesses" who in fact say nothing but wanted to create a narrative in the first hours anyways? People shouting "hands up don't shoot" are just rewarding those who lied to police about what they "saw".

You forgot some items.

The city’s practices are shaped by revenue rather than by public safety needs.
The 67% of African Americans in Ferguson account for 93% of arrests made from 2012-2014.
The disproportionate number of arrests, tickets and use of force stemmed from “unlawful bias,” rather than black people committing more crime.
A singled missed, late or partial payment of a fine could mean jail time.

Arrest warrants are “almost exclusively” used as threats to push for payments.

Officers used a dog to attack an unarmed 14-year-old black boy and then struck him while he was lying on the ground, all while he was waiting for his friends in an abandoned house. The report concludes that in every dog bite incident reported, the person bitten was black.
From October 2012 to October 2014, every time a person was arrested because he or she was “resisting arrest,” that person was black.
You forgot some items.

The city’s practices are shaped by revenue rather than by public safety needs.
The 67% of African Americans in Ferguson account for 93% of arrests made from 2012-2014.
The disproportionate number of arrests, tickets and use of force stemmed from “unlawful bias,” rather than black people committing more crime.

A singled missed, late or partial payment of a fine could mean jail time.
Arrest warrants are “almost exclusively” used as threats to push for payments.

Officers used a dog to attack an unarmed 14-year-old black boy and then struck him while he was lying on the ground, all while he was waiting for his friends in an abandoned house. The report concludes that in every dog bite incident reported, the person bitten was black.
From October 2012 to October 2014, every time a person was arrested because he or she was “resisting arrest,” that person was black.

And all of this has what to do with the "hands up don't shoot" lie that essentially helped propel BLM?
So at what point in this thread is it discussed how this guy had nothing to do with BLM other than the fact he was black?
You forgot some items.

The city’s practices are shaped by revenue rather than by public safety needs.
The 67% of African Americans in Ferguson account for 93% of arrests made from 2012-2014.
The disproportionate number of arrests, tickets and use of force stemmed from “unlawful bias,” rather than black people committing more crime.

A singled missed, late or partial payment of a fine could mean jail time.
Arrest warrants are “almost exclusively” used as threats to push for payments.

Officers used a dog to attack an unarmed 14-year-old black boy and then struck him while he was lying on the ground, all while he was waiting for his friends in an abandoned house. The report concludes that in every dog bite incident reported, the person bitten was black.
From October 2012 to October 2014, every time a person was arrested because he or she was “resisting arrest,” that person was black.

Who determined "unlawful bias" and how? The report states that the disproportionate number of arrests cannot be explained by blacks committing more crime, but "in part" by racial bias. What part? 10% 50%? What accounts for the other part? It has to be something other than racial bias according to this report?
So he wasnt inspired at all by blm?
He took up anti-government views, and while he said he didn’t want to be affiliated with any organized groups, he was a member of a bizarre offshoot of the sovereign citizen movement and had been associated with the Nation of Islam. He saw police as part of the government and was outraged by the recent spate of police shootings of black men.

Read more here:

While both groups are angry with police brutality issues - no, there is a difference between BLM and anti-government / violence-driven sects like this guy. Just because a black person does something violent now, doesnt mean its a BLM inspired event. But of course, within 10 seconds thats where the white narrative goes. All black people doing violent things are BLM now....right.[eyeroll]
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He took up anti-government views, and while he said he didn’t want to be affiliated with any organized groups, he was a member of a bizarre offshoot of the sovereign citizen movement and had been associated with the Nation of Islam. He saw police as part of the government and was outraged by the recent spate of police shootings of black men.

Read more here:

While both groups are angry with police brutality issues - no, there is a difference between BLM and anti-government / violence-driven sects like this guy. Just because a black person does something violent now, doesnt mean its a BLM inspired event. But of course, within 10 seconds thats where the white narrative goes. All black people doing violent things are BLM now....right.[eyeroll]

BLM is a movement, not a club. No membership cards are issued. BLM is anti-police, this guy was anti-police, so yes, part of the same movement, call it whatever name you want. He's just on the extreme end.
Who determined "unlawful bias" and how? The report states that the disproportionate number of arrests cannot be explained by blacks committing more crime, but "in part" by racial bias. What part? 10% 50%? What accounts for the other part? It has to be something other than racial bias according to this report?

I wonder what could it be? Hmmmm....
There was due process and the muderer died during the crime.
In the case of the Dallas shooter, it seems like it was pretty cut and dried that he was the one doing it and I understand that he basically gave the police no other choice than to kill him.

However, it just makes my skin crawl when I see people immediately delighting in glee when a suspect is killed and exclaim how good it was that the cops saved taxpayer money, etc. before we barely even find out what happened. To me, that kind of talk is a bit too close to the old get the rope and hanging tree ready mindset. People don't care as long as the supposed bad guy got his.

