Fat George strikes again: Zimmerman sues Trayvon Martin’s family, prosecutors for $100 million

5'6"- 6'6", it doesn't matter, only that a person reasonably believes that using force is necessary to prevent imminent death. To do that you have to get inside someone's head or believe their story.
I suspect that Florida's self-proclaimed illegal parking monitor would have gotten off too if there hadn't been a store video which revealed this nutjob shot his victim after he'd turned away once he'd been shoved to the ground for harassing the man's wife. The story would have been that his big, strong Black man violently pushed this smaller man to the ground and was going to punch his lights out if he hadn't have taken action the way he did.

We all know about the injuries Zimmerman sustained but we really have no clue what actually transpired that night.
5'6"- 6'6", it doesn't matter, only that a person reasonably believes that using force is necessary to prevent imminent death. To do that you have to get inside someone's head or believe their story.
You are absolutely wrong. What matters on that one facet of self defense is that your fear is reasonable. It would not be reasonable for the huge biker to be afraid of the unarmed weakling but it would be reasonable the other way. There there are 5 facets of legal self defense; that fear is one of them but also proportionality, imminence, etc. There are defined legal concepts and precedence to determine reasonableness; it’s not just “getting inside their head”.

Go learn about self defense legal concepts because you’re making some statements that are wrong and it’s hard to keep going when you don’t have the proper foundation.
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I suspect that Florida's self-proclaimed illegal parking monitor would have gotten off too if there hadn't been a store video which revealed this nutjob shot his victim after he'd turned away once he'd been shoved to the ground for harassing the man's wife. The story would have been that his big, strong Black man violently pushed this smaller man to the ground and was going to punch his lights out if he hadn't have taken action the way he did.

We all know about the injuries Zimmerman sustained but we really have no clue what actually transpired that night.
The last point is not true. There was a lot of testimony presented that led to a strong understanding of what went down that night. Read the actual coverage of the trial I linked and stop spouting your ignorance.
You are absolutely wrong. What matters on that one facet of self defense is that your fear is reasonable. It would not be reasonable for the huge biker to be afraid of the unarmed weakling but it would be reasonable the other way. There there are 5 facets of legal self defense; that fear is one of them but also proportionality, imminence, etc. There are defined legal concepts and precedence to determine reasonableness; it’s not just “getting inside their head”.

Go learn about self defense legal concepts because you’re making some statements that are wrong and it’s hard to keep going when you don’t have the proper foundation.

Fear. Which is only inside someone's head. You can fear a 6'6" Chinese man and not a 6'6" biker with tattoos ( or vice versa) because that is within your comfort zone. The blonde woman is within your comfort zone, Trayvon is not.
Fear. Which is only inside someone's head. You can fear a 6'6" Chinese man and not a 6'6" biker with tattoos ( or vice versa) because that is within your comfort zone. The blonde woman is within your comfort zone, Trayvon is not.
Racism is not reasonable fear. Reasonable fear has legal attributes that have been set through precedence. This is how our legal system works.
Racism is not reasonable fear. Reasonable fear has legal attributes that have been set through precedence. This is how our legal system works.
its a shame we have people in here, and all over the country for that matter, that dont know this.
The last point is not true. There was a lot of testimony presented that led to a strong understanding of what went down that night. Read the actual coverage of the trial I linked and stop spouting your ignorance.

Given that he mentioned the store video, he was talking about the Michael Drejka case and not the George Zimmerman case.
Given that he mentioned the store video, he was talking about the Michael Drejka case and not the George Zimmerman case.
If that’s the case, then yes, we know and the verdict there was just as well.
The last point is not true. There was a lot of testimony presented that led to a strong understanding of what went down that night.
Was there a camera that recorded exactly what happened? No.
Were there any eye-witnesses to exactly what took place? No.
Do we have any testimony about the altercation from the participants themselves? Yes from Zimmerman and No from Martin (he's dead.)

At best you had one-side of the story: Zimmerman's.
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This just needs to die.

The alleged girlfriend already hurt the state's case during trial, and she was very likely guilty of perjury at the time too (but they never charged her).

It's time to let it go.
Was there a camera that recorded exactly what happened? No.
Were there any eye-witnesses to exactly what took place? No.
Do we have any testimony about the altercation from the participants themselves? Yes from Zimmerman and No from Martin (he's dead.)

