Faux Fox news downplaying the COVID-19 virus. must watch

WaPo. Oh boy......I'm sure they're not biased .
Whether it's Trump, a Republican Congressman like Nunez, or Fox News commentators, I'm always surprised how many Red Hat deniers claiming 'liberal bias' ignore the reality that all their heroes' previous dumbass comments are RECORDED.
Well, I'm sure the article covers all of the "outrage" at China by all of the media outlets....
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Whether it's Trump, a Republican Congressman like Nunez, or Fox News commentators, I'm always surprised how many Red Hat deniers claiming 'liberal bias' ignore the reality that all their heroes' previous dumbass comments are RECORDED.

So, are you saying there's little or no bias in favor of the left in the major news outlets?
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So, are you saying there's little or no bias in favor of the left in the major news outlets?

This is a story about how differently Trump and Fox News treated the early days of the virus coverage from the major news outlets.
Guess what? It's all on tape!!!
But I guess my "left wing" ears heard their naysaying ('no worse than the flu', 'overblown', 'not all that scary', etc., etc., etc.) differently that you.
Questions left unanswered...... Thanks for giving me a synopsis of the article!

All questions answered right here folks!
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Sounds like the president is finally asking Joe for some help. This should get resolved quickly.
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It's a conspiracy by the Dems
No, but I'm pretty sure that after they do a full audit of the numbers, the fatality rate will probably be lower than what they are currently reporting. Pneumonia deaths will go up. Each case needs more assessment than can be reported on daily.

This is a story about how differently Trump and Fox News treated the early days of the virus coverage from the major news outlets.
Guess what? It's all on tape!!!
But I guess my "left wing" ears heard their naysaying ('no worse than the flu', 'overblown', 'not all that scary', etc., etc., etc.) differently that you.
These are FACTS, actual statements, and the red-hats say bias. This is directly from the orange idiot's mouth.
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Bernie Bros are angry today. They not getting their normal 16 hours of sleep this week?