Donald Drumpf sucks thread but come in and watch Sir Gal and Coke kneel before the dumbass

"So, you would use a battlefield nuclear weapon, Mr Trump?"

"Let me tell you something- yo
I'm absolutely fine with it because your allegiance with the smarter voters have given us nothing but political correctness, wars that don't end, an economy that is propped up by the Fed, open borders and eight years of Obama. I'll try something new this time.


At least you're finally admitting that you're blindly following a lunatic who lies every 5 minutes. I'll note this for when you're wildly screaming about Hillary being a liar in a few months.
"So, you would use a battlefield nuclear weapon, Mr Trump?"

"Let me tell you something- yo


At least you're finally admitting that you're blindly following a lunatic who lies every 5 minutes. I'll note this for when you're wildly screaming about Hillary being a liar in a few months.
85, I hope I've been clear with you, I don't care what you think. At least I have the sense to realize that voting for an establishment republican is no different than voting for an establishment democrat.
Simple, he is the only one in the race that is not a career politician.
Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, and Gary Johnson aren't career politicians. Did (or do) you support them? If not, why Trump?

And I'm not sold that having a career politician in the WH is a bad thing. I mean, if you owned a NASCAR team, would you put a taxi driver in your car just because you're tired of the attitudes of the 45 guys who race regularly? Sure he knows how to drive and get around town fast, but does that qualify him to run at 180+ mph two inches from a wall and other cars for four hours?
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85, I hope I've been clear with you, I don't care what you think. At least I have the sense to realize that voting for an establishment republican is no different than voting for an establishment democrat.

It's so hilarious how yelling about the "ESTABLISHMENT!" has become the code word for Trump supporters to deflect attention away from the fact that they're supporting a braindead racist and pathological liar.

In your low IQ world, anyone who doesn't promote racism or base their ENTIRE campaign on lies = ESTABLISHMENT!

Why don't you just finally admit that your gleeful approval of the blatant Trump racism, and not the ESTABLISHMENT!, is the real reason for your support?
I did support Gary Johnson when the GOPe successfully squelched him in favor of losers (like they always do) actually. As for Carson (who supports mr big bad evil FASCIST RACIST Trump) & low energy Fiorina both were meh as fûck.

That's the big thing Trump has is he doesn't need GOPe king making money since everyone knows he is already. Amazing how all these politicians unite to guard their trough. Won't be with my help. Fúck them all.
I did support Gary Johnson when the GOPe successfully squelched him in favor of losers (like they always do) actually. As for Carson (who supports mr big bad evil FASCIST RACIST Trump) & low energy Fiorina both were meh as fûck.

That's the big thing Trump has is he doesn't need GOPe king making money since everyone knows he is already. Amazing how all these politicians unite to guard their trough. Won't be with my help. Fúck them all.

Yea, Trump is such a "celebrity" that he's had to say insane things every week just to keep himself relevant.

It's amazing that people like you and SIr G can read the absolute f*cking disaster of an interview that he gave to the Wa Po, yet STILL support him simply because "everyone knows he is already".

He's as awful and ridiculous as Roseanne Barr's candidacy, the only different is that Trump has found low IQ suckers to support him.
It's not a lie if you believe it. So Ben Carson & Carl Icahn have a low IQ. Get back to that govt tit.

If we were going to elect an abrasive businessman for President, I'd take Cuban 1000000000x over dickshit Trump. Cuban has been infinitely more successful in the business world than Trump, he started as a poor bartender (rather than getting a $40M check from daddy), and he actually makes coherent and rational points when he speaks on policy matters. Oh, he's also not a raging racist and xenophobe.
Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, and Gary Johnson aren't career politicians. Did (or do) you support them? If not, why Trump?

