You clearly didnt read my post. If you had, you would see what I pointed out that I believe the break down of the family is the true cause of the problems, and if that same level of family break down were to happen to whites/hispanics/asians, we would literally see the same exact results.You, and 85, are racist because you believe your statistics are simply because they are black. You think it is a black thing, and it only effects blacks in this way. You don't even recognize 400 years of oppression, exploitation, an exodus of blue collar jobs they were forced to take, segregation of schools and neighborhoods resulting in poorer educational offerings, drug wars, etc. etc. etc. etc.
Your statistics are correct. Your perceived reasons for those statistics is what is completely dorked.
I dont know if youve ever read a history book in your life. If you had, you would realize that literally every single group of people has pretty much been enslaved or oppressed at some point. In case you didnt notice, that didnt hold back Obama from becoming president.
I question why you think the loss of those jobs magically only effected black people and not everyone.
you know what a good solution to school segregation is? the ability to chose your school.
the war on drugs? thats a personal choice and a bad one at that. ninja posted a quality example of how the sentencing for crack/cocaine hurt blacks more and i agree its bad. however it was put in place by democrats, so that cant possibly be racist.