Donald Drumpf sucks thread but come in and watch Sir Gal and Coke kneel before the dumbass

He can joke all he wants but if you support Bernie he will never get any higher than he is today and that is a fact unless he wins the lottery. I'm not willing to put the hours and effort into my work only to pay 60% or more in income taxes.

I'm quite happy where I am today. I feed my family, put a roof over the heads, have them involved in activities, travel, while planning for the future. I don't need to kill myself professionally to be happy. I just have to love doing what I'm doing and I'm already there. If I climb further up the ladder due to my efforts, so be it, but it doesn't define my happiness.
I'm quite happy where I am today. I feed my family, put a roof over the heads, have them involved in activities, travel, while planning for the future. I don't need to kill myself professionally to be happy. I just have to love doing what I'm doing and I'm already there. If I climb further up the ladder due to my efforts, so be it, but it doesn't define my happiness.

I suggest you change your attitude and work a little harder. You keep planning for your future because I have my future planned. I plan on quitting my job so that you can feed my family, put a roof over my head, get them involved in activities, and travel. It's gonna be awesome.
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I suggest you change your attitude and work a little harder. You keep planning for your future because I have my future planned. I plan on quitting my job so that you can feed my family, put a roof over my head, get them involved in activities, and travel. It's gonna be awesome.

Bernie is going to pay for my mortgage, car, health care, food, and bar tab. The lazy will rise again! Let's just not wait to bankrupt America for 20 years. Let's go for 4 years.
expanded accessibility to college.

Who reads DK these days?

Expanded? There is a JUCO on most every street corner now and as many online colleges that you can possibly want.

This is another fallacy that Sanders is basing his campaign on. That, and $15T in tax hikes.
I'll ride around in the communal canoe that I'll share with my other comrades

I have 2 canoes and if Bernie wants them he'll be prying them from my cold, dead hands. After the gunfight of course.
Bernie is going to get blown out in Florida after that praising Castro video was played during the last debate
I agree with the Bern in theory, his approach to solving the problem is just too aggressive and costly. The middle class is getting squeezed hard and they're going to get squeezed even harder in the next 25 years. The path we're on is not sustainable and hence much of the anger in this country. None of the candidates are providing real solutions. Jobs will continue to follow cheap labor and technology is going to eliminate jobs where possible. We're racing towards Skynet.
Why don't you simply fork over that raise to the government then, and spare the rest of us having to pay for your expensive, massive expansions of government?

And while Sanders loves to promise that he'll gouge the wealthy, which he will, he will also gouge the middle class:

"But Sanders, going where few politicians dare, would also raise taxes on middle- and low-income families, with those in the dead center of the income spectrum facing a $4,700 tax increase. That would reduce their after-tax incomes by 8.5 percent, the report said."

Please, Senator Sanders, kindly go f*ck yourself.

Donald Trump agrees.
Bernie is going to get blown out in Florida after that praising Castro video was played during the last debate

Bernie wants to transform the US in the same way that Castro transformed Cuba.

"Everybody was totally convinced that Castro was the worst guy in the world," Sanders says in the archival video. "All the Cuban people were going to rise up in rebellion against Fidel Castro. They forgot that he educated their kids, gave them healthcare, totally transformed the society."
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I agree with the Bern in theory, his approach to solving the problem is just too aggressive and costly. The middle class is getting squeezed hard and they're going to get squeezed even harder in the next 25 years. The path we're on is not sustainable and hence much of the anger in this country. None of the candidates are providing real solutions. Jobs will continue to follow cheap labor and technology is going to eliminate jobs where possible. We're racing towards Skynet.

I think the people getting squeezed are the aging middle class people who still think that Sanders or Trump will sprinkle magic fairy dust and make all of those blue collar, low skills jobs reappear that they used to rely on. Only it's not going to happen. We built a generation of people in this country that were totally accustomed to America being the best and only place to make things, and it was an utter shock to their world when global markets began opening up and manufacturing found more efficient places to go.

On the other hand, I don't think anyone 40 or under has any false ideas about what it takes to work in America. They know those jobs are gone, maybe forever, but that there is a new wave of jobs that employers literally can't fill. They are tech specific and medium-high skilled.

I will say, it's often hard to have sympathy for people when they rail against trade and losing jobs to foreign markets, but then go fill their cart at Wal Mart with tons of shit made in China and Vietnam.
He can joke all he wants but if you support Bernie he will never get any higher than he is today and that is a fact unless he wins the lottery. I'm not willing to put the hours and effort into my work only to pay 60% or more in income taxes.
I disagree that he won't get higher because pot will be legal. So there.

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I'll vote for Bernie. After he's elected I am quitting my job though and going 100% on the government tit. There would be no incentive to make more than 25-30k a year.
Sanders has spent his entire life avoiding real employment and has lived exclusively off the government dole.

