STFU, Chris. Whitewashed has nothing to fvcking do with it. Why do you hate white people so much?
When you live in the US of fvcking A and can't speak English and never intend to learn fvcking English, then I'd say that is not the proper level of assimilation. When you fly your fvcking flag instead of the flag of the US of fvcking and you live here, I'd say that is not the proper level of assimilation. When espouse the values of your country over those and of the US of fvcking A, I'd say that is not the proper level of assimilation. When this government has to print government documents because you haven't taken the time to learn English and are forcing me as a taxpayer to pay to print everything in your fvcking language, I'd say that is not the proper level of assimilation. When you create areas within a city where English is secondary, where I can't fvcking order a meal at your restaurant because no one can understand a word I said, I'd say that is not the fvcking appropriate level of assimilation. When you force me to recognize your culture at the expense of the American culture and get offended at my response, then that is not the appropriate level of assimilation...I could go on and on and on. Have some fvcking respect for my damned country.
Fvcking you come here to live then put this country and it's fvcking values first. You become an American first and foremeost. The country you left, because it obviously sucked, becomes second. Have all the pride you want but it is secondary to being an American fvcking citizen. Is that so fvcking hard?