Donald Drumpf sucks thread but come in and watch Sir Gal and Coke kneel before the dumbass

Capitalism can exist with
What's your point? There have been numerous "revolutions" throughout history that had similar effects. Are you just saying that this will be different and the one to rule them all? Society will adapt.

How is what you're positing at all capitalist?

See Robert Reich's writings for views on capitalism I agree with.
You all are focused on manufacturing, but I think of you are still off. The number of people needed to support a plant relying on robotics is less than what was needed to run the same plant 20 years ago. You all aren't even talking about service industries where code is automating processes. A team of 10 can maintain that code. Code that's doing the work of hundreds of people. Sometimes thousands.

And the whole $15 an hour movement is only pushing us there faster.
You could just answer the question I asked. I don't care about this third Reich fellow. You should be able to defend the assertions you make without suggesting others do random research.

The ideas I'm talking about aren't capitalistic ideas. They're socialistic ideas which fit in to the context of modern capitalism. Our system of capitalism has always needed to adapt to modern realities in cases when the pure free market ideas fail, yet we're still considered a "capitalist" economy (at least by a majority of the world). We're considered a capitalistic economy because we have preserved the mechanisms of capitalism which drive prosperity while correcting for market failures. Our economy still facilities free flow of capital to its best uses (why would anybody not consider capital's best use to be that which leads to an overall more prosperous society?), our economy still facilities competition in many markets (I say "many" because the uncompetitive markets we do have have been manipulated by non-government players... Those defending the free market should really take care of this one if they want to be taken seriously), and our economy still leads the world in design of better products and services (Kicker: an idea of 85's I agree with but I won't tell him that because he's a dickhole)... and this has all been in the context of an economy which has never been a perfectly-free capitalistic.

So, we're at a point where incorporation of more socialistic ideas need to be made to save capitalism from itself (i.e. from a failure to deliver prosperity to society as a whole). We're in the midst of a market failure that hasn't been seen before, where labor is going to become really cheap (for the reason's I've been talking about) and where capital is going to become super-cheap (we're already drowning in an over abundance of capital that isn't getting well-allocated, even capital resources are becoming cheaper - it's becoming free in some cases, see open source software used in the corporation!!). These forces are driving the economy in a direction which was never intended to go when the Wealth of Nations was thought of.

We can adjust to these changes and provide social support to those who work hard but will not receive that support from the traditional mechanisms that a capitalistic system has delivered them by. We'll still have easy flow of capital to its "best use" (Kicker: the mechanism which will facilitate that easy flow of capital will simultaneously reduce the amount of labor needed in the economy by a not insignificant amount); We'll still facilitate competition between capable players (Kicker: That competition will continue to get so fierce that entrepreneurs with good ideas and coding chops can disrupt entire established industries in shorter time-periods than ever imaged - ponder the effects of this in our current capitalistic system), We'll still design the best products and services in the world because we'll still facilitate the best ideas (Kicker: manufacturing at a large scale will NEVER return to the U.S., so our forte will always need to be the execution of ideas and better business models).

That long-winded answer just so you don't try to pigeonhole me to say "Oh my God you do hate capitalism because you pitched socialist ideas"! I see the virtues of capitalism when its corrected from the failures that Adam Smith couldn't foresee in 1799.
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Reich - that explains a lot. Between him & Krugman - you've got some of the biggest fûckin fake intellectual retards mankind has ever known.
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The ideas I'm talking about aren't capitalistic ideas. They're socialistic ideas which fit in to the context of modern capitalism. Our system of capitalism has always needed to adapt to modern realities in cases when the pure free market ideas fail, yet we're still considered a "capitalist" economy (at least by a majority of the world). We're considered a capitalistic economy because we have preserved the mechanisms of capitalism which drive prosperity while correcting for market failures. Our economy still facilities free flow of capital to its best uses (why would anybody not consider capital's best use to be that which leads to an overall more prosperous society?), our economy still facilities competition in many markets (I say "many" because the uncompetitive markets we do have have been manipulated by non-government players... Those defending the free market should really take care of this one if they want to be taken seriously), and our economy still leads the world in design of better products and services (Kicker: an idea of 85's I agree with but I won't tell him that because he's a dickhole)... and this has all been in the context of an economy which has never been a perfectly-free capitalistic.

