It's a "Muslim Ban!"

What would Reagan call the right today? You don't think you all have gone further to the right to?
No. Moderate conservatives have largely gone along with the move leftward for 25 years. Now it's moved so far left that what used to be moderate conservatism looks like moving far right to you.
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Mattis ...???? Kelly????

It was an obvious exaggeration.

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No. Moderate conservatives have largely gone along with the move leftward for 25 years. Now it's moved so far left that what used to be moderate conservatism looks like moving far right to you.
Hence my frustration w W neoconservatives - they haven't conserved anything. Standard playbook: abortion lip service corporate welfare bomb crap countries.
Hence my frustration w W neoconservatives - they haven't conserved anything. Standard playbook: abortion lip service corporate welfare bomb crap countries.

So we should, or should not, be bombing ISIS territory in said crap countries?
Polls out today say that the temporary travel ban is supported by a 49/41 margin.
I don't see all the nonsense, it is a Temp ban from 7 countries. 90% of Muslims are from elsewhere and can travel.
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I am dealing with it great, this has been the clustershow i expected. Why are you all so angry? Did you all think we would actually support this clown? LOL

I don't understand why you hate America and won't support making America great again.
When did it stop being great?
I'll bite. Sometime around 1980.

We have not seen a Real GDP Growth rate greater than 5% in over 30 years. For the 55 years prior to 1985, Real GDP growth would be greater than 5% in 23 years (~40%).

Why? Probably has something to do with why we saw the great growth in the first place. Our "greatness" or rise to power was entirely due to rebuilding the world twice after WWI and WWII (mostly WWII). The Bretton Woods system coupled with the World Center of Banking being in NYC just solidified our place in the world economy. But as Western Europe was rebuilt and other developing countries emerged, the need for US manufacturing has diminished and the US Net Exports dropped significantly.

MAGA attempts to change the US Net Exports side of the equation to boost GDP.
Votes count, yards and time of possession do not.

Actually, this is wrong. It is worthless to win the game that wasn't being played.

If total votes mattered, Trump would have spent far more time in California and New York than he did. Since those states are going democrat no matter what, Republicans have no reason to go there and campaign. Congrats on getting tons of votes in a few states, but that doesn't now and has never mattered.
The 3M gap literally comes from Commiefornia. They had 4.3M more votes for Killary. Trump didn't hold one rally there during the general.
Actually, this is wrong. It is worthless to win the game that wasn't being played.

If total votes mattered, Trump would have spent far more time in California and New York than he did. Since those states are going democrat no matter what, Republicans have no reason to go there and campaign. Congrats on getting tons of votes in a few states, but that doesn't now and has never mattered.

It's like in football, where the goal is to score more points. If you lose by 37, you could create a new metric and claim victory based on that. Like say "hitting".

Copy/pasta from what I posted in the Dungeon for all you mooches that don't support Brandon's work.

Fuking liberals. They've ruined sports journalism. You can't go to a sports website anymore without seeing all these cry baby propaganda articlesplastering the page. I go to ESPiN or SI as an escape from politics and all you see is toddlers crying because they still can't accept that half the country disagrees with them.
Copy/pasta from what I posted in the Dungeon for all you mooches that don't support Brandon's work.

Fuking liberals. They've ruined sports journalism. You can't go to a sports website anymore without seeing all these cry baby propaganda articlesplastering the page. I go to ESPiN or SI as an escape from politics and all you see is toddlers crying because they still can't accept that half the country disagrees with them.
no wonder why espn's tv ratings are down for their shows. people are tired of politics getting thrown in their face when they are looking for an escape.
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