At best you had one-side of the story: Zimmerman's.
There were people at home that heard what was going on and saw some of it that corroborated Zimmermans story. The physical evidence corroborated Zimmerman’s account. The timeline and sequence of events, including the call to dispatch, corroborated Zimmermans account. You are misrepresenting what happened and how the legal system worked. I guess you’re picking the ignorance is bliss position.
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There were people at home that heard what was going on and saw some of it that corroborated Zimmermans story. The physical evidence corroborated Zimmerman’s account. The timeline and sequence of events, including the call to dispatch, corroborated Zimmermans account. You are misrepresenting what happened and how the legal system worked. I guess you’re picking the ignorance is bliss position.

Like I said, why even bother with facts when it comes to Der Shookboi? Facts do not matter to him. He gets his own narrative, digs his heels in (in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary), and keeps going. It's pointless.
Like I said, why even bother with facts when it comes to Der Shookboi? Facts do not matter to him. He gets his own narrative, digs his heels in (in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary), and keeps going. It's pointless.
Yeah, Joey, you've got all the facts. If your Florida 7/11 parking control vigilante hadn't had a storefront camera pointed at him recording his every move, you'd be saying the same damn thing about the Black victim of that wacko nutjob. Black victim = "I feared for my life." :rolleyes:
Yeah, Joey, you've got all the facts. If your Florida 7/11 parking control vigilante hadn't had a storefront camera pointed at him recording his every move, you'd be saying the same damn thing about the Black victim of that wacko nutjob. Black victim = "I feared for my life." :rolleyes:

Stay on topic, you demented dumb ass. I have been talking about the facts of the Zimmerman/martin encounter—NOT your attempt at a topic change since you’ve been annihilated by sk8 and myself. I know it’s extremely hard for you to keep up due to your intelligence deficiencies, but try, Shookboi.
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Because he’s an attention whore imo . Found himself in the spotlight and can’t get enough

This is most likely answer. Didn't he make several hundred 911 calls in the months before he shot Martin? Seems likes he has spent his whole life desperately looking for trouble.
Why he was at his father's house has nothing to do with anything.
Wrong, it shows the character of who Martin was. He was no saint, read the articles about his actions getting worse and worse. As I said, did he deserve to die, no but he played a part in this shit show.
Yeah, Joey, you've got all the facts. If your Florida 7/11 parking control vigilante hadn't had a storefront camera pointed at him recording his every move, you'd be saying the same damn thing about the Black victim of that wacko nutjob. Black victim = "I feared for my life." :rolleyes:
the 711 guy went to jail, was tried, and is now going to serve a very long prison sentence. i would pull up the thread from that if search was working. most people agreed that he should go to jail.

wtf are you even arguing about? those two cases are very different.
the 711 guy went to jail, was tried, and is now going to serve a very long prison sentence. i would pull up the thread from that if search was working. most people agreed that he should go to jail.
Duh. That's because the whole world got an eye-witness view of the murder and saw the "I feared for my life" defense that our Parking Stall Vigilante spouted was BS.

Without a similar video, we'll never know if George's defense was similar BS or not. While a lot of posters defended George back then, Zimmerman struck me as a trigger-happy A-hole who was looking for trouble. Funny how the NEW conventional wisdom is 'Yeah, Zimmerman is truly an sleazy A-hole b-b-but he was still justified in killing the unarmed teen he was stalking.'
Duh. That's because the whole world got an eye-witness view of the murder and saw the "I feared for my life" defense that our Parking Stall Vigilante spouted was BS.

Without a similar video, we'll never know if George's defense was similar BS or not. While a lot of posters defended George back then, Zimmerman struck me as a trigger-happy A-hole who was looking for trouble. Funny how the NEW conventional wisdom is 'Yeah, Zimmerman is truly an sleazy A-hole b-b-but he was still justified in killing the unarmed teen he was stalking.'
zimmerman had his day in court and his peers saw the evidence. there is a reason he is free, and the 711 isnt. you glossed over what sk8 joe and actual witnesses had to say about the encounter with trayvon. going to add this to your ever growing list of things you are wrong about.
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Wrong, it shows the character of who Martin was. He was no saint, read the articles about his actions getting worse and worse. As I said, did he deserve to die, no but he played a part in this shit show.

Zimmerman didn't know any of that information in real time. That information is only for you to make judgements about the value of his life after he is dead.
Wrong, it shows the character of who Martin was. He was no saint, read the articles about his actions getting worse and worse. As I said, did he deserve to die, no but he played a part in this shit show.
It was Zimmerman's 'sh*t show' and Martin was his target from beginning to end. The only thing this kid knew was that some strange guy -- who was clearly NOT a cop -- was following him.

