Kavanaugh Vote Now in Jeopardy

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Would t you be? Think of what he is going through. He has worked his entire like for this moment and because of political beliefs he is being ruined.
I don't think people realize this "black'n white" argument is alienating a lot of men that were big supporters of #metoo. For me, it first started with the "bad sex" and "socially awkward" men. Now it's expanded to "high school laundry."

Sean Penn said it best ... #metoo is becoming men v. women, and if you question anything, you're, at best, just a misogynist and, at worst, a rapist.
He just said he never drank enough to pass out.

That's pretty unbelievable to me. We're suposed to believe that he was a responsible high school drinker?
Feinstein is lost.
A lot of politicians are hypocrites, but she's one of the biggest of all, especially among Democrats. She honestly believes only she is entitled to rights, even back when she wasn't a Senator.
He just said he never drank enough to pass out.

That's pretty unbelievable to me. We're suposed to believe that he was a responsible high school drinker?

The drinking age when I was in school was 18. I only got drunk one time, and even then stayed put till I sobered up, I wasn't about to lose my license and not be able to drive the muscle car I was working to pay for. Sorry fried, plenty of kids are fairly responsible in high school.

I went to school everyday, worked 4 or 5 nights per week, Made a car payment, paid my own car insurance and spending money, and bought all my own clothes..
Would t you be? Think of what he is going through. He has worked his entire like for this moment and because of political beliefs he is being ruined.

No, I wouldn't be crying and constantly choking up. He's clearly far more emotional than I am...or he believes that presenting himself as emotional is beneficial to him.
I imagine Harris and Whitehouse will be better prepared. Feinstein was just looking for a gotcha and had no idea how to get there. She was so bad, Kavanaugh’s answer actually highlighted the unfairness in the hearing delay that Ford’s story dominated the media and Kavanaugh couldn’t get his side out there.
The drinking age when I was in school was 18. I only got drunk one time, and even then stayed put till I sobered up, I wasn't about to lose my license and not be able to drive the muscle car I was working to pay for. Sorry fried, plenty of kids are fairly responsible in high school.
Dawg, you only got drunk 1 time. Kavanaugh is on the record of drinking a ton of times at parties and he just called his best friend an alcoholic. Don't be self centered, obviously your situation is a little bit different.
I don't think people realize this "black'n white" argument is alienating a lot of men that were big supporters of #metoo. For me, it first started with the "bad sex" and "socially awkward" men. Now it's expanded to "high school laundry."

Sean Penn said it best ... #metoo is becoming men v. women, and if you question anything, you're, at best, just a misogynist and, at worst, a rapist.
The metoo movement is bullshit. Look at most of those that were actually guilty from the movement. Mostly liberals.
Curious where these dem’s where during Fords questioning?
Making statements to try to bolster Ford's "credibility" and obscure that there is absolutely no evidence to be found. Kamala Harris's was great because she drove into the Maricopa County sexual assault investigation policy and then tried to transfer that to the FBI. I'm sure people ate that misdirection up.
I’m surprised he hasn’t done a better job of responding to the last 2 Senators. Should be used to these techniques since he’s spent decades in a court room.
The metoo movement is bullshit. Look at most of those that were actually guilty from the movement. Mostly liberals.
I disagree.

The #metoo movement had laudable goals, as do the feminist movements. The problem is that it's now become the "you're either with us or against us." It's become "black'n white." It's starting to turn into "you must blame men for things [that aren't even rape]."

They have managed to alienate some of the biggest, original feminists, rape counselors and shelter managers. It's out-of-hand. Bad sex and misunderstandings are now being reported as rape.

Men are holding men accountable this century, especially this decade. But women ... women are not, and that's what's undoing a lot of #metoo.
I disagree.

The #metoo movement had laudable goals, as do the feminist movements. The problem is that it's now become the "you're either with us or against us." It's become "black'n white." It's starting to turn into "you must blame men for things [that aren't even rape]."

They have managed to alienate some of the biggest, original feminists, rape counselors and shelter managers. It's out-of-hand. Bad sex and misunderstandings are now being reported as rape.

