Hamas official: 50 of 62 killed were ours

They don't care about facts anymore. They have an agenda that is more important. They hate Trump more than they care about the US or our allies. I wonder what their coverage would look like if Obama followed through on his promise to move to Jerusalem?
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They don't care about facts anymore. They have an agenda that is more important. They hate Trump more than they care about the US or our allies. I wonder what their coverage would look like if Obama followed through on his promise to move to Jerusalem?
Lmao the best and the brightest of the WC right here folks. If only these guys were running the country we would have world peace already.
They don't care about facts anymore. They have an agenda that is more important. They hate Trump more than they care about the US or our allies. I wonder what their coverage would look like if Obama followed through on his promise to move to Jerusalem?

The coverage of Israel has nothing to do with Trump. It’s always been positioned as Israel is being “too strong”.
The coverage of Israel has nothing to do with Trump. It’s always been positioned as Israel is being “too strong”.

80% of those killed were Hamas fighters or members yet the media has constantly portrayed this as Israel firing “peaceful protestors”

Why do you think that is?

You really think that the fact that it gave them an opportunity to shit on Trump moving the Embassy is not part of this?
80% of those killed were Hamas fighters or members yet the media has constantly portrayed this as Israel firing “peaceful protestors”

Why do you think that is?

You really think that the fact that it gave them an opportunity to shit on Trump moving the Embassy is not part of this?

I think it gave them an opportunity to sh!t on Israel. Ever since I was a kid - the media coverage has always skewed towards Israel going "too far".
80% of those killed were Hamas fighters or members yet the media has constantly portrayed this as Israel firing “peaceful protestors”

Why do you think that is?

You really think that the fact that it gave them an opportunity to shit on Trump moving the Embassy is not part of this?
That's a solid B-. That's not bad. You can't be asked to make sure EVERYONE that you kill is guilty ya know.
TIL Hamas was the ones who shot 60 people dead. Thanks Fab! You always have struck me as an intelligent person here, this really confirms it.
Hamas has killed PLENTY of innocent people.

Sure, they are a terrible organization. I have zero problems saying that, and zero problems saying it's pretty fuked up that Israel just killed 60 people.

Evidently that second statement is just too far for some of these red hatters here. Israel is perfect and we should blindly suppport them 100% no matter how many children they murder.
Sure, they are a terrible organization. I have zero problems saying that, and zero problems saying it's pretty fuked up that Israel just killed 60 people.

Evidently that second statement is just too far for some of these red hatters here. Israel is perfect and we should blindly suppport them 100% no matter how many children they murder.

Israel didn't "just kill 60 people".

What if hundreds of ISIS members were at the Mexican border throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at our military, trying to breach the border?
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Israel didn't "just kill 60 people".

What if hundreds of ISIS members were at the Mexican border throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at our military, trying to breach the border?

What an absolutely incredibly ignorant analogy. Wow.
Israel didn't "just kill 60 people".

What if hundreds of ISIS members were at the Mexican border throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at our military, trying to breach the border?
If that were haplening we shouldn't kill children.
What an absolutely incredibly ignorant analogy. Wow.

The thing is it's not ignorant. Please explain to me why it is? I have been to Israel, know Israeli's personally, including one's who have been sent to these conflicts. You honestly think they want to be doing this?

I don't think a lot of American's "get it" because it's not something that happens here. We don't have to worry about this sort of threat. Of course, terrorism is everywhere but it's not literally next door like it is there.

If that were haplening we shouldn't kill children.

Of course we shouldn't, neither should Israel. If you honestly think Israel is trying to kill children, you've completely discredited yourself from the beginning. I get wanting to protest, I have NO issue with someone protesting something you believe strongly about. However, Hamas, a terrorist organization is obviously sending in people to incite violence. If people want to protest peacefully, they need to do it elsewhere, because it's not safe there. You can blame Hamas for that.
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The thing is it's not ignorant. Please explain to me why it is? I have been to Israel, know Israeli's personally, including one's who have been sent to these conflicts. You honestly think they want to be doing this?

I don't think a lot of American's "get it" because it's not something that happens here. We don't have to worry about this sort of threat. Of course, terrorism is everywhere but it's not literally next door like it is there.

Of course we shouldn't, neither should Israel. If you honestly think Israel is trying to kill children, you've completely discredited yourself from the beginning. I get wanting to protest, I have NO issue with someone protesting something you believe strongly about. However, Hamas, a terrorist organization is obviously sending in people to incite violence. If people want to protest peacefully, they need to do it elsewhere, because it's not safe there. You can blame Hamas for that.
I can also blame Israel, who suffered 0 deaths, for using deadly force on people they didn't know their background resulting in 1 out of 5 people killed being innocent. And I can blame Donald Trump for being so ignorant that he didn't see this coming when every other president in the past did.
I can also blame Israel, who suffered 0 deaths, for using deadly force on people they didn't know their background resulting in 1 out of 5 people killed being innocent. And I can blame Donald Trump for being so ignorant that he didn't see this coming when every other president in the past did.

