Donald Drumpf sucks thread but come in and watch Sir Gal and Coke kneel before the dumbass

The way I see it, if Hillary hasn't been charged by now, she'll never get charged. You can scream that she violated the law until you're blue in the face and it won't matter. If they had the will to bring her up on charges, they would have done it by now.
I know she'll never get charged. And even if she did Obama would pardon her. That doesn't change the fact that if her last name wasn't Clinton she'd likely have ablife sentence.
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The way I see it, if Hillary hasn't been charged by now, she'll never get charged. You can scream that she violated the law until you're blue in the face and it won't matter. If they had the will to bring her up on charges, they would have done it by now.
Hillary won't be charged because she is the best candidate out there for the status quo, and the people holding the money know that. Banks, oil companies, defense contractors, etc... they all know Hillary is the best candidate to keep their pockets fat right now, at the expense of normal Americans.
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Hillary won't be charged because she is the best candidate out there for the status quo, and the people holding the money know that. Banks, oil companies, defense contractors, etc... they all know Hillary is the best candidate to keep their pockets fat right now, at the expense of normal Americans.

Are you done crying about Republicans and are now onto crying about Hillary preemptively?

You were such an Obama fanboy yet there's little difference between him and her.

Hillary won't be charged because she is the best candidate out there for the status quo, and the people holding the money know that. Banks, oil companies, defense contractors, etc... they all know Hillary is the best candidate to keep their pockets fat right now, at the expense of normal Americans.
Yet I bet you & other eunuchs ITT will vote for her
My favorite part of last night is when Trump stated that one of the 3 main responsibilities of Government is Education, and then had to be reminded that abolishing the Department of Education is on his website as a supposed policy.

It's just great. The idiot doesn't even know what his policy positions are because he doesn't care. Policy is just an annoyance that delays him from hurling more insults or threatening to sue people.

Last week he actually claimed that Supreme Court justices sign bills. Forget his own policy, he doesn't even understand basic civics principles. There are 10 year olds out there who understand how the Federal government works better than Trump.

Yet people like Sir G and KL are lining up to gleefully vote for him.
The former Communications Director of the Make America Great Again Super PAC penned a letter saying Trump never intended to win, doesn't really want to win, but now can't quite figure out how to step down and save face. He's gone too far.

"Almost a year ago, recruited for my public relations and public policy expertise, I sat in Trump Tower being told that the goal was to get The Donald to poll in double digits and come in second in delegate count. That was it.

The Trump camp would have been satisfied to see him polling at 12% and taking second place to a candidate who might hold 50%. His candidacy was a protest candidacy.

It pains me to say, but he is the presidential equivalent of Sanjaya onAmerican Idol.
President Trump would be President Sanjaya in terms of legitimacy and authority."

"I don't think even Trump thought he would get this far. And I don’t even know that he wanted to, which is perhaps the scariest prospect of all.
He certainly was never prepared or equipped to go all the way to the White House, but his ego has now taken over the driver's seat, and nothing else matters. The Donald does not fail. The Donald does not have any weakness. The Donald is his own biggest enemy

"He doesn't want the White House. He just wants to be able to say that he could have run the White House. He’s achieved that already and then some. If there is any question, take it from someone who was recruited to help the candidate succeed, and initially very much wanted him to do so.

The hard truth is: Trump only cares about Trump

"The man does not know policy, nor does he have the humility to admit what he does not know — the most frightening position of all."

Makes sense.

I've pretty much thought this since day one. He got in for the attention, to promote himself and to basically troll people. He never imagined he would actually start a movement. When he realized he was sticking he just started throwing out more and more bullshit to try and end it but it metastasized. Now we're essentially stuck with the equivalent of one of us acting as a sarcastic asshole troll as a Presidential candidate.
My favorite part of last night is when Trump stated that one of the 3 main responsibilities of Government is Education, and then had to be reminded that abolishing the Department of Education is on his website as a supposed policy.

It's just great. The idiot doesn't even know what his policy positions are because he doesn't care. Policy is just an annoyance that delays him from hurling more insults or threatening to sue people.

Last week he actually claimed that Supreme Court justices sign bills. Forget his own policy, he doesn't even understand basic civics principles. There are 10 year olds out there who understand how the Federal government works better than Trump.