Men are holding men accountable this century, especially this decade. But women ... women are not, and that's what's undoing a lot of #metoo.

Says the man.
Says the man.
Yes, says the man ... with a lot of women who agree, although usually conservative women.
But also, as I said, some of the world's biggest, original feminists.
That's just reality.

Hillary Clinton is the posterwoman for the problem.
You cannot have one of the biggest, alleged, rape enablers as the face.

Also, several #metoo heads have been taken down by accusations, and there are still a lot of women defending them.

Women have to hold women accountable.
Until then, men -- and women -- will question the movement.

That's just reality.
Don't shoot the messenger.
Even if the feminists have shot Erin Pizzey herself, among others.
Could you imagine if Dr. Ford had this tone during questioning? She would be labeled an "angry woman who can't control her emotions".

His whole testimony is weird.
Could you imagine if Dr. Ford had this tone during questioning? She would be labeled an "angry woman who can't control her emotions".

His whole testimony is weird.
I might have taken her as credible, she came off as a preprogrammed weak minded women who is being used by some very rich people.
Could you imagine if Dr. Ford had this tone during questioning? She would be labeled an "angry woman who can't control her emotions".
His whole testimony is weird.
Yes, it was. But did you see how some of the Democratic Senators reacted when he looked at him?

It will backfire with the #metoo movement, feminists and most US media analysts and Democratic voters. But I honestly think that wasn't Kavanaugh's intent.

I think Kavanaugh was giving them the ultimate, "When I get on that bench, you know I will be more powerful than any of you. You think I'm an elite, privileged white a-hole now?"

I know his type. You f with him and he'll remind you for the rest of your life. He doesn't blame Ford. He blames the Democrats. I can't say I don't blame him, even if I don't care for his type.

He's just another elitist ... but so are all those Senators too.
Could you imagine if Dr. Ford had this tone during questioning? She would be labeled an "angry woman who can't control her emotions".

His whole testimony is weird.
Maybe. I think that people would've said that she has a right to be angry at the person she believes has sexually assaulted her. How many times have you actually heard someone make that assessment of a woman? I can't remember the last time. Maybe my grandfather in the 80's, but he is long gone.
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I might have taken her as credible, she came off as a preprogrammed weak minded women who is being used by some very rich people.
Nah, she came off as an everyday, prepared, professional woman.

How some people interpret that is left to them, not really her.

In any case, she is sure of herself. But spending the last 6 years re-enforcing the fact that she was pushed onto a bed sometime in her youth, when she didn't want to have sex, is going to do that.

Especially if it happened over 35 years ago. I have no doubt that she believes herself. I just have no idea that it was Kavanaugh.

And the 4 people she said were there that gave their sworn statements say they have no f'ing idea what she's talking about. Let me say that again, no one she says was there can collaborate her statements ... not one!

But the US media 'swapped in' 4 other people, all 2013+, to mis-represent those 4 people from 1982, as collaborating her statements. That is the biggest load of total BS in all of this. Which is why the American people are being purposely mis-lead, and why I'm pissed about how this whole thing went down.

Facts be damned, the US media will use what they want, in total mis-appropriation.

Can one, single person here who has been arguing with me even admit that?!
Can one of them at all? That is pure fact, and they keep ignoring it.
I tried searching for it online but all I can find is some unrelated info about a threesome with 2 guys and one girl. I keep getting that info but I can't find the rules to this quarters drinking game anywhere.
I tried searching for it online but all I can find is some unrelated info about a threesome with 2 guys and one girl. I keep getting that info but I can't find the rules to this quarters drinking game anywhere.
He definitely won that round.
UCFBS, I don’t know how you say you think she’s being honest but then say you’re not sure it was Kavanaugh. You really think a girl who was sexually assaulted would forget who assaulted her and then go and claim it was a completely different guy who wasn’t even there?
Earlier in the proceedings, Ford described in vivid detail the actual assault.

For what it's worth, the worst thing that Ford could do is appear "coached." Whatever your political leanings, one would have to admit she seems genuine and sincere in every way.

