Donald Drumpf sucks thread but come in and watch Sir Gal and Coke kneel before the dumbass


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Trump is not only attempting to bend the entire spectrum of what is real and fake, but now he's doubling down and hinting that Fields may have intentionally bruised herself.

I honestly can't tell if the guy is just pure scumbag to a level we've never seen before, or if he's actually deranged in a scientific sense. Like, major brain damage.

He's "supposedly" setting up to battle the first woman candidate in history, and here he is defending his thug friend who assaulted a woman by insisting that the woman injured herself.

At least his moron TV pundits are finally getting embarrassed left and right.
Trump is not only attempting to bend the entire spectrum of what is real and fake, but now he's doubling down and hinting that Fields may have intentionally bruised herself.

I honestly can't tell if the guy is just pure scumbag to a level we've never seen before, or if he's actually deranged in a scientific sense. Like, major brain damage.

He's "supposedly" setting up to battle the first woman candidate in history, and here he is defending his thug friend who assaulted a woman by insisting that the woman injured herself.

At least his moron TV pundits are finally getting embarrassed left and right.
I don't condone any violence but she went right pass Secret Service to get to the Republican front runner. She is lucky the Secret Service did not do worse. Oh and as I said there is video of Huma Abudine doing the exact same thing just a couple weeks ago.

This is why I support Trump, if the media so scared of him he has to be doing something right.
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I don't condone any violence but she went right pass Secret Service to get to the Republican front runner. She is lucky the Secret Service did not do worse. Oh and as I said there is video of Huma Abudine doing the exact same thing just a couple weeks ago.

This is why I support Trump, if the media so scared of him he has to be doing something right.


She was a credentialed media reporter who is vetted by the Secret Service beforehand, you idiot! Your entire idiotic argument assumes that the Secret Service would have been soooo concerned about Fields, but got caught sleeping on the job, so this asshat Corey had to jump in and "save the day" from this woman with a pen. Can you please just admit how utterly stupid that entire premise is?

Your last line though really takes the cake. Yea, the media is "so scared" of him that this woman walked right up to him for a question, and was violently grabbed back by his thug manager who was ordered to shield him from people who may actually ask questions.

Who is afraid of who, exactly?
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She was a credentialed media reporter who is vetted by the Secret Service beforehand, you idiot! Your entire idiotic argument assumes that the Secret Service would have been soooo concerned about Fields, but got caught sleeping on the job, so this asshat Corey had to jump in and "save the day" from this woman with a pen. Can you please just admit how utterly stupid that entire premise is?

Your last line though really takes the cake. Yea, the media is "so scared" of him that this woman walked right up to him for a question, and was violently grabbed back by his thug manager who was ordered to shield him from people who may actually ask questions.

Who is afraid of who, exactly?
I do love it when you personal, it shows you could never handle a debate. Why not ask Clay his thoughts. Oh and if I posted like you and went personal every time I would have a field day over your last sentence. Might I suggest you take a reading comprehension class. If someone continually attacks you in the media, chances are they are scared of you. I must realize who I am conversing with.
I do love it when you personal, it shows you could never handle a debate. Why not ask Clay his thoughts. Oh and if I posted like you and went personal every time I would have a field day over your last sentence. Might I suggest you take a reading comprehension class. If someone continually attacks you in the media, chances are they are scared of you. I must realize who I am conversing with.

I can see why you're a Trump fan. And that's not a compliment.

Fine- the media only attacks him because they're "scared". Not because most everything he says is insane and a lie. Nope, they're scared.

Case closed.
I can see why you're a Trump fan. And that's not a compliment.

Fine- the media only attacks him because they're "scared". Not because most everything he says is insane and a lie. Nope, they're scared.

Case closed.
No. They are scared. They're scared of what kind of fascist, racist, sexist, lying idiot the people may possibly elect to the Presidency. They're not scared OF Trump. They're scared of what the future of this country would be.
That would require not only a crime being committed, but also being charged. Neither of which has occurred.

You do realize that she actually put national security at risk with her email server. The damn thing was never patched. It had so many vulnerabilities that even an amateur hacker that downloaded a couple readily available tools off the internet could have gained access too. It wouldve taken all but 5 minutes to own all the data on that server. We are extremely lucky that no one ever discovered it.

If that isnt the definition of a crime, I have no idea what is anymore.

I believe the system admin was just given immunity a couple of weeks ago. I hope that leads to some charges being filed soon.

You do realize that she actually put national security at risk with her email server. The damn thing was never patched. It had so many vulnerabilities that even an amateur hacker that downloaded a couple readily available tools off the internet could have gained access too. It wouldve taken all but 5 minutes to own all the data on that server. We are extremely lucky that no one ever discovered it.

If that isnt the definition of a crime, I have no idea what is anymore.

I believe the system admin was just given immunity a couple of weeks ago. I hope that leads to some charges being filed soon.
What is the patch state of the state departments email servers?
David French destroys Trump and his mindless followers.

