Freedom and Liberty are now....


Golden Knight
Gold Member
Sep 17, 2003
Cullowhee, NC
An idea for white supremacy. No, really, wanting everyone to have individual freedom and success and stuff is white supremacy. The Canadian trucker thing is all about ending mandates for everyone therefore it's white supremacy. Who knew?

So, when government workers like cops kill innocent people , protests are not only good they are clearly necessary. when government workers force injections into your body , protesting is bad and what you are really saying is by protesting the government in this fashion you're a white supremacists. Got it.

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WaPo? .. next

Interestingly though, did you see NYT broke rank and is questioning the CDC about hiding covid vaccine safety and efficacy data?

Also, local news have started reporting vaccine injuries. Can you imagine how overwhelming the injuries must be for local newsrooms to break ranks? They couldn’t ignore it any longer .
An idea for white supremacy. No, really, wanting everyone to have individual freedom and success and stuff is white supremacy. The Canadian trucker thing is all about ending mandates for everyone therefore it's white supremacy. Who knew?

So, when government workers like cops kill innocent people , protests are not only good they are clearly necessary. when government workers force injections into your body , protesting is bad and what you are really saying is by protesting the government in this fashion you're a white supremacists. Got it.

So if freedom is a byproduct of white supremacy, what is slavery a by-product of?
WaPo? .. next

Interestingly though, did you see NYT broke rank and is questioning the CDC about hiding covid vaccine safety and efficacy data?

Also, local news have started reporting vaccine injuries. Can you imagine how overwhelming the injuries must be for local newsrooms to break ranks? They couldn’t ignore it any longer .
I know. First princess Dianna, then the rays catcher, finally bob Saget. Who will die from the vaccine next?

Good thing we have you here to save us with your impeccable track record.
Here is the NYT breaking ranks and questioning the narrative. They know a losing hand when they see one and don't go against MSM unless it's bad. It's not too terribly surprising to see them be one of the first to jump ship. They know their reader base aren't fools, and are gonna not be happy when the truth comes out

If you all read the story the author is a professor at Penn who wrote the opinion piece. I found her idea just nuts . Never mind what you may think of the truckers or vaccine mandates or any of this , she makes zero sense here. Protesting the government demanding more freedom and Liberty equals white supremacy? Huh? Who knew was wanting liberty is just a dog whistle for white people to want to actually suppress more people . I just can't keep up any more .
You have very pro vaccine doctors (millions of followers) saying to end all mandates. They are trying to force compliance when it doesn't even make sense in 2022. We have an economy on the brink right now and inflation out of control. Time to end all this nonsense.
Yep. I cannot believe people don't see it. We're labeling everyone far right wing, white supremacists and the like. I cannot believe people refuse to see what is going on, that they support the system.

This is exactly why we do not trust government by default, and we have expert discord, purposely so, to keep freedom alive, and to stop narratives that aren't the truth.

Trying to read information from both sides of the CRT debate, I think that I've found that CRT advocates do not mean white supremacy insofar as neo-nazis and blatant racists. When they say white supremacy, they mean historic and continuing white dominance over other races that is perpetuated by a current system largely populated by white people. White dominance is unquestionably evident by the current comparative welfare of the various races and the system that exists, no matter how fair may or may not be at the moment, must be viewed in context of historic behaviors and systems. Any area of uncertainty should lean towards the position that the system is unfair in it's treatment of blacks and POC because of the rampant historical mistreatment of those groups. In that light, you are white supremacist if you support the current system as it is the fruit of the poisoned tree and cannot help but be unfairly biased and white dominant.