Kavanaugh Vote Now in Jeopardy

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It's official. Knighttime Joe, Fried Chicken, and DaShuckster are officially dumber than a box of hammers.

Their beloved 4th person is a raving lunatic on twitter and already said "oops, sorry, made a mistake". Haha....

Their lovely 3rd person, who apparently knew punch was spiked, witnessed girls getting gang raped, yet continued to attend the parties 10 more times, is now found to be A) deeply in debt B) has a restraining order by an ex who says she is CRAZY and can't be trusted and C) used the 1st accusers attorney (shocking coincidence) to charge her last employer with sexual harassment! hahaha....
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It's official. Knighttime Joe, Fried Chicken, and DaShuckster are officially dumber than a box of hammers.

Their beloved 4th person is a raving lunatic on twitter and already said "oops, sorry, made a mistake". Haha....

Their lovely 3rd person, who apparently knew punch was spiked, witnessed girls getting gang raped, yet continued to attend the parties 10 more times, is now found to be A) deeply in debt B) has a restraining order by an ex who says she is CRAZY and can't be trusted and C) used the 1st accusers attorney (shocking coincidence) to charge her last employer with sexual harassment! hahaha....

Dude, seriously, GFY. Where have I said I believe any of these women? Where have I stated once, ONCE that he did any of these things? I haven't.

So again, GFY. You're pathetic.
You’re gleefully blindly accepting allegations against a man for no other reason than to destroy him for partisan reasons. You’re what’s wrong with this country and decidedly unAmerican by your actions. Disgusting.
Clutch your pearls elsewhere. He's a literal rapist and I'm disgusting for not wanting him confirmed? You've lost touch with reality.
Has no one even looked at the fact that Mark Judge literally wrote a book about the insane drunken rager parties he threw in highschool? It's pretty well documented. But I'm sure Kavanaugh was just a designated driver and sat in the corner reading his bible.
I’ll settle this now, all these women are falsely accusing him or flat out lying.
Ok. Well since that's settled now, please let me in on how Dr Ford set up this scheme.

How and why did she plant a seed for this lie in 2012. Thanks I'll wait for your reply.
Oh, well this changes everything.

Nope, but Im willing to bet this wont be the last person to come forward against the accusers. After Ford testifies today and we actually get to hear what her story is, there will probably be people who come out and refute her claims with evidence.
I’ll settle this now, all these women are falsely accusing him or flat out lying.
Apparently the Republicans on the committee released a schedule that implied they’d spoken to two men who claimed to have been the ones that assaulted Ford, not Kavanaugh. Now, I’m not sure if this is true because you’d think it’d be all over everywhere. If it were true, though, would that put an end to all of this?
I havent heard of any concerns that arised regarding Kavanaugh from the original hearings. Did anybody bring up anything about his qualifications to sit on the bench prior to these allegations?
She's either a great actress or this woman has experienced some true pain. I'm going to go with the latter.

SHE HAD TO MOVE OUT OF HER HOME. She's basically in witness protection.
It’s amazing that she can remember all the details that she couldn’t a month ago. She did not write that statement.
She's either a great actress or this woman has experienced some true pain. I'm going to go with the latter.

SHE HAD TO MOVE OUT OF HER HOME. She's basically in witness protection.
BS, she has been coached and is reading someone else’s statement.
BS, she has been coached and is reading someone else’s statement.

Lol. You're an insensitive f*ck.

Whether is was Kavanaugh or not, that woman had something happen to her. If not, she deserves an Oscar.
It's only "politics" if you think Ford is not being sincere.

Not at all. So far, the prosecuter has asked questions that are important and Fords responses seem sincere, the dem senators have put forth nothing more than a political narrative.
its only politics if they knew about this since july and waited until the very last second to bring it to light.

Good grief! Who gives a crap WHEN this came out?!?!!?

Yeah, screw the truth, let's get to the vote!!!!
She has been caught with three “misspeaks” but the worst so far is her not knowing how she got to and from a party that was six miles from her house.
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She has been caught with three “misspeaks” but the worst so far is her not knowing how she got to and from a party that was six miles from her house.
If she's making up the whole story why doesn't she just make up the details like how she got to and from the house?