We'll see, but my gut tells me you'll hear the well-crafted and well-rehearsed answers in the next part of this hearing.
I can’t help but think about this question again. She reads off the details to include the assault in her prepared statement. But when asked later what she vividly remembers doesn’t even mention any details of the attack. I still can’t understand this answer leaving out details of the attack and I think it’s significant. Like I said before, how does she not answer that the thing she remembers most vividly is Brett Kavanaugh assaulting her?

If this were a court of law (it’s not), that’s the kind of thing a defense attorney would jump all over.
UCFBS, I don’t know how you say you think she’s being honest but then say you’re not sure it was Kavanaugh.
Oh, it's simple. And you're part of the problem here. Learn. ;)

She never thought about it for 30 years. Then she had her session in 2012, for an event she thinks was around 1982. Then she had 5 more years of re-enforcing that it happened, and finally she started naming Kavanaugh.

The only people that can collaborate her story only heard of it in the past 5 years. And none of them named Kavanaugh in their sworn statements. The US media hasn't been talking about those facts.

You really think a girl who was sexually assaulted would forget who assaulted her and then go and claim it was a completely different guy who wasn’t even there?
Have you ever known someone that was sexually assaulted and didn't think about it for 30 years? Or anyone who has been a victim of a situation?

I honestly believe she believes what she says. She's been talking about it for 5 years, slowly remembering it. But that's the thing.

Something from 35 years ago, not talked about for 30 years, has a huge number of issues. Google it and you'll find a lot. It's even worse when it's a kid, especially pre-12, but also pre-21 teenagers too.

Now ... add in the fact that the 4 people she named say they have no idea what she's talking about. No one can collaborate anything from 1982 at all. Which is why the US media is mis-appropriating those 4 as the 4 from 1982.

Don't demonize what I'm saying, it's backed by a lot of research. People search for things to fill-in, and then things are used. The problem is, it's not always things from the actual event, but what could possibly fit.

Listen to that detail. Her collaborators only collaborate that she first admitted in the past 5 years that she was forced upon by a male some 30+ years earlier. None of them will give sworn, written testimony that it was Kavanaugh.

Meanwhile, the first 4 people she named were there (she's up'd it to 6 since) said she has no idea what she's talking about, much less they didn't even know a boy who remotely looked like Kavanaugh.
He’s so aggressive. He’s playing to the republican base. I’m not sure he’s helping himself to the normal bystander.
He's not helping himself with the normal bystander, agreed. But I don't think he honestly cares.

Most judges don't. They don't care what people think of them. And in his case, he's pissed at the Democrats.

I honestly feel for Dr. Ford. I really do. But the fact that her own, named witnesses are collaborating Kavanaugh's statements was the killer for me.

Latent memories of a 15 year-old are really not specific. I honestly believe she believes she was pushed down and forced on to when she was inebriated.

The only question I have is ... was it Kavanaugh?
Her own, named witnesses of 1982 gave sworn, written statements that she has no idea what she's talking about.

Even her own 4, post-2013+ collaborators, from her 2012+ psychological visits, wouldn't name Kavanaugh in writing -- and that's just verifying what she said 30-35 years after the event.

That's why I have to completely question if she remotely has any idea if it was Kavanaugh. She's not lying, she's just remembering what she wants to fill-in to something that happened so long ago.
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um, Crazy? Where was the prosecutor's 'big bang' finale?

This isnt like a football game where all of a sudden theres a big play. I didn't listen to the rest of her testimony after that post so I cant say exactly where it went, but the prosecutor was clearly looking for inconsistencies in Fords testimony and we will probably find out later on how the prosecutor would summarize things.
The only thing that's been reaffirmed to me in these hearings is that all these senators are self-righteous, judgmental, hypocritcal assholes...especially the Dems.
Actually, they're all elitist, from the Congressmen and women to Judge Kavanaugh himself, even Dr. Ford too. I think they are all a-holes.

Dr. Ford undermined herself with her first, 4 witnesses from 1982. All of them say she's talking non-sense. The US media continues to not only not report that, but mis-represent her 2013-2017 'collaborators' as those from 1982.

The US media and any Americans really need to stop wanting to believe what they want, and look at that reality. She had a highly suggestive session with a professional, for a memory that was 30 years old, when she as 15.