And I'm not sold that having a career politician in the WH is a bad thing. I mean, if you owned a NASCAR team, would you put a taxi driver in your car just because you're tired of the attitudes of the 45 guys who race regularly? Sure he knows how to drive and get around town fast, but does that qualify him to run at 180+ mph two inches from a wall and other cars for four hours?
I really like Carley Fiorina and would have voted for her if she made it farther. I also like Ben Carson but he was a tad bit in the rigorous side for me but I would have supported him as well. Washington is broken and people go there to get rich, not do what's best for their constituents or the country. It's a money trap and I'm tired of it.
I really like Carley Fiorina and would have voted for her if she made it farther. I also like Ben Carson but he was a tad bit in the rigorous side for me but I would have supported him as well. Washington is broken and people go there to get rich, not do what's best for their constituents or the country. It's a money trap and I'm tired of it.
It's become a money trap because of how business has manipulated politics for over a century. Bringing in new blood sounds great from an outsiders point of view, but with the complexity of legislation these days and the influence of lobbyists and the business community, having career politicians may actually be better than the alternative.

Take FL for example. The downside of having term-limited politicians in the FL legislature has become that the lobbyists control most of if not all the information. So you simply move the graft from elected officials to hired guns, who aren't subject to voters. How is that better? Guys come in thinking they can bring fresh ideas and policies into the system but then get railroaded by the lobbyists. It may never change.
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It's so hilarious how yelling about the "ESTABLISHMENT!" has become the code word for Trump supporters to deflect attention away from the fact that they're supporting a braindead racist and pathological liar.

In your low IQ world, anyone who doesn't promote racism or base their ENTIRE campaign on lies = ESTABLISHMENT!

Why don't you just finally admit that your gleeful approval of the blatant Trump racism, and not the ESTABLISHMENT!, is the real reason for your support?
It amuses me that you think anyone that supports Trump has a low IQ. There are many people that I know personally in executive roles in major companies that you know very well who support Trump but will never say in public. What you fail to understand is people like Trump know how to surround themselves with talent. You don't build what he has built by thinking you're the smartest guy in the room. I recently left another company that I helped sell and now I have taken a similar role at another corporation. I've rarely seen a CEO at a Fortune 500 company think they are the smartest person in a room. Trump has an enormous ego but I know a few people that have worked for him and the guy knows how to hire talented people. That is why I'm not concerned about him as president, you see the TV version of Trump, I've seen how he works without the media around him and he leads like a successful CEO.
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It's become a money trap because of how business has manipulated politics for over a century. Bringing in new blood sounds great from an outsiders point of view, but with the complexity of legislation these days and the influence of lobbyists and the business community, having career politicians may actually be better than the alternative.

Take FL for example. The downside of having term-limited politicians in the FL legislature has become that the lobbyists control most of if not all the information. So you simply move the graft from elected officials to hired guns, who aren't subject to voters. How is that better? Guys come in thinking they can bring fresh ideas and policies into the system but then get railroaded by the lobbyists. It may never change.
I agree w this on the lobbyists apples to oranges (Trump is the orange in this case) w FL vs the white house but that's a big appeal of Trump he's already got his own cash fountains
Washington is broken and people go there to get rich, not do what's best for their constituents or the country. It's a money trap and I'm tired of it.

I thought this was a capitalistic society? Who would have imagined capitalism seeping into our form of representative democracy by using freedom of speech ( money ) to elect folks that will ( nominally ) do their bidding?
I agree w this on the lobbyists apples to oranges (Trump is the orange in this case) w FL vs the white house but that's a big appeal of Trump he's already got his own cash fountains
What makes you think he's above enriching himself even more by being in office? Just because he's rich has never stopped him from wanting to make even more money.
What makes you think he's above enriching himself even more by being in office? Just because he's rich has never stopped him from wanting to make even more money.
The guy is worth billions, there is nothing material he can't buy today. I'll take my chances with a guy like him who would enter the whitehouse very wealthy over a guy like Rubio who has never had a non government job and is worth less than you 85.
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If we were going to elect an abrasive businessman for President, I'd take Cuban 1000000000x over dickshit Trump. Cuban has been infinitely more successful in the business world than Trump, he started as a poor bartender (rather than getting a $40M check from daddy), and he actually makes coherent and rational points when he speaks on policy matters. Oh, he's also not a raging racist and xenophobe.
he created the GOAT channel AXS TV. Art Mann Presents and live music festivals, he has my vote
It amuses me that you think anyone that supports Trump has a low IQ. There are many people that I know personally in executive roles in major companies that you know very well who support Trump but will never say in public. What you fail to understand is people like Trump know how to surround themselves with talent. You don't build what he has built by thinking you're the smartest guy in the room. I recently left another company that I helped sell and now I have taken a similar role at another corporation. I've rarely seen a CEO at a Fortune 500 company think they are the smartest person in a room. Trump has an enormous ego but I know a few people that have worked for him and the guy knows how to hire talented people. That is why I'm not concerned about him as president, you see the TV version of Trump, I've seen how he works without the media around him and he leads like a successful CEO.

