Donald Drumpf sucks thread but come in and watch Sir Gal and Coke kneel before the dumbass

I still have zero idea what the sweater reference means. Explain please.

Jimmy Carter asked Americans to set their furnaces a couple of degrees colder during the second gas crisis in the late 70's, and to wear a sweater inside the house to make it more tolerable. I think he gave a speech from the Oval Office while wearing a sweater, but that part I'm not as certain about.
You must have been a huge Obama supporter, he spoke very well.

At least you're no longer attempting to disagree with the fact that you're a racist, supporting a racist candidate.

I know this because you've now sunk to apparently "accusing" me of being an Obama fanboy or something. I love when I have people pegged.
At least you're no longer attempting to disagree with the fact that you're a racist, supporting a racist candidate.

I know this because you've now sunk to apparently "accusing" me of being an Obama fanboy or something. I love when I have people pegged.
85, embrace your inner liberal. There's no need to fight it any longer.
85, embrace your inner liberal. There's no need to fight it any longer.

The ultimate irony is that Donald Trump is, and has been, just as big of a liberal as Obama or Clinton his entire life. He spent his entire adulthood supporting programs that Clinton is now basing her campaign off of. And yet people like Sir G completely ignore this as soon as Trump starts stoking racist fires and/or claiming the Mexicans will pay for a massive World War Z type wall across the entire border.

I disagree with Obama but at least I know he's a liberal, and typically know exactly where he stands on issues. And even if I disagree, I can see that there was some level of thought and contemplating going into his position. And that he's not insane.

Trump, on the other hand, is a liberal but also an absolute maniac and loose cannon. Maybe it's all of the orange makeup impacting his cognitive abilities.
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How is building a wall racist? I don't like Trump but i'd love to see that beautiful wall that will save us billions per year.

Let's just sidestep that first question since it's really not relevant.

In what universe, according to what logic, do you believe that Donald Trump will actually FORCE the Mexican Government to fork over billions of dollars to build a wall on the border? Even if he went nuclear and tried to impede trade with Mexico over it, the Congress could and would simply pass legislation to slap him down. Not to mention the Supreme Court would end up slapping his executive actions down too.

This is the problem with Trump zombies. They hear these insane and idiotic things, that have no basis in reality, yet choose to accept that they'll get done under President Trump simply because he mindlessly repeats these ideas on stage.
Let's just sidestep that first question since it's really not relevant.

In what universe, according to what logic, do you believe that Donald Trump will actually FORCE the Mexican Government to fork over billions of dollars to build a wall on the border? Even if he went nuclear and tried to impede trade with Mexico over it, the Congress could and would simply pass legislation to slap him down. Not to mention the Supreme Court would end up slapping his executive actions down too.

This is the problem with Trump zombies. They hear these insane and idiotic things, that have no basis in reality, yet choose to accept that they'll get done under President Trump simply because he mindlessly repeats these ideas on stage.
I am not a Trumper but I laugh a lot at this stuff. I did see him give an explanation on Mexico paying for the wall and it was basically through evening out trade , tariffs etc. It was actually pretty sensible even if you don't agree with it.
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Let's just sidestep that first question since it's really not relevant.

In what universe, according to what logic, do you believe that Donald Trump will actually FORCE the Mexican Government to fork over billions of dollars to build a wall on the border? Even if he went nuclear and tried to impede trade with Mexico over it, the Congress could and would simply pass legislation to slap him down. Not to mention the Supreme Court would end up slapping his executive actions down too.

This is the problem with Trump zombies. They hear these insane and idiotic things, that have no basis in reality, yet choose to accept that they'll get done under President Trump simply because he mindlessly repeats these ideas on stage.

I don't think Mexico will pay for it. That said it is still needed. We do have a massive immigration issue and overall security issue. Net impact is losing billions per year. We will get the cost back in a few years of slowing illegals from getting across.
I am not a Trumper but I laugh a lot at this stuff. I did see him give an explanation on Mexico paying for the wall and it was basically through evening out trade , tariffs etc. It was actually pretty sensible even if you don't agree with it.