It's very easy to fill in blanks, and continue to fill in blanks, when you cannot remember things from 30 years ago. I know from first-hand experience. But I'm more logoical and objective than a lot of people.
He’s so aggressive. He’s playing to the republican base. I’m not sure he’s helping himself to the normal bystander.

Very much true, but he doesnt have to play to the normal bystander, just 50 senators
Actually, they're all elitist, from the Congressmen and women to Judge Kavanaugh himself, even Dr. Ford too. I think they are all a-holes.

Dr. Ford undermined herself with her first, 4 witnesses from 1982. All of them say she's talking non-sense. The US media continues to not only not report that, but mis-represent her 2013-2017 'collaborators' as those from 1982.

The US media and any Americans really need to stop wanting to believe what they want, and look at that reality. She had a highly suggestive session with a professional, for a memory that was 30 years old, when she as 15.

It's very easy to fill in blanks, and continue to fill in blanks, when you cannot remember things from 30 years ago. I know from first-hand experience. But I'm more logoical and objective than a lot of people.

Im not going to say that Ford's memory is not real, but it is quite amazing what a therapist can bring a person to "remember". Some people are very much more receptive to suggestion than others.
Very much true, but he doesnt have to play to the normal bystander, just 50 senators
Because Kavanaugh's career is over, at least as he knows it, if he doesn't make it to the bench. His character has been destroyed, without any proof.

Unless that 3rd accuser keeps it up, I really don't see how Kavanaugh can even start to see anyone prove his guilt or innocence. That 3rd accuser's lawyer is controlling everything, and I really wanted that to come out.

BTW, this "FBI investigation" non-sense -- other than make the 4th accuser's 1998 charge -- is just that, non-sense. The FBI cannot do anything but take statements. They cannot even draw conclusions on things that happened 35+ years ago.
He’s so aggressive. He’s playing to the republican base. I’m not sure he’s helping himself to the normal bystander.
There are no normal bystanders at this point. This game is a joke and the democrats have turned this process into a calamity.
Im not going to say that Ford's memory is not real, but it is quite amazing what a therapist can bring a person to "remember". Some people are very much more receptive to suggestion than others.
Especially under 21, and even worse, under 12. She was 15, and it wasn't done by a therapist until she was 45 -- 3x her age later.

I had trouble remembering stuff 15 years later, when I was mid-20s, from something when I was 10, and I still don't remember everything. I do know that I originally, and wrongly, associated it with a half-dozen people, until I whittled it down to 1, and then was dead wrong, as I finally confirmed that person was 2 years later, and totally unrelated.

And I know the exact 2 months of my life when it happened. It's one of those things I don't fret about either. After all, the person was a teenager. And I've never used a psychologist. The few times I've talked to any 'professional,' they always said the same thing, "You're the last person who needs one."

But unlike this woman, people can place me with the person. But they don't remember his name either, or what he looked like.

I cannot emphasize this enough: The first 4 witnesses from 1982 refuted her claim. She's now named 6. The 4 'collaborators' the US media is talking about are all 2013-2017, not 1982. Which brings me to my conclusion ...

Whether or not this happened will never be answered. But this is an US media smear job. That is just reality and undeniable at this point, given the US media keeps mis-representing the 'collaborators' of 2013-2017 as 1982.

Everyone must admit this, or they are lying to themselves, and actually doing #metoo a disservice.
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Because Kavanaugh's career is over, at least as he knows it, if he doesn't make it to the bench. His character has been destroyed, without any proof.

Unless that 3rd accuser keeps it up, I really don't see how Kavanaugh can even start to see anyone prove his guilt or innocence. That 3rd accuser's lawyer is controlling everything, and I really wanted that to come out.

BTW, this "FBI investigation" non-sense -- other than make the 4th accuser's 1998 charge -- is just that, non-sense. The FBI cannot do anything but take statements. They cannot even draw conclusions on things that happened 35+ years ago.

To their credit, the dems have done a really good job of selling the "fbi investigation " angle. Its too bad that the fbi hasn't come out with a statement on how they were to handle this and if they even have jurisdiction in this case.
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