So, we're at a point where incorporation of more socialistic ideas need to be made to save capitalism from itself (i.e. from a failure to deliver prosperity to society as a whole). We're in the midst of a market failure that hasn't been seen before, where labor is going to become really cheap (for the reason's I've been talking about) and where capital is going to become super-cheap (we're already drowning in an over abundance of capital that isn't getting well-allocated, even capital resources are becoming cheaper - it's becoming free in some cases, see open source software used in the corporation!!). These forces are driving the economy in a direction which was never intended to go when the Wealth of Nations was thought of.

We can adjust to these changes and provide social support to those who work hard but will not receive that support from the traditional mechanisms that a capitalistic system has delivered them by. We'll still have easy flow of capital to its "best use" (Kicker: the mechanism which will facilitate that easy flow of capital will simultaneously reduce the amount of labor needed in the economy by a not insignificant amount); We'll still facilitate competition between capable players (Kicker: That competition will continue to get so fierce that entrepreneurs with good ideas and coding chops can disrupt entire established industries in shorter time-periods than ever imaged - ponder the effects of this in our current capitalistic system), We'll still design the best products and services in the world because we'll still facilitate the best ideas (Kicker: manufacturing at a large scale will NEVER return to the U.S., so our forte will always need to be the execution of ideas and better business models).

That long-winded answer just so you don't try to pigeonhole me to say "Oh my God you do hate capitalism because you pitched socialist ideas"! I see the virtues of capitalism when its corrected from the failures that Adam Smith couldn't foresee in 1799.
Do you not understand the meaning of concise? ffs
And the whole $15 an hour movement is only pushing us there faster.
You're exactly right. So companies will look for a cheaper alternative. It's been mentioned you'll need people to support these new technologies, which you will, just not as many. If you sell a product that requires some onsite maintenance that will obviously require a human, however as we speak IBM Watson is being connected to enterprise knowledge bases in order to provide interactive chat\phone support. Microsoft says Cortana can do it better and more cheaply. So in 15-20 years companies could rely on much smaller help desk. More companies will rely upon cloud infrastructure reducing their data center foot print as well. Thats just IT. From a business operations standpoint paper documents are being eliminated along with the human touch points previously required to get them completed and ingested. My point in all of this is that between advances in technology, our population growth, and the advancement of other nations capabilities things could be become difficult for many in the next 50 -75 years. No quick change more like a vice grip clamping down.
You're exactly right. So companies will look for a cheaper alternative. It's been mentioned you'll need people to support these new technologies, which you will, just not as many. If you sell a product that requires some onsite maintenance that will obviously require a human, however as we speak IBM Watson is being connected to enterprise knowledge bases in order to provide interactive chat\phone support. Microsoft says Cortana can do it better and more cheaply. So in 15-20 years companies could rely on much smaller help desk. More companies will rely upon cloud infrastructure reducing their data center foot print as well. Thats just IT. From a business operations standpoint paper documents are being eliminated along with the human touch points previously required to get them completed and ingested. My point in all of this is that between advances in technology, our population growth, and the advancement of other nations capabilities things could be become difficult for many in the next 50 -75 years. No quick change more like a vice grip clamping down.

Well said.

To add to your point about the cloud, in addition to making physical data centers obsolete, it's going to make it really easy for anyone to start a modern business that requires computing (which just about any modern business). We're in an age where you can build a software business from the ground up without large capital investment. In the past if an entrepreneur had a startup idea, the capital investment to get that idea off the ground could have made it difficult to do so. Even if the entrepreneur could get the capital needed to build up a data-center, to hire folks with additional skills or to rent out an office space, he still had to deal with pressures of dealing with the providers of his capital and the pressures of meeting fictitious goals to keep them happy.

With cloud computing and shared learning (you don't need to hire as much skill because the skill is out on the web for the taking, often times for free), the amount of capital needed to get a business off the ground has reduced dramatically. A entrepreneur now can pay Amazon a few bucks a month for the compute resource he needs to develop a startup, and code his infrastructure such that as the startup starts to grow, the amount of compute resource scales up in-line with the business needs. What used to be a huge fixed-cost investment is now a variable cost that you control based on exactly what you need to keep your business up. That's one of the reasons I said earlier capital is cheapening along with labor, The Second Machine Age is a good book that expands on this.

