Kavanaugh Vote Now in Jeopardy

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I love how some folks here want to point to the Democrats and say, "they'd do ANYTHING to ruin Kavanaugh."

Only problem is that nothing about Ford's story supports their "it was all politics" claim. Ford came forward with her allegations before Trump had chosen Kavanaugh. She wanted to alert the WH while there was still a number of qualified candidates being considered.
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I think it's bullshit, assuming that consent is given by both parties, that a guy can get in trouble and accused of rape when both parties are drunk.
I love how some folks here want to point to the Democrats and say, "they'd do ANYTHING to ruin Kavanaugh."

Only problem is that nothing about Ford's story supports their "it was all politics" claim. Ford came forward with her allegations before Trump had chosen Kavanaugh. She wanted to alert the WH while there was still a number of qualified candidates being considered.

I'll ask you because you will respond: why didnt the senate dems ask a single question about the event he is accused of?
I call it being defensive, not a dick. If you were getting grilled like he was, you can't tell me that it wouldn't have pissed you off at all. When you're 50+ years old, getting grilled and judged by sanctimonious 50+ year old dipsh!ts, over crap you did in high school, you're going to get pissed. I don't care who you are.

If it were me, and I knew I was innocent, I would say let the FBI investigate. Get back to me when you find nothing.

If it were me, and I knew I was guilty, I would have been angry, defensive, and dodged questions like he did.
If it were me, and I knew I was innocent, I would say let the FBI investigate. Get back to me when you find nothing.

If it were me, and I knew I was guilty, I would have been angry and dodged questions like he did.

Of course you would. Because you support the political agenda of the left.
If you're innocent, why not encourage the investigation?
I think the investigation should be encouraged. However, I wouldn't have done it in during the hearing because a delay in a confirmation vote is exactly what is being pushed. That's is the entire goal of the Democratic party so I wouldn't have wanted to give them that satisfaction. I would have said exactly what Kavanaugh said.
I think it's bullshit, assuming that consent is given by both parties, that a guy can get in trouble and accused of rape when both parties are drunk.

I think its bullshit when a couple of guys think they can assault a girl and push her into a bedroom and lock the door because she's been drinking too.

But that kind of 'make out behavior" is 'okay' because, "hey, it's a party" and we can "assume" consent by the woman, right?
I think its bullshit when a couple of guys think they can assault a girl and push her into a bedroom and lock the door because she's been drinking too.

But that kind of 'make out behavior" is 'okay' because, "hey, it's a party" and we can "assume" consent by the woman, right?
Puckbucket, did you read what I typed? It says "c-o-n-s-e-n-t-i-n-g". In reference to what you said, yes, I agree with you but I'm positive that this is not what happened relative to Kavanaugh being the perp. Kavanaugh wasn't there. He said, she said. They are both liars.
Only problem is that nothing about Ford's story supports their "it was all politics" claim.
Stop thinking this is just about Ford. It's about Feinstein more than Ford.

Ford came forward with her allegations before Trump had chosen Kavanaugh.
But she hadn't named Kavanaugh until he was on the list. And Feinstein's limited, late releases, as well as Ford's own lawyer's releases, caused all sorts of issues with that, which cause things to change multiple times (first it was 2016, then 2017).

That's the problem with 3rd parties as well as memories that aren't directly recalled.

She wanted to alert the WH while there was still a number of qualified candidates being considered.
Which Feinstein withheld. I think you're forgetting that.
It leads to motive. If she is some pink pissy hat wearing not job, it tells me even more why her stories don’t work.
Puckbucket, did you read what I typed? It says "c-o-n-s-e-n-t-i-n-g". In reference to what you said, yes, I agree with you but I'm positive that this is not what happened relative to Kavanaugh being the perp. Kavanaugh wasn't there. He said, she said. They are both liars.
And the friend of Ford's from circa 1982 is a liar as well, according to some.

This thing is 35 yerars old (1982), and Ford didn't seek to resolve it for the first 30 of those years (2012), and allegedly not until after 20 years did (to her husband in 2002). Then you have the issues with Feinstein and her lawyers.

