Kavanaugh Vote Now in Jeopardy

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Another lie, she said multiple times how long the polygraph test took and how difficult it was. The guy that gave the polygraph test said he asked two questions about her letter, that was it.
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From what I understand of the incident, I honestly don't believe he did anything that terrible. He was a drunk teenager who made a move on another teenager and he got rejected. If that's the worst thing he's done in his entire life, he's probably not that terrible of a person. If he just admitted that it happened, it wouldn't be as big of a deal.
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From what I understand of the incident, I honestly don't believe he did anything that terrible. He was a drunk teenager who made a move on another teenager and he got rejected. If that's the worst thing he's done in his entire life, he's probably not that terrible of a person. If he just admitted that it happened, it wouldn't be as big of a deal.

Yeah, what's the big deal about jumping a girl and push her on a bed and attempt to have sex with her? So what if she tried to scream for help and had his hand put over her mouth?

Boys will be boys, no big deal, right bluechip?
Yeah, what's the big deal about jumping a girl and push her on a bed and attempt to have sex with her? So what if she tried to scream for help and had his hand put over her mouth?

Boys will be boys, no big deal, right bluechip?

Could definitely see it happening. They're flirting and joking or whatever. He ends up on top of her and tries to make a move. She raises her voice in objection and he tries to get her to be quiet so everything isn't blown out of proportion and so it doesn't seem like he was trying to do some terrible thing.
Huh? I don't remember who drove to parties at UCF and those were more recent.
Do you remember who raped you that night? It’s not that hard, she said there were six people at the party, everyone she named that was at the party, including her life long friend, sent there was such a party.
Good that she got that on record earlier then. I’ll look it up in the transcript. I don’t have a problem with her answers to the expected questions being coached. That would be smart since she’s under oath under penalty of felony perjury so they’d be fools if they didn’t coach her answers. Her answers to Ms Mitchell are going to be more revealing. Ms Mitchell has already drawn out some things, such as not remembering basic facts about conversations just a few months ago. And threw her airplane stress into doubt as well. As to what it will ultimately mean, who knows.
Why did you do the polygraph at your hotel? “Because it was close to the airport and I had a flight that day.” This chic is on planes more than I am and I fly twice a month.
Could definitely see it happening. They're flirting and joking or whatever. He ends up on top of her and tries to make a move. She raises her voice in objection and he tries to get her to be quiet so everything isn't blown out of proportion and so it doesn't seem like he was trying to do some terrible thing.

Yeah, what the hell is the big deal?

If Big Bubba takes a fondness for you and somehow manages to trap you inside a bedroom and "tries to make a move" and you raise your voice in objection and he tries to get you to be quiet so "everything isn't blown out of proportion," it would be fair to say Ol' Bubba wasn't trying to do some terrible thing to you, right? These things can always be misinterpreted.
From what I understand of the incident, I honestly don't believe he did anything that terrible. He was a drunk teenager who made a move on another teenager and he got rejected. If that's the worst thing he's done in his entire life, he's probably not that terrible of a person. If he just admitted that it happened, it wouldn't be as big of a deal.
speaking from experience?
Yeah, what the hell is the big deal?

If Big Bubba takes a fondness for you and somehow manages to trap you inside a bedroom and "tries to make a move" and you raise your voice in objection and he tries to get you to be quiet so "everything isn't blown out of proportion," it would be fair to say Ol' Bubba wasn't trying to do some terrible thing to you, right? These things can always be misinterpreted.

Actually, come to think of it, that happened in Boca not too long ago...only it was a girl who locked herself in the bathroom with me (not Bubba) while my girlfriend was in the next room over. I was drunk out of my mind and girl tried to "take advantage" of me. Girlfriend realized what other girl was doing and started beating on the door as hard as she could. The girl's actions were pretty atrocious but if it's the worst thing she ever does over a 40-50 year period, she's probably not too bad of a person.
If you’re watching you can see that she is done. She has now admitted to being a tool of the democrats.
If you’re watching you can see that she is done. She has now admitted to being a tool of the democrats.

I'm confused how contacting her Congresswoman BEFORE Trump named Kavanaugh in hopes of getting her information to the WH in time for it to be seriously considered BEFORE Kavanaugh was selected from a group of other qualified applicants makes her a "democrat tool."

Please explain.
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I'm confused how contacting her Congresswoman BEFORE Trump named Kavanaugh in hopes of getting her information to the WH in time for it to be seriously considered BEFORE Kavanaugh was selected from a group of other qualified applicants makes her a "democrat tool."