But it's not sensible. There are few economists left on this earth that think tariffs work or are a good idea; there are probably no economists that think it's a good idea for the United States. Especially in the context that Mexico is on the border and the 8th largest economy in the world. Not to mention there are Free Trade Agreements in place that basically make everything he's crowing about illegal and impossible.

That's the thing- this goes beyond agreeing or disagreeing. We're talking fundamentally about things that are not possible or remotely feasible.
I'll put it this way though . Mexico and their ability to dump shit here cheap because it's close , no minimum wage etc put a huge chunk of my industry out of business and crippled margins for the ones who survived . Brazil and other Countries in central and South America have done the same . It's bullshit the way these countries hurt American companies . My experience is in Agriculture and its a real problem and shouldn't be . Brazil hurt the citrus industry way more than greening ever did . Everybody says you just have to run your business better and compete . No way possible when they pay pennies by comparison and have zero regulation yet can send that shit right in here and sell it .
I'll put it this way though . Mexico and their ability to dump shit here cheap because it's close , no minimum wage etc put a huge chunk of my industry out of business and crippled margins for the ones who survived . Brazil and other Countries in central and South America have done the same . It's bullshit the way these countries hurt American companies . My experience is in Agriculture and its a real problem and shouldn't be . Brazil hurt the citrus industry way more than greening ever did . Everybody says you just have to run your business better and compete . No way possible when they pay pennies by comparison and have zero regulation yet can send that shit right in here and sell it .
I believe an economist would say the American grower should grow something else or use the land differently. Thereby providing lower costs to the consumer and allowing each nation to more effectively use their resources.
ofcourse he has the woman that started the clown show portion of the party stumping for him, crazy cat lady
You gotta admit this is funny:

Lol at the Grand Wizard endorsing Hilary.
All these people supporting a known FASCIST RACIST!!!!!!

Trump's been a public figure for decades, only when he starts seriously winning the nom he becomes Hitler - don't think about anything yourselves sheeple.
All the leeches of society support Bernie. The guy couldn't survive in the private market. Typical for a Marxist
All the leeches of society support Bernie. The guy couldn't survive in the private market. Typical for a Marxist
I hate to disappoint you, but pretty much everyone I know that is supporting Bernie has a decent job and pays their own bills. Most have a college degree. They just hate to see executives get bail outs, while families struggle to pay bills.

I hate to disappoint you, but pretty much everyone I know that is supporting Bernie has a decent job and pays their own bills. Most have a college degree. They just hate to see executives get bail outs, while families struggle to pay bills.

Well they will be disappointed if that sorry ass gets elected
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Graduate degree
Just got a 30% raise at work pushing me into the top 10% of incomes in my state
Happily voted for Bernie

Why don't you simply fork over that raise to the government then, and spare the rest of us having to pay for your expensive, massive expansions of government?

And while Sanders loves to promise that he'll gouge the wealthy, which he will, he will also gouge the middle class:

"But Sanders, going where few politicians dare, would also raise taxes on middle- and low-income families, with those in the dead center of the income spectrum facing a $4,700 tax increase. That would reduce their after-tax incomes by 8.5 percent, the report said."

Please, Senator Sanders, kindly go f*ck yourself.
Good thing you don't have one because the sob won't float after Bernie chops it up in little pieces giving everyone some
He can joke all he wants but if you support Bernie he will never get any higher than he is today and that is a fact unless he wins the lottery. I'm not willing to put the hours and effort into my work only to pay 60% or more in income taxes.
"But Sanders, going where few politicians dare, would also raise taxes on middle- and low-income families, with those in the dead center of the income spectrum facing a $4,700 tax increase. That would reduce their after-tax incomes by 8.5 percent, the report said."

Please, Senator Sanders, kindly go f*ck yourself.

those that benefit from govt expansion should pay for it. We all benefit from a healthier & more informed populous.