This is just one of many areas where technology is changing the economy in fundamental ways. We adapt, or we make things harder on ourselves.
Just passed Trump tower and there are protesters across the street. There were three flags, black lives matter, Bernie and an anarchy flag. Ugly crowd. We laughed at them as we passed by.
Just passed Trump tower and there are protesters across the street. There were three flags, black lives matter, Bernie and an anarchy flag. Ugly crowd. We laughed at them as we passed by.

Anarachy flag. That's so hip.
Republican leaders adamantly opposed to Donald J. Trump’s candidacy are preparing a 100-day campaign to deny him the presidential nomination, starting with an aggressive battle in Wisconsin’s April 5 primary and extending into the summer, with a delegate-by-delegate lobbying effort that would cast Mr. Trump as a calamitous choice for the general election.
These morons are so power hungry they would rather destroy the party than for it to change. I say good, let the Republican Party die.
These morons are so power hungry they would rather destroy the party than for it to change. I say good, let the Republican Party die.

I don't disagree with the fact that if Trump receives the majority of delegates and/or he receives the necessary number to secure the nomination that the GOP needs to back off and let this very democratic process play out. The party has had 8 years to groom someone or come up with a solution to defeat an extremely beatable Hillary. The fact that they are even considering this shows a party that's completely dysfunctional.

We may very well be seeing the death of the Republican party as we knew it. That's not hyperbole either. It's a real possibility.
Republican leaders adamantly opposed to Donald J. Trump’s candidacy are preparing a 100-day campaign to deny him the presidential nomination, starting with an aggressive battle in Wisconsin’s April 5 primary and extending into the summer, with a delegate-by-delegate lobbying effort that would cast Mr. Trump as a calamitous choice for the general election.

I've already said this. If Dump gets 1237 then they have to give it to him. If not, he didn't earn it and put up a real candidate, Kasich would be good. At this point Hillary is already going to be President. Might as well save the party and get rid of the racists, uberrightwingers, evangelicals and cookooservatives at the same time. Become the party of fiscal conservatism and IDGAF about social issues stop being a fuking whiny bitch grow up and take care of yourself party. The Dems are just 8 years behind us with their current catering to free everything. They'll have the same fracture in the future. It's all a cycle. It's happened to both parties before. Maybe this time it will create a third party. That would be best for everyone. You have the socialist Dems, the GOP and the cookooservatives.
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I've already said this. If Dump gets 1237 then they have to give it to him. If not, he didn't earn it and put up a real candidate, Kasich would be good. At this point Hillary is already going to be President. Might as well save the party and get rid of the racists, uberrightwingers, evangelicals and cookooservatives at the same time. Become the party of fiscal conservatism and IDGAF about social issues stop being a fuking whiny bitch grow up and take care of yourself party. The Dems are just 8 years behind us with their current catering to free everything. They'll have the same fracture in the future. It's all a cycle. It's happened to both parties before. Maybe this time it will create a third party. That would be best for everyone. You have the socialist Dems, the GOP and the cookooservatives.
By the reason he may not get there is because the republican party is doing everything in their part to keep him from getting the numbers. They are doing this even though they forced him to sign a pledge not to run as a third party candidate if he did not win. They are going out of their way to stop him instead of letting the people of the party decide. Now they have their 100 day war planned.

So arrogant are these people that they don't care about the people, the party just their power. I have not always voted republican but I have for the past 16 years but I will have no problem never voting republican again after this 100 day war. For me its simple, if I support Trump and he clearly would have won without the establishment intervention than it is obvious to me I am not a republican. There will be millions like me and since I hate both establishment parties, watching them both crumble in the same year will be very entertaining.

On a side note, I know a lot of the establishment types, their old money type douchebags. Watching them squirm is also enjoyable.
Cruz would be better. I love him for wanting to abolish the IRS and slap in a flat tax.
This is why Cruz is actually my #1 choice but there is zero chance he can win Florida, Ohio or NY and without one of those Hillary is our new President.
Do you remember the time the Tea party blocked the roads to the Obama Rally?
Do you remember when the Young Republican Club infiltrated that Democratic rally and caused it to be delayed?
Do remember the time the Conservative groups banned together to assault those people trying to get into the Democratic Presidential debate?