Please explain.
Can you ask that question in English?
Thats odd. You can remember things that happened in the 80s but the accuser for some reason can't. Just a vague memory of something that happened somewhere, sometime. Hmmmmmm.
Did you read her statement....she's very clear on what happened.....are you watching Faux news again?
At the end of all of this it will be a she said-he said and I don't think this hearing will have changed anyone's mind either way.
From what I understand of the incident, I honestly don't believe he did anything that terrible. He was a drunk teenager who made a move on another teenager and he got rejected. If that's the worst thing he's done in his entire life, he's probably not that terrible of a person. If he just admitted that it happened, it wouldn't be as big of a deal.
I think it's a little ore than "a move". Did you read her statement
I will say, though, that all they had to do was to file a criminal complaint in MD to get the kind of investigation the Democrats are bleating for. They know this too. They think you're all too stupid to realize this.

EDIT: One reason they may want the FBI to investigate on request from the Senate is so that the confirmation is forced to wait for the investigation. If Montgomery County or some city in MD was investigating, the Senate could move forward.
You nailed it. Ford's willingness to fly despite a fear of flying did her in. Her credibility is shot. [eyeroll]
she goes to washington dc once a year. shes also been to Hawaii, Costa Rica, South Pacific Islands, and French Polynesia.

thats a lot of flying. most of those are very long flights and would stop someone who has a "fear" of flying. anyone reasonable would say she tried to delay this hearing.
she goes to washington dc once a year. shes also been to Hawaii, Costa Rica, South Pacific Islands, and French Polynesia.

thats a lot of flying. most of those are very long flights and would stop someone who has a "fear" of flying. anyone reasonable would say she tried to delay this hearing.

What the hell does THIS have to do with Ford's allegations? Christ, thousands of people who have a big fear of flying nevertheless fly for a variety of reasons.

Hell, former TV colorman John Maddan used to take a big bus each week to the site of his broadcast because of his fear of flying. Yet this same man flew for years and years when he was in coaching.
What the hell does THIS have to do with Ford's allegations? Christ, thousands of people who have a big fear of flying nevertheless fly for a variety of reasons.

Hell, former TV colorman John Maddan used to take a big bus each week to the site of his broadcast because of his fear of flying. Yet this same man flew for years and years when he was in coaching.
she was lying about the fear of flying to delay the hearing a long as possible. it brings questions into her credibility if she is willing to lie about that. this political gamesmanship and you know it.
Do you remember who raped you that night? It’s not that hard, she said there were six people at the party, everyone she named that was at the party, including her life long friend, send there was no such a party.

Not a single person she named will said it even happened! All 4 of the original people she named signed written testimony backing Kavanaugh, that they didn't know WTF she was talking about!

You're not confusing those people with the people who said she did tell them after her 2012 session? And none of them said she named Kavanaugh, until well after 2016. You didn't fall for the sleight-of-logic the US media used, right?

If so, you just proved how shamelessly biased the US media is to the point of mis-appropriating information and related, false quotes.
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I'm thinking Kavanaugh coming out aggressive and angry is going to be just the wrong note to strike after Ford's testimony.
I'm thinking Kavanaugh coming out aggressive and angry is going to be just the wrong note to strike after Ford's testimony.
Yeah, he's being too emotional.

At the same time, if someone combed through my high school, and insinuated all sorts of crap, I would be too. I would be really pissed off, and let everyone know. Especially women I never dated, who said crap about me, along with others who did, and told their parents crap about me because they wanted the head off their boyfriends.

That's why I'll never become a politician or a judge, and am wary of being a federal contractor too.
It is disgusting that this man has to go through this. This was a hatchet job and has gone too far.
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I'm thinking Kavanaugh coming out aggressive and angry is going to be just the wrong note to strike after Ford's testimony.
He has every right. A crazy bitch is accusing him of a crime and intends to destroy everything he has worked for.
He has every right. A crazy bitch is accusing him of a crime and intends to destroy everything he has worked for.
I don't doubt she had some sort of latent memory resurrected, and she believes it. But it's 35 years ago. That's the problem.

Even more so with the 3rd accuser talking about using 'rape drugs' and 'gang rapes.' I actually wanted that to be followed, but it looks like she's refusing to cooperate.

The US media has pretty much mis-appropriated facts, repeatedly. No one is talking about how the 4 people the 1st accuser named have denied even recollecting any event or being around Kavanaugh at all. Instead, they are saying 4 people 'collaborated' the 1st accuser's charge, even though it was this century, not 35+ years ago, and Kavanaugh was not named until recently.

That's the problem. We're dealing with memorize 35+ years ago that the FBI cannot even investigate. Everyone in Congress knows this. The FBI can only take statements, and all of that 'evidence gathering' will be 'extremely low confidence.'

This is either a man who has a serious, devious, predatory sexual history ...
Or an absolute new low in politicking.

Given the 'facts' on the 1st accuser, with no collaborators from the time period (the US media keeps mis-attributing that), and the fact that the 3rd accuser shouldn't have no problem finding collaborators, this one remains in the BS category for me.

Sorry, but it really does. Especially with the 'high school laundry' crap. He's a spoiled brat elitist, but that has nothing to do with rape.
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