Hillary Clinton is the most beatable likely Democratic nominee since John Kerry, and the GOP is poised to nominate the one man least likely to beat her, and the one man who would be just as bad in the White House. I don’t vote for despicable people. I don’t vote for leftists. And I will never, ever, vote for Donald Trump. He’s no better than she is.
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LOL are you serious?! They actually have to be held to crazy high standards set by the dod.... Stop before you sound like an even bigger idiot.
Anybody can set a standard. Meeting it in a very large environment is hard to do. I have no doubt there are numerous dod servers not up to date in patches. Patches only handle known vulnerabilities anyway, and not even all known vulnerabilities.
Anybody can set a standard. Meeting it in a very large environment is hard to do. I have no doubt there are numerous dod servers not up to date in patches. Patches only handle known vulnerabilities anyway, and not even all known vulnerabilities.
No doubt about it, you are a moron. This is literally what I do for a living. Stop talking.

This isnt even my opinion, its fact. Her email server was so far behind, it wouldve taken extremely little effort to defeat. Which would have compromised national security. That is not a joke. Peoples lives could have been at risk.
Anybody can set a standard. Meeting it in a very large environment is hard to do. I have no doubt there are numerous dod servers not up to date in patches. Patches only handle known vulnerabilities anyway, and not even all known vulnerabilities.

Are you aware that David Petraeus pleaded guilty to mishandling of classified material for violations far, far less severe than what's going on with Clinton?
David French destroys Trump and his mindless followers.

Hillary Clinton is the most beatable likely Democratic nominee since John Kerry, and the GOP is poised to nominate the one man least likely to beat her, and the one man who would be just as bad in the White House. I don’t vote for despicable people. I don’t vote for leftists. And I will never, ever, vote for Donald Trump. He’s no better than she is.
unreal how stupid the GOP is bc they continue the same strategy that works for mid terms for general elections. Last fall when it was a full field of 17 I thought how the election is being set up for a GOP win barring some major scandal when going against all of Hillary's baggage. Trump and Cruz are probably 2 of the worst General Election choices out of that huge field for different reasons.
National Review = cuck bible... the mag prolly loved them some John McSame & RMoney.

Get it through your heads the candidates u people like are completely out of touch w the folks, hence the two previous big fat losses the GOPe can hang its hat on
This Fields case is a joke. I saw the video. It's nothing. If you're actually salivating over it, you're grasping at straws.
It's what they've done month after month. Can't stump Trump. They'll finally lose the nom then jack it in the corner to would be candidate Kasich or similar expecting President Hillary til the silent machismo masses vote for the Donald because he doesn't act like a giant pusswad.
This Fields case is a joke. I saw the video. It's nothing. If you're actually salivating over it, you're grasping at straws.

The police saw the video too and apparently didn't find it to be nothing.

I'm sure the woman bruised herself, just like Trump said. I'm sure.
Did she have, secret, top secret and SAP information sent from and to her private server?
There are two main statutory hooks. Title 18, Section 1924, a misdemeanor, makes it a crime for a government employee to “knowingly remove” classified information “without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location.”
Prosecutors used this provision in securing a guilty plea from former CIA director David H. Petraeus, who was sentenced to probation and fined $100,000. But there are key differences between Petraeus and Clinton.

Petraeus clearly knew the material he provided to Paula Broadwell was classified and that she was not authorized to view it. “Highly classified . . . code word stuff in there,” he told her. He lied to FBI agents, the kind of behavior that tends to inflame prosecutors.

In Clinton’s case, by contrast, there is no clear evidence that Clinton knew (or even should have known) that the material in her emails was classified. Second, it is debatable whether her use of the private server constituted removal or retention of material. Finally, the aggravating circumstance of false statements to federal agents is, as far as we know, absent.
There are two main statutory hooks. Title 18, Section 1924, a misdemeanor, makes it a crime for a government employee to “knowingly remove” classified information “without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location.”
Prosecutors used this provision in securing a guilty plea from former CIA director David H. Petraeus, who was sentenced to probation and fined $100,000. But there are key differences between Petraeus and Clinton.

Petraeus clearly knew the material he provided to Paula Broadwell was classified and that she was not authorized to view it. “Highly classified . . . code word stuff in there,” he told her. He lied to FBI agents, the kind of behavior that tends to inflame prosecutors.

In Clinton’s case, by contrast, there is no clear evidence that Clinton knew (or even should have known) that the material in her emails was classified. Second, it is debatable whether her use of the private server constituted removal or retention of material. Finally, the aggravating circumstance of false statements to federal agents is, as far as we know, absent.

She had to enter a user name and password that is constantly changing to access SAP information. That information was found on her server. SAP is above top secret and she admitted to knowing that by accessing it. Stop using "nothing was marked classified", it is a misnomer. Nothing is ever marked classified until it is reviewed later. It is her job to know what material is sensitive and what is not.

Everything went through her private server. Are you really saying that as SoS she never had access to "classified" information? Why are her released emails being blacked out if there is no sensitive material?

Clinton also obstructed investigators by having her server wiped.
The police saw the video too and apparently didn't find it to be nothing.

I'm sure the woman bruised herself, just like Trump said. I'm sure.
Nothing is going to come of it. Police can do whatever the phuck they want. This case is going nowhere. You're grasping at straws.