Ironically, the kid's appearance was both the reason he was being followed AND the reason George felt justified in killing him.

It's now firmly established the Zimmerman was -- and still is -- a total scumbag. So trotting out the tired, old line of "Well, Martin was no saint" falls on deaf ears. Zimmerman's character is excused because "he feared for his life" but when Martin attacks his stalker, he's not allowed the same 'fear factor' and HIS character comes into question.
It was Zimmerman's 'sh*t show' and Martin was his target from beginning to end. The only thing this kid knew was that some strange guy -- who was clearly NOT a cop -- was following him.

Ironically, the kid's appearance was both the reason he was being followed AND the reason George felt justified in killing him.

It's now firmly established the Zimmerman was -- and still is -- a total scumbag. So trotting out the tired, old line of "Well, Martin was no saint" falls on deaf ears. Zimmerman's character is excused because "he feared for his life" but when Martin attacks his stalker, he's not allowed the same 'fear factor' and HIS character comes into question.
Zimmerman called dispatch to report a suspicious person and broke off his pursuit when dispatch said that they didn’t need him to follow Martin. He walked up to the street sign to give an accurate location and thereabouts is when Trayvon jumped him. Your inability to look at all of the evidence is extremely illuminating about how you most likely form all of your opinions. The epitome of a low information voter.
It was Zimmerman's 'sh*t show' and Martin was his target from beginning to end. The only thing this kid knew was that some strange guy -- who was clearly NOT a cop -- was following him.

Ironically, the kid's appearance was both the reason he was being followed AND the reason George felt justified in killing him.

It's now firmly established the Zimmerman was -- and still is -- a total scumbag. So trotting out the tired, old line of "Well, Martin was no saint" falls on deaf ears. Zimmerman's character is excused because "he feared for his life" but when Martin attacks his stalker, he's not allowed the same 'fear factor' and HIS character comes into question.

If Martin was afraid then he wouldn't have confronted Zimmerman, he would have run away. You are trying so hard to form a false narrative but even the people who generally agree with you are fleeing. There is no indication or evidence from anyone that Zimmerman chased him down and in this instance did the right thing by calling the police.
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Martin was a 17yo who kicked an older man's butt because he wanted to. He was suspended, troubled and decided to make an issue of something. It's a sad reality of many teenagers, myself included, although I knew the 'limits' and I refused to drink or get high.

I think that's really the difference here. We all could have made the same mistakes as Martin, and he f'd up. It's sad, because he shouldn't be dead. But he wasn't that 13yo kid in the photos, but a very strong, tall 17yo young man.

The GPS of their phones showed Martin ran back, completely to the Zimmerman argument and his relay to the dispatcher, and at odds with Martin's alleged girlfriend. That was already all visited during trial. It really looked bad for the prosecution.

Still, I wanted Zimmerman found guilty of manslaughter. And so did the Sanford PD Detective after 5 hours of grilling that night. Zimmerman didn't need to be following him, and although he listened to the dispatcher the second she told him to not follow any further, and his phone's GPS proved he merely went to the street corner -- a short distance in the totally opposite direction of Martin, while Martin ran all the way back from his destination to 'confront him' -- I still feel Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter.

Zimmerman should have been charged and cop'd a plea. Instead. the Seminole DA deferred to state, and the state AG wouldn't touch it. So there you go. Along with all of the demonizations of the Sanford PD, the resignation of its chief over BS reporting, and so many other demonizations. I was working in DC at the time, and the BS was completely overwhelming. Virtually all conversations were based on 100% fabrication by the US media.

This is completely unlike the 7-11 a-hole who was physically acosting people, preventing them from free movement.
There is no indication or evidence from anyone that Zimmerman chased him down and in this instance did the right thing by calling the police.

The police told him to ‘stay put and let them handle it’. George ignored their advice and pursued him again.

The police told him to ‘stay put and let them handle it’. George ignored their advice and pursued him again.
Holy crap. By all accounts he had lost sight of martin and was standing on the street. Martin doubled back after he was out of sight and instigated the confrontation. You're acting like Zimmerman chased him down which is as far from the truth as we can get

The police told him to ‘stay put and let them handle it’. George ignored their advice and pursued him again.