Oops, guess not. This is what has created Trump. This is what has caused the anger of this nation. I just listened to a replay of a Bernie speech where he said that the U.S. had to fix its immigration policy, not build walls. While this is an American issue due to illegals, the problem resides with the Mexican and other Central American nations economies. The anger comes from blaming America for everything, we've had eight years of that, from what I can tell it is not working.
I've already said this. If Dump gets 1237 then they have to give it to him. If not, he didn't earn it and put up a real candidate, Kasich would be good. At this point Hillary is already going to be President. Might as well save the party and get rid of the racists, uberrightwingers, evangelicals and cookooservatives at the same time. Become the party of fiscal conservatism and IDGAF about social issues stop being a fuking whiny bitch grow up and take care of yourself party. The Dems are just 8 years behind us with their current catering to free everything. They'll have the same fracture in the future. It's all a cycle. It's happened to both parties before. Maybe this time it will create a third party. That would be best for everyone. You have the socialist Dems, the GOP and the cookooservatives.
No he wouldn't. He's basically likable Hillary. They have had their chances repeatedly to be the party you describe & keep opting for the usual bullshit: Give base rhetoric on abortion and guns, and in return get free trade deals and war mongering. So stop being a good little cuck & get on the Trump Train



Do you remember the time the Tea party blocked the roads to the Obama Rally?
Do you remember when the Young Republican Club infiltrated that Democratic rally and caused it to be delayed?
Do remember the time the Conservative groups banned together to assault those people trying to get into the Democratic Presidential debate?

Oops, guess not. This is what has created Trump. This is what has caused the anger of this nation. I just listened to a replay of a Bernie speech where he said that the U.S. had to fix its immigration policy, not build walls. While this is an American issue due to illegals, the problem resides with the Mexican and other Central American nations economies. The anger comes from blaming America for everything, we've had eight years of that, from what I can tell it is not working.

You're right. Issues that are not really issues and complete ignorance of issues that actually are issues created Trump.

America's general ignorance and stupidity that has allowed it to actually believe the bullshit that Republicans have told them over the years are actual problems have created Trump.
You're right. Issues that are not really issues and complete ignorance of issues that actually are issues created Trump.

America's general ignorance and stupidity that has allowed it to actually believe the bullshit that Republicans have told them over the years are actual problems have created Trump.
Just republicans huh?
IDK, guys. That Scott Baio endorsement for Trump might make me Team Trump.

But I'm gonna need to know who Fonzie is endorsing before I really know for sure.

“He speaks like I speak.”

Donald Trump has just added another Hollywood endorsement to his list.

During an interview on Sunday on Fox News with Judge Jeanine Pirro, 55 year old actor Scott Baio said that he is supporting Trump for president, joining the likes of Kid Rock and Aaron Carter. When she asked why he answered: “It’s very simple. When he speaks, I understand him. He speaks like I speak. He also expressed his frustration with Washington saying that he wants the anti-establishment candidate to go in and “blow it up.”
I've already said this. If Dump gets 1237 then they have to give it to him. If not, he didn't earn it and put up a real candidate, Kasich would be good. At this point Hillary is already going to be President. Might as well save the party and get rid of the racists, uberrightwingers, evangelicals and cookooservatives at the same time. Become the party of fiscal conservatism and IDGAF about social issues stop being a fuking whiny bitch grow up and take care of yourself party. The Dems are just 8 years behind us with their current catering to free everything. They'll have the same fracture in the future. It's all a cycle. It's happened to both parties before. Maybe this time it will create a third party. That would be best for everyone. You have the socialist Dems, the GOP and the cookooservatives.
Trump or Cruz getting blown out in a General Election with a Dem in the White House 12 straight years might finally get this transition to occur. There was one recent poll that if Trump was the Nominee that the Dems would have a chance to win Utah[laughing].

It would help the Republican Party to change the Primary order to States where Evangelicals don't have a huge say in the momentum of campaigns. Instead of Iowa, NH, & South Carolina as the first 3 make a State like Colorado, California, or Florida as the 3rd State in place of South Carolina.