So basically, Israel should hold fire until Hamas slaughters enough Jews to make it “fair” in your view. Even though they have a right to defend their borders from terrorists.

You’re such a moral person
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So basically, Israel should hold fire until Hamas slaughters enough Jews to make it “fair” in your view. Even though they have a right to defend their borders from terrorists.

You’re such a moral person
Yeah mock my morality while you brag about 80% accuracy in regard to killing innocent people.
Yeah mock my morality while you brag about 80% accuracy in regard to killing innocent people.

No big deal about the kids and relief doctor who were killed, 80% of the people were probably terrorists so hooray Israel! B's get degrees amirite?!
I’m sorry you’d rather see Jews slaughtered before “giving” them the right to defend their own border
0 Jews died. How dangerous were these protesters that 60 of them were killed before any single Israeli. Doesn't sound like they were much of a threat at all. Sounds like they were sitting ducks and Israel just opened fire into a crowd.
0 Jews died. How dangerous were these protesters that 60 of them were killed before any single Israeli. Doesn't sound like they were much of a threat at all. Sounds like they were sitting ducks and Israel just opened fire into a crowd.

Israel is surrounded by countries that want them exterminated and wiped of the map. Did you want those soldiers to stand idly by and do nothing and simply allow these Hamas terrorists to inflict death and damage? Doing nothing would simply embolden and encourage these assholes.
Israel is surrounded by countries that want them exterminated and wiped of the map. Did you want those soldiers to stand idly by and do nothing and simply allow these Hamas terrorists to inflict death and damage? Doing nothing would simply embolden and encourage these assholes.

Remember, FC and the other lefties on this board totally excused the Republican Congressmen liberal shooter last year, who tried to mass assassinate republican congressmen playing softball, all because no one actually ended up dying. All because Scalise was there who has capitol security detail. If he weren’t there everyone surely would have died.

Republicans needed to die to get blowhard liberals like to him to condemn liberal mass murderer attempts

Jews need to die for him to condemn a terrorist group that openly admits their goal is to exterminate Israelis

He’s mentally sick
Remember, FC and the other lefties on this board totally excused the Republican Congressmen liberal shooter last year, who tried to mass assassinate republican congressmen playing softball, all because no one actually ended up dying. All because Scalise was there who has capitol security detail. If he weren’t there everyone surely would have died.

Republicans needed to die to get blowhard liberals like to him to condemn liberal mass murderer attempts

Jews need to die for him to condemn a terrorist group that openly admits their goal is to exterminate Israelis

He’s mentally sick
No terrorist attack happened. Israel killed 60 Palestinians and we sit here and scratch our head as to why they have enemies on all sides.
No terrorist attack happened. Israel killed 60 Palestinians and we sit here and scratch our head as to why they have enemies on all sides.
Hamas is a terrorist organization and they threw Malatov Cocktails at the Israelis. Sounds like an attack by a terrorist organization to me.
No terrorist attack happened. Israel killed 60 Palestinians and we sit here and scratch our head as to why they have enemies on all sides.

We scratch our head as to why they have enemies on all sides? Do you know the history of Israel at all?

The second the state of Israel was formed, they had those enemies. Israel isn't even a real country to them. They'd be happy if it was wiped off the face of the Earth.
No terrorist attack happened. Israel killed 60 Palestinians and we sit here and scratch our head as to why they have enemies on all sides.

That isn't true anymore. Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan all have reasonable working relationships with Israel. Lebanon did until the extremists took over. Its basically just the Palestinians, syria, and Iran who are the problem. Not surprisingly, they all advocate terrorism.
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We scratch our head as to why they have enemies on all sides? Do you know the history of Israel at all?

The second the state of Israel was formed, they had those enemies. Israel isn't even a real country to them. They'd be happy if it was wiped off the face of the Earth.
At least someone knows and understands history
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We scratch our head as to why they have enemies on all sides? Do you know the history of Israel at all?

The second the state of Israel was formed, they had those enemies. Israel isn't even a real country to them. They'd be happy if it was wiped off the face of the Earth.

They don't even want the Jews to leave and give them the land. They want the Jews to die.
They don't even want the Jews to leave and give them the land. They want the Jews to die.


Israel just wants to be left alone. The terrorist organizations (and in turn, some countries), want Israel to DIE. You think their hatred for the USA is bad? That's nothing compared for their hatred of Israel.
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