He's a liberal icon.
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I will say, it's often hard to have sympathy for people when they rail against trade and losing jobs to foreign markets, but then go fill their cart at Wal Mart with tons of shit made in China and Vietnam.

If I remember correctly, didn't Sam Walton originally establish Wal Mart under the premise of selling only US made goods?
I think the people getting squeezed are the aging middle class people who still think that Sanders or Trump will sprinkle magic fairy dust and make all of those blue collar, low skills jobs reappear that they used to rely on. Only it's not going to happen. We built a generation of people in this country that were totally accustomed to America being the best and only place to make things, and it was an utter shock to their world when global markets began opening up and manufacturing found more efficient places to go.

On the other hand, I don't think anyone 40 or under has any false ideas about what it takes to work in America. They know those jobs are gone, maybe forever, but that there is a new wave of jobs that employers literally can't fill. They are tech specific and medium-high skilled.

I will say, it's often hard to have sympathy for people when they rail against trade and losing jobs to foreign markets, but then go fill their cart at Wal Mart with tons of shit made in China and Vietnam.
I think the people getting squeezed are the aging middle class people who still think that Sanders or Trump will sprinkle magic fairy dust and make all of those blue collar, low skills jobs reappear that they used to rely on. Only it's not going to happen. We built a generation of people in this country that were totally accustomed to America being the best and only place to make things, and it was an utter shock to their world when global markets began opening up and manufacturing found more efficient places to go.

On the other hand, I don't think anyone 40 or under has any false ideas about what it takes to work in America. They know those jobs are gone, maybe forever, but that there is a new wave of jobs that employers literally can't fill. They are tech specific and medium-high skilled.

I will say, it's often hard to have sympathy for people when they rail against trade and losing jobs to foreign markets, but then go fill their cart at Wal Mart with tons of shit made in China and Vietnam.

Forget about traditional jobs in the U.S. They're not coming back and most peope know it by now. McKinsey estimates that well over 50% of individuals in the U.S. will be self-employed by 2050. That means they're relying on sharing platforms to trade whatever goods and services they have to offer. That's half the country without traditional health and retirement benefits. If they don't have a skill or something to share then they're also without food or shelter.

Young people are more in tune with this fact than any other demographic. They're voting for the candidate that's going to give them the best chance to learn the skills necessary to survive in the new economy but also offer them some kind of stability a quality of life if they get sick or when they get too old to work.

There will be some incredible changes over the next 10 years that many of our nation's leaders are not even close to comprehending (so forget about having a plan to make the transition go smoothly).

My prediction - we'll have two separate economies, one based on the traditional model of employment with benefits to support (for those that enjoy the 40 hour stability, likely people over 40-50). A 2nd economy will also open up based on digital currency and blockchain, in which no middle-men exist (including bankers, insurance companies, regulators, etc). This will be the economy of tech savvy entrepreneurs starting small businesses in areas of the country that invest in public infrastructure and incentivize small business. The distinctions between the old and new economy participants will be very clear... perhaps even with some "class conflict" between the groups.

It's going to be interesting to see how governments handle it. Right now, most of them are not even close to being prepared. And then you have half the country being dumbed down by Donald Trump. Aye a lot of people are going to get left behind. Oh well.
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On the other hand, I don't think anyone 40 or under has any false ideas about what it takes to work in America. They know those jobs are gone, maybe forever, but that there is a new wave of jobs that employers literally can't fill. They are tech specific and medium-high skilled.

problem is those same under 40 types either dropped out of high school, or got degrees in Latin, finger painting, Pre medieval History, or Music appreciation. good luck with that.
problem is those same under 40 types either dropped out of high school, or got degrees in Latin, finger painting, Pre medieval History, or Music appreciation. good luck with that.
theyre just losers trying to game the system by thinking because they got a degree they did something in life. they remind me of the welfare thugs.

The declared socialist lasted longer in the campaign than the Republican savior. Center right, my ass
Conservatives really have no clue about the future of the economy. reading this board makes me feel like I'm 15 years in the past.
I read your last two posts, so when you got your PhD in economics, what was your first job in the field?
I read your last two posts, so when you got your PhD in economics, what was your first job in the field?

Don't need a Ph.d in economics to understand fundamentals.

Fundamentally capitalism has driven prosperity because when new wealth is created it is distributed eventually *enough* (not perfectly uniformly so save the old arguments about the terror of wealth redistribution) among participants that new demand is generated. That's the simple mechanism that has made capitalism work so far.

As soon as that wealth distribution curve starts to narrow such that most new wealth is going to only a few, new demand isn't created along with new wealth. The entire system breaks down. The way the economy is thought about and modeled has to change with the external environment (and technology is changing that environment in big ways)

Technology and globalization has (and will continue to) cause that distribution curve to narrow, so the economic system that has propagated prosperity over the past several decades will no longer continue to do so.

Thats the fundamental problem. It's a huge problem. Very few in politics are talking about it (and one particular party just outright denies it)
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