Yet people like Sir G and KL are lining up to gleefully vote for him.

It's always high praise when you get their vote. I mean for real---such intellectuals.

NBC Nightly News just said Dipshit Don is polling at 70% unfavorably for women. That has to be some kind of record and stuff.

She was a credentialed media reporter who is vetted by the Secret Service beforehand, you idiot! Your entire idiotic argument assumes that the Secret Service would have been soooo concerned about Fields, but got caught sleeping on the job, so this asshat Corey had to jump in and "save the day" from this woman with a pen. Can you please just admit how utterly stupid that entire premise is?

Your last line though really takes the cake. Yea, the media is "so scared" of him that this woman walked right up to him for a question, and was violently grabbed back by his thug manager who was ordered to shield him from people who may actually ask questions.

Who is afraid of who, exactly?
You should probably send Trump an apology as the video clearly showed she lied about the events.
So Dump is afraid of Megyn Kelly (skipped two debates), whines to most reporters he's not treated fairly, has been on a "he started it" rant and now he's threatening to sue Louisiana because of the primary rules he agreed to. This petulant child is going to stand up to Putin, Khomeini, and terrorists? Lol. Watch out ISIS Dump is going to sue you!!!
Well what I saw was Fox News putting up video and power point presentation against a trump. Didn't see them do that to the other candidates in the last Fox debate.
They did the same thing to all the other candidates in the first Fox debate he skipped because he's a whiny baby. He skipped the second one because he knew he'd getting roasted again for being a liar. He's afraid of a 40 something female news anchor. What's going to happen at a Joint Chief's meeting when a General or Admiral stands up to him. Is he going to sue them too?
Every single time I think you've hit bottom for stupidity, you pull out your shovel. Im independent. If Hillary was a Republican, Id still be calling for her to be put in jail.

I've pretty much thought this since day one. He got in for the attention, to promote himself and to basically troll people. He never imagined he would actually start a movement. When he realized he was sticking he just started throwing out more and more bullshit to try and end it but it metastasized. Now we're essentially stuck with the equivalent of one of us acting as a sarcastic asshole troll as a Presidential candidate.

Bob's account has obviously been hacked.

Bob, if you can read this, let us know where they are keeping you imprisoned!
Hillary won't be charged because she is the best candidate out there for the status quo,

Are you done crying about Republicans and are now onto crying about Hillary preemptively?
You were such an Obama fanboy yet there's little difference between him and her.

How do you manage to continuously get stupider?

I actually write that there is little difference between the two, and you try to insult me by claiming I don't understand there is little difference between the two.
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How do you manage to continuously get stupider?

I actually write that there is little difference between the two, and you try to insult me by claiming I don't understand there is little difference between the two.

Because you both are pretty much the same person.

Myopic, selectively pretentious, and needlessly overcompensating in your internet personas.
How do you manage to continuously get stupider?

I actually write that there is little difference between the two, and you try to insult me by claiming I don't understand there is little difference between the two.
agree, Male Female... well sort of female. Black White... well sort of white. communist progressive, socialist progressive.
It's always high praise when you get their vote. I mean for real---such intellectuals.

NBC Nightly News just said Dipshit Don is polling at 70% unfavorably for women. That has to be some kind of record and stuff.

Actually Knighttimejoe, it's more like 76% according to since 76% is higher than 70%...believe that's more...but as Brandon and me have said on numerous occasions...your opinion is let alone $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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Well what I saw was Fox News putting up video and power point presentation against a trump. Didn't see them do that to the other candidates in the last Fox debate.

the media is not out 'to get' Trump. He just says stupid stuff that contradicts himself daily, he makes their job very easy & they gave him free media coverage for a full year

the media is not out 'to get' Trump. He just says stupid stuff that contradicts himself daily, he makes their job very easy & they gave him free media coverage for a full year

You are obviously one of the liberal sheep who follow what the Lamestream media elites tell you to think!

And something something something I have a boat something something something NObama ruined the nation.

the media is not out 'to get' Trump. He just says stupid stuff that contradicts himself daily, he makes their job very easy & they gave him free media coverage for a full year

Sir G ignores facts and reality almost as much as Trump does. Incredible.

Just remember that Sir G would never hire you and lavish you with massive salaries. His company is too valuable and too important for you.