We don't like it when people make judgments against the cops immediately before all the evidence is in, so why isn't the same afforded to the suspects? It's a scary to think of the cops being the judge and jury, no questions asked. That's a totalitarian society and our society isn't supposed to be that way. This is a huge part of what BLM is arguing about.

I do realize that a lot of the people who have been shot by the police did something to get themselves in that situation, but the killing of a suspect by a police robot was unprecedented and should give us all pause about the possible future implications.
In the case of the Dallas shooter, it seems like it was pretty cut and dried that he was the one doing it and I understand that he basically gave the police no other choice than to kill him.

However, it just makes my skin crawl when I see people immediately delighting in glee when a suspect is killed and exclaim how good it was that the cops saved taxpayer money, etc. before we barely even find out what happened. To me, that kind of talk is a bit too close to the old get the rope and hanging tree ready mindset. People don't care as long as the supposed bad guy got his.

We don't like it when people make judgments against the cops immediately before all the evidence is in, so why isn't the same afforded to the suspects? It's a scary to think of the cops being the judge and jury, no questions asked. That's a totalitarian society and our society isn't supposed to be that way. This is a huge part of what BLM is arguing about.

I do realize that a lot of the people who have been shot by the police did something to get themselves in that situation, but the killing of a suspect by a police robot was unprecedented and should give us all pause about the possible future implications.

A Baton Rouge SWAT Member had a kill shot of the Baton Rouge Cop Killer from over 100 yds away and believe the shot might have gone thru a bay in a Car Wash.

I'm thankful that a SWAT Member easily saved more innocent at least 2 of the wounded COPS were sitting ducks if SWAT didn't act without "due process".

If you get a and listen the Baton Rouge Police Chief who earlier this afternoon during their press conf did a step by step presentation on the actions of the cop killer and of the LEO's...from being being wanting to kill more, the final kill shot by SWAT.
In the case of the Dallas shooter, it seems like it was pretty cut and dried that he was the one doing it and I understand that he basically gave the police no other choice than to kill him.

However, it just makes my skin crawl when I see people immediately delighting in glee when a suspect is killed and exclaim how good it was that the cops saved taxpayer money, etc. before we barely even find out what happened. To me, that kind of talk is a bit too close to the old get the rope and hanging tree ready mindset. People don't care as long as the supposed bad guy got his.

We don't like it when people make judgments against the cops immediately before all the evidence is in, so why isn't the same afforded to the suspects? It's a scary to think of the cops being the judge and jury, no questions asked. That's a totalitarian society and our society isn't supposed to be that way. This is a huge part of what BLM is arguing about.

I do realize that a lot of the people who have been shot by the police did something to get themselves in that situation, but the killing of a suspect by a police robot was unprecedented and should give us all pause about the possible future implications.

Fine- the next time there's a violent extremist with a weapon holed up somewhere, we'll call you to go in and take him out, therefore saving everyone from the "possible future implications" of having a robot used in extremely rare instances.

Take a stab at it, what percentage of BLM is anti-police? Just your best guess. I'm certain my estimate is closer than yours.
We have no way of quantifying, but based on the number of peaceful protest occurring across the entire nation my guess is that it is a small faction. A faction that is getting attention from those against the entire movement.
We have no way of quantifying, but based on the number of peaceful protest occurring across the entire nation my guess is that it is a small faction. A faction that is getting attention from those against the entire movement.
I didn't say violent, I said anti-police.
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Still a small faction.
Here's their platform. Doesn't sound like they care for police much:

  • Ending "broken windows" policing, which aggressively polices minor crimes in an attempt to stop larger ones
  • using community oversight for misconduct rather than having police decide what consequences officers face
  • making standards for reporting police use of deadly force
  • independently investigating and prosecuting police misconduct
  • having the racial makeup of police departments reflect the communities they serve
  • requiring officers to wear body cameras
  • providing more training for police officers
  • ending for-profit policing practices
  • ending the police use of military equipment
  • implementing police union contracts that hold officers accountable for misconduct
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Here's their platform. Doesn't sound like they care for police much:

  • Ending "broken windows" policing, which aggressively polices minor crimes in an attempt to stop larger ones
  • using community oversight for misconduct rather than having police decide what consequences officers face
  • making standards for reporting police use of deadly force
  • independently investigating and prosecuting police misconduct
  • having the racial makeup of police departments reflect the communities they serve
  • requiring officers to wear body cameras
  • providing more training for police officers
  • ending for-profit policing practices
  • ending the police use of military equipment
  • implementing police union contracts that hold officers accountable for misconduct
You have a problem with these items? Lol

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