Donald Drumpf sucks thread but come in and watch Sir Gal and Coke kneel before the dumbass

Actually the left wing wants to see immigration reform that changes our laws to adjust to modern times, but since the government body responsible for changing old out of date laws is disfunctional some may be throwing up their hands.


You almost said what you really think - the left wing wants borderless faux utopias where there are no checks or requirements to migrate into the country and enjoy the benefits of living here legally.

"Modern times" is codeword for "we want no borders"
The crucial 1923 Supreme Court case United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind created the official stance to classify Indians as non-white, which at the time allowed Indians who had already been naturalized to be retroactively stripped of their citizenship after prosecutors argued that they had gained their citizenship illegally.

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (the McCarran-Walter Act) revised the quotas again, basing them on the 1920 census. For the first time in American history, racial distinctions were omitted from the U.S. Code. As could be expected, most of the quota allocation went to immigrants from Ireland, the United Kingdom and Germany who already had relatives in the United States.

Read a little about the history of our immigration laws.

Your entire talking point is only valid if you can prove that the illegals crossing our southern border have sought out legal immigration methods and had been stumped due to "quotas". Therefore leaving the only illegal methods of coming here.

I'm going to strongly assume you can't prove that.
2 years ago Trump supported amnesty when did that change and why. I Don't believe his BS for a moment. He said a throw away comment about building the wall and it took off and he was dragged along with it. He always has been a left of center Progressive like Hillary and still is.
2 years ago Trump supported amnesty when did that change and why. I Don't believe his BS for a moment. He said a throw away comment about building the wall and it took off and he was dragged along with it. He always has been a left of center Progressive like Hillary and still is.
I don't know about left or right of center but Trump is just the instrument of what needs to be done. Both democrat and republican parties are run like the old BCS, that is the game is rigged and they just let you think you have a say in things. This country needs a real third part, the common sense party made up of the middle left and middle right which probably makes up 75% of the country. We don't need people preaching religion from the Whitehouse and we don't need a people promising things for free either.

If Trump can break the hold on power from both parties than he has my vote.
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The former Communications Director of the Make America Great Again Super PAC penned a letter saying Trump never intended to win, doesn't really want to win, but now can't quite figure out how to step down and save face. He's gone too far.

"Almost a year ago, recruited for my public relations and public policy expertise, I sat in Trump Tower being told that the goal was to get The Donald to poll in double digits and come in second in delegate count. That was it.

The Trump camp would have been satisfied to see him polling at 12% and taking second place to a candidate who might hold 50%. His candidacy was a protest candidacy.

It pains me to say, but he is the presidential equivalent of Sanjaya onAmerican Idol.
President Trump would be President Sanjaya in terms of legitimacy and authority."

"I don't think even Trump thought he would get this far. And I don’t even know that he wanted to, which is perhaps the scariest prospect of all.
He certainly was never prepared or equipped to go all the way to the White House, but his ego has now taken over the driver's seat, and nothing else matters. The Donald does not fail. The Donald does not have any weakness. The Donald is his own biggest enemy

"He doesn't want the White House. He just wants to be able to say that he could have run the White House. He’s achieved that already and then some. If there is any question, take it from someone who was recruited to help the candidate succeed, and initially very much wanted him to do so.

The hard truth is: Trump only cares about Trump

"The man does not know policy, nor does he have the humility to admit what he does not know — the most frightening position of all."

Makes sense.
Well, if that's the case, then do the right thing Donald- fake a health condition and get out now.

You can still idiotically boast about your delegates and wins thus far, but hide under the crux of some illness rather than saying "I realize I'm not fit for this office". says it - you know it's true.

Don't worry you cucks can still go fap to the 3rd worlding of America whilst our glorious leader makes it great again
Even though its some random arse website Ive never heard of, I bet its pretty spot on. It did feel like his run was a bit of a farce at first. Just to say that he ran for president and that he got some votes. Then it took a life of its own and its too late to turn back.
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Nothing more than stale sour grapes from some dumb super pac twat w an axe to grind that the eunnuchs can rub to.

"Almost a year ago" doesn't make sense either since he didn't declare til June. Keep on cuckin.
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Nothing more than stale sour grapes from some dumb super pac twat w an axe to grind that the eunnuchs can rub to.
No, it's very real. Although it was shut down in October, the website is still up and running.

And Trump was exploring candidacy long before he declared. And May is only two months removed from a full year from today, so "about a year" does make sense.

Keep on Trumping.
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If this is the tier of Trumped up BS the cucks are clinging to we’re in even better shape than I thought.

The Donald doesn't need a Super PAC unlike the usual roster of empty suit globalist phonies (McSame, RMoney, Yeb!, Little Marco) that machismo cultures (ie not art majoring dickless whities from MN) do not respect/vote for.

Guess you people will be shocked when he crushes Hillary despite what big bad Nate Silver and his computer & whatever the other cvnts on fake opposition Faux News who’ve been wrongly prognosticating his imminent demise for months.

Now feel free to point to some poll where he loses big as if the polls have been right all along. Remember at one point these awesome polls had RMoney over Obama too.
Trump's thug campaign manager was just arrested and charged with battery on a woman.

Mind you, Trump put this thug behind him during speeches after it was clearly shown that this jackass assaulted a female reporter.

What an awesome campaign. Fights, racism, lies, yelling, idiocy, and now arrests of the top Campaign Manager.
Trump's thug campaign manager was just arrested and charged with battery on a woman.

Mind you, Trump put this thug behind him during speeches after it was clearly shown that this jackass assaulted a female reporter.

What an awesome campaign. Fights, racism, lies, yelling, idiocy, and now arrests of the top Campaign Manager.

Brings a whole new meaning to "5 minutes--hard out" that the thug said after Donald asked for everyone's name.
Trump's thug campaign manager was just arrested and charged with battery on a woman.

Mind you, Trump put this thug behind him during speeches after it was clearly shown that this jackass assaulted a female reporter.

What an awesome campaign. Fights, racism, lies, yelling, idiocy, and now arrests of the top Campaign Manager.

While I agree it was uncalled for battery seems like a harsh word for a "tug on a jacket"

p.s. For some reason I can't imbed this video but you can watch it here...
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While I agree it was uncalled for battery seems like a harsh word for a "tug on a jacket"

p.s. For some reason I can't imbed this video but you can watch it here...
A "tug on a jacket" that leads to her being pulled across an aisle. Granted, there's likely no injury here, but it's uncalled for to physically move a reporter away from Trump in this manner. After she's moved, she rejoins the procession as if nothing's wrong. I think the charge won't stick.
Hey Coke, is his pee pee orange too?
he sent me a dick pic i'm putting it up on

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A "tug on a jacket" that leads to her being pulled across an aisle. Granted, there's likely no injury here, but it's uncalled for to physically move a reporter away from Trump in this manner. After she's moved, she rejoins the procession as if nothing's wrong. I think the charge won't stick.
They may not stick, but you can't let him grab women and do nothing about it. He's a campaign manager, not security. He was up in the stands at one rally pulling a kid by his shirt.