She could just say. I took a bus. A friend picked me up. I rode my bike.
Sen Klobuchar asks her what she remembers vividly. She says "The stairwell. The living room. The bedroom. The bed on the right side of the room as you walk into the room...the bathroom in close proximity. The laughter, the uproarious laughter. And the multiple attempts to escape...". Notice anything missing?

You’d think she’d mention details about Kavanaugh and how he was on top of her. How it felt when he touched her. How she felt when she thought he’d kill her. His appearance, etc. In other words, under oath when asked what she remembers vividly, she offered no memory any detail of the actual sexual assault or the perpetrators.

Now, I haven’t listened to the whole thing, but it seemed like that was the perfect time to seal the deal with her vivid memories of the sexual assault. She provided none as an answer to that question and because we don’t know where this actually happened have no way to verify. Maybe she did it elsewhere.
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Sen Klobuchar asks her what she remembers vividly. She says "The stairwell. The living room. The bedroom. The bed on the right side of the room as you walk into the room...the bathroom in close proximity. The laughter, the uproarious laughter. And the multiple attempts to escape...". Notice anything missing?

You’d think she’d mention details about Kavanaugh and how he was on top of her. How it felt when he touched her. How she felt when she thought he’d kill her. His appearance, etc. In other words, under oath when asked what she remembers vividly, she offered no memory any detail of the actual sexual assault or the perpetrators.

Now, I haven’t listened to the whole thing, but it seemed like that was the perfect time to seal the deal with her vivid memories of the sexual assault. She provided none as an answer to that question and because we don’t know where this actually happened have no way to verify. Maybe she did it elsewhere.
Shes covered that a dozen time already.
If she's making up the whole story why doesn't she just make up the details like how she got to and from the house?

She could just say. I took a bus. A friend picked me up. I rode my bike.
Because she has no corroborating evidence with anyone that can back her up. If she says someone drove her then she will have to prove that, so far not one student she went to school with can corroborate.
I have little doubt she has had a traumatic experience but I have little doubt she is accusing a potential Supreme Court Justice with whom she disagrees on every level.
You’d think she’d mention details about Kavanaugh and how he was on top of her. How it felt when he touched her. How she felt when she thought he’d kill her. His appearance, etc. In other words, under oath when asked what she remembers vividly, she offered no memory any detail of the actual sexual assault or the perpetrators.

Earlier in the proceedings, Ford described in vivid detail the actual assault.

For what it's worth, the worst thing that Ford could do is appear "coached." Whatever your political leanings, one would have to admit she seems genuine and sincere in every way.

We'll see, but my gut tells me you'll hear the well-crafted and well-rehearsed answers in the next part of this hearing.
I have little doubt she is accusing a potential Supreme Court Justice with whom she disagrees on every level.

It has been noted during the proceedings that Ford initially contacted her Congresswoman and the Washington Post BEFORE Kavanaugh was named. She wanted to make sure the President has this information when he still had a list of other qualified candidates before him.

Tough to label this as a woman with "an agenda" other than to keep her assaultant off the Supreme Court.
Earlier in the proceedings, Ford described in vivid detail the actual assault.

For what it's worth, the worst thing that Ford could do is appear "coached." Whatever your political leanings, one would have to admit she seems genuine and sincere in every way.

We'll see, but my gut tells me you'll hear the well-crafted and well-rehearsed answers in the next part of this hearing.
Good that she got that on record earlier then. I’ll look it up in the transcript. I don’t have a problem with her answers to the expected questions being coached. That would be smart since she’s under oath under penalty of felony perjury so they’d be fools if they didn’t coach her answers. Her answers to Ms Mitchell are going to be more revealing. Ms Mitchell has already drawn out some things, such as not remembering basic facts about conversations just a few months ago. And threw her airplane stress into doubt as well. As to what it will ultimately mean, who knows.
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