cornfumblers in action, Pitt looking to clinch the ACC division and others

Good win for the Cornfumblers. They are 4-7
and as good as Michigan State. Probably lose next week at Iowa.

Michigan State has a good defense, but 6 points by Frost?

Michigan State has no offense whatsoever.
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Good win for the Cornfumblers. They are 4-7
and as good as Michigan State. Probably lose next week at Iowa.

Michigan State has a good defense, but 6 points by Frost?

Michigan State has no offense whatsoever.
it's difficult to pass the ball in that weather unless you have all World arm strength. It was in the 20s with wind whipping around
Dude was wide open. Missed him bad. Should have tied it and waited until you have to go for 2.

Should have won the game as the WR was WIDE open. But why are these coaches going for 2 in the first OT? To me you keep playing and see if you can hold other team to FG or wait until the 3rd OT when you must go for 2.

Panic move IMO.
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Should have won the game as the WR was WIDE open. But why are these coaches going for 2 in the first OT? To me you keep playing and see if you can hold other team to FG or wait until the 3rd OT when you must go for 2.

Panic move IMO.
It was said in the broadcast. They were exhausted and couldn't hold off Ohio State. Tosu responds in less than 40 seconds after Maryland scores to take the lead.

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