Wrong again, dumb ass. Read. The. Case. File. Or scroll up and read BS’s summary.

But we all know what you will do: ignore, ignore, ignore facts, run with the narrative you’ve conceived in that little brain of yours, rinse, repeat, recycle.
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The police told him to ‘stay put and let them handle it’. George ignored their advice and pursued him again.
Now, more than ever, you're just proving you're a troll.
Either that, or you're an oblivious idiot who literally doesn't bother to read anything.

My facts come from the actual transcripts, plus the excellent coverage provided by NPR.
Living and working in DC at the time, I had to throw all these 'facts' at people, with everything to 'back it up.'

It was then and there that my colleagues (a majority being African-American) finally realized ...
As much as Zimmerman might be an a-hole, he's not white, he's not a racist ... and Martin was just a troubled 17yo.

Because what the US Media did to [mixed] white[-black-Latino] Zimmerman -- including utterly violating his civil liberties as the courts showed -- is what they do to African-Americans too.
If you're Hispanic and you do something good, you're Hispanic, but if you do something bad, you're white.

Martin shouldn't be dead, and the argument was how much Zimmerman shared in the reason for his death.
It had jack to do with any reality of Zimmerman being a bigot or looking for a fight.

We'll never know who went for the gun though, and Zimmerman shouldn't have had it on him.
It's a total liability for a neighborhood watch citizen to have a gun on them, especially in Florida.
Now, more than ever, you're just proving you're a troll.
Oh, so Fat George left the area and went home as instructed. Is that what you’re saying?

I could have sworn the facts showed otherwise.
Oh, so Fat George left the area and went home as instructed. Is that what you’re saying?

I could have sworn the facts showed otherwise.

Yup. Shookboi is just a stupid troll.

No need to bother explaining anything involving facts, folks. It’s pointless.
Martin was a 17yo who kicked an older man's butt because he wanted to. He was suspended, troubled and decided to make an issue of something. It's a sad reality of many teenagers, myself included, although I knew the 'limits' and I refused to drink or get high.

I think that's really the difference here. We all could have made the same mistakes as Martin, and he f'd up. It's sad, because he shouldn't be dead. But he wasn't that 13yo kid in the photos, but a very strong, tall 17yo young man.

The GPS of their phones showed Martin ran back, completely to the Zimmerman argument and his relay to the dispatcher, and at odds with Martin's alleged girlfriend. That was already all visited during trial. It really looked bad for the prosecution.

Still, I wanted Zimmerman found guilty of manslaughter. And so did the Sanford PD Detective after 5 hours of grilling that night. Zimmerman didn't need to be following him, and although he listened to the dispatcher the second she told him to not follow any further, and his phone's GPS proved he merely went to the street corner -- a short distance in the totally opposite direction of Martin, while Martin ran all the way back from his destination to 'confront him' -- I still feel Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter.

Zimmerman should have been charged and cop'd a plea. Instead. the Seminole DA deferred to state, and the state AG wouldn't touch it. So there you go. Along with all of the demonizations of the Sanford PD, the resignation of its chief over BS reporting, and so many other demonizations. I was working in DC at the time, and the BS was completely overwhelming. Virtually all conversations were based on 100% fabrication by the US media.

This is completely unlike the 7-11 a-hole who was physically acosting people, preventing them from free movement.
Agree with much of this except for a couple things. Manslaughter is a lesser included offense for murder and IIRC the jury was given instructions on manslaughter. The issue is that Zimmerman entered an affirmative defense, which means that he admits to the homicide but said that it was justified self-defense. If the state can not disprove his self-defense argument beyond a reasonable doubt, then he is innocent of all of the charges, murder, manslaughter, etc. Since the evidence proved his claim of self defense rather than disproved, he wasn’t going to be convicted whether they charged him only with manslaughter and not murder. The defense is the same.

The Sanford PD can say whatever they want, but there’s a reason Wolfinger didn’t pursue manslaughter charges originally. The facts didn’t change even though the political pressure from above resulted in the state wasting taxpayer money on a show trial.
The Sanford PD can say whatever they want, but there’s a reason Wolfinger didn’t pursue manslaughter charges originally. The facts didn’t change even though the political pressure from above resulted in the state wasting taxpayer money on a show trial.

The media hysteria led to the political pressure of the state DA throwing the Sanford PD under the bus. That was very apparent during the trial as the latter was none-too-pleased about their character assassination by the state.
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