Right, he always surrounds himself by the smartest people. Which is why he has a degenerate thug as his Campaign Manager and some of the dumbest sounding humans on earth to act as his media surrogates on these TV shows. Oh, and he's SO smart that he apparently forgot to seek out any actual advisers, which is why he spent a week to "release" the name of his foreign policy advisors. He clearly had none and had to scramble to find anyone willing to have Trump put their name down next to his idiocy.

Most every poll has shown that the bulk of Trump's support is from uneducated white people.

But hey, you know executives who like him.

Conservative women will not vote for him. Independent women will not vote for him. 40% of Republicans say they won't vote for him. Minorities surely will not vote for him. The well educated white people won't vote for him.

Trump will get the uneducated white vote and nothing else. He'll also get absolutely annihilated by Clinton.

The polls today are showing that she'd win by more than 12% if the election were today. That is unheard of in an era when the country is basically split 50/50 and 51-49 races are common.

I hope Sir G takes yet another bet that Trump will win.
Right, he always surrounds himself by the smartest people. Which is why he has a degenerate thug as his Campaign Manager and some of the dumbest sounding humans on earth to act as his media surrogates on these TV shows. Oh, and he's SO smart that he apparently forgot to seek out any actual advisers, which is why he spent a week to "release" the name of his foreign policy advisors. He clearly had none and had to scramble to find anyone willing to have Trump put their name down next to his idiocy.

Most every poll has shown that the bulk of Trump's support is from uneducated white people.

But hey, you know executives who like him.
There are a bunch of hedge fund guys like Carl Icahn who like Trump. Probably only because of what he can do for them personally.
Trump will get the uneducated white vote and nothing else. He'll also get absolutely annihilated by Clinton.

The polls today are showing that she'd win by more than 12% if the election were today. That is unheard of in an era when the country is basically split 50/50 and 51-49 races are common.


yeah the serious electoral projections says Clinton would have a realistic chance at winning Georgia & Utah with Florida being a given.
Right, he always surrounds himself by the smartest people. Which is why he has a degenerate thug as his Campaign Manager and some of the dumbest sounding humans on earth to act as his media surrogates on these TV shows. Oh, and he's SO smart that he apparently forgot to seek out any actual advisers, which is why he spent a week to "release" the name of his foreign policy advisors. He clearly had none and had to scramble to find anyone willing to have Trump put their name down next to his idiocy.

Most every poll has shown that the bulk of Trump's support is from uneducated white people.

But hey, you know executives who like him.
Such a dumb campaign manager, tell me again who is leading in delegates again?
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Conservative women will not vote for him. Independent women will not vote for him. 40% of Republicans say they won't vote for him. Minorities surely will not vote for him. The well educated white people won't vote for him.

Trump will get the uneducated white vote and nothing else. He'll also get absolutely annihilated by Clinton.

The polls today are showing that she'd win by more than 12% if the election were today. That is unheard of in an era when the country is basically split 50/50 and 51-49 races are common.

I hope Sir G takes yet another bet that Trump will win.

I wonder if Trump v. Hillary will be worse than Reagan v. Mondale? I doubt it but it will be close.
Conservative women will not vote for him. Independent women will not vote for him. 40% of Republicans say they won't vote for him. Minorities surely will not vote for him. The well educated white people won't vote for him.

Trump will get the uneducated white vote and nothing else. He'll also get absolutely annihilated by Clinton.

The polls today are showing that she'd win by more than 12% if the election were today. That is unheard of in an era when the country is basically split 50/50 and 51-49 races are common.

I hope Sir G takes yet another bet that Trump will win.
Wow, not one vote from any of those groups, generalize much?
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Lol at voting for the tax communist Cuban over Trump. Next time you f@gs cry because the pussy libs want another safe space or throw you in jail for hurting their pc feelings or if the blm monkeys rob you and assault someone you know remember Trump was your last chance...

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