This was orchestrated by Feinstein and purposely timed in the same way that got Urban Meyer suspended.
Interesting that while the President comes across as a bumbling idiot, most of these senators come across as intelligent, articulate, rational people.
It’s not Ford and her story that people are claiming was political. It’s the way Feinstein handled it that makes it a political hit. It was unfair to Ford for Feinstein to handle it that way too. For all their bluster, none of those Senators are going to give a good god damn about Ford in 2 months. Most of them don’t believe there is a criminal case there. Even good ole Shelly. If he did, his office would’ve requested Montgomery County open an investigation already. They are lying straight to your faces and you’re claiming them heroes. It’s disgusting.

No one saw Kavanaugh having a written journal of all of his activities throughout high school coming. That would be admissible in court and, coupled with his froend’s statements, would be his exculpatory evidence. He has a credible journal stating where he was most days and a credible pattern of entering get togethers. His evidence of his whereabouts on any given day is a hell of a lot more compelling than her inability to account for where she was on the single most important day of her life. The day that set her back for the rest of her life.

I think there are elements of truth in her statement. I think there are elements that are untrue that have been filled in naturally by her biases, others suggestions, and whatnot. I think that she’s been in an echo chamber of friends and political “allies” that never had her actually critically examine her memory. I believe that a forensic examination of her recollection would leave her far less certain than she is right now after 6 years of everyone telling her that they believe her evolving story.
Interesting that while the President comes across as a bumbling idiot, most of these senators come across as intelligent, articulate, rational people.
That's because you only hear bits'n pieces of Trump, and not his full speeches. Trump's speechwriters aren't idiots, and Trump actually does some things impromptu very well -- when not lauding in front of his private voter base (non-POTUS functions).

And I think Trump is an idiot, BTW, and never voted for him. But he's not stupid. He's actually a reality TV star that is orchestrating things exactly how I figured he would, which is why I did not vote for him. But he's hardly the idiot the US media paints him as when you actually listen to his entire speech, and not just the US media soundbites.

Even Trump's full speech on the Virginia violence was actually well thought-out and calculated, but people only quoted the few lines they wanted to focus on, completely outside their full context.
Interesting that while the President comes across as a bumbling idiot, most of these senators come across as intelligent, articulate, rational people.
Right, DiFi was super articulate in her questioning of Kavanaugh.
FYI, it's early, but Politico is reporting that Congress has received two (2) -- independent of each other -- men have contacted Congress and claimed they have been part of some of the accused incidents. Both state they knew of Kavanaugh at his high school age, and he was not part of their group. At least one is claiming he was the man that Ford is accusing is Kavanaugh.

Again, very early, and we'll see if these men present themselves, and how credible they are if they do.
If it were me, and I knew I was innocent, I would say let the FBI investigate. Get back to me when you find nothing.

If it were me, and I knew I was guilty, I would have been angry, defensive, and dodged questions like he did.

If it were me, I'd identify when someone is being ridiculous, like you, insisting that the FBI investigate something that they've already said is not their responsibility.
Puckbucket, did you read what I typed? It says "c-o-n-s-e-n-t-i-n-g"

Yes I did. Which is why I thought it was so bizarre.

Consent had diddily-squat to do with either Ford's or Kavanaugh's testimony before the Judicial Committee.
Puckbucket, did you read what I typed? It says "c-o-n-s-e-n-t-i-n-g". In reference to what you said, yes, I agree with you but I'm positive that this is not what happened relative to Kavanaugh being the perp. Kavanaugh wasn't there. He said, she said. They are both liars.

Shuckster is honestly incapable of responding to something that is actually said by another person. You could type "Tacos are tasty" and he'd respond with a diatribe on how chicken is an underappreciated food and why he's 100% right about all of the points about chicken he raises.

I can't tell if this is just his way of trolling or if there's something loose. It seems normal to him.
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If it were me, I'd identify when someone is being ridiculous, like you, insisting that the FBI investigate something that they've already said is not their responsibility.

If it were me, the day after I was confirmed I would demand an FBI investigation to determine whether or not the accusers lied under oath and whether certain senators indulged in lies to the point of bringing it to testimony under oath under false pretenses.
Consent had diddily-squat to do with either Ford's or Kavanaugh's testimony before the Judicial Committee.

Yeah, I know. It was more of a random thought that popped into my head since earlier in the thead folks were talking about sexual assault and the woman being drunk causing a potentially normal, consenting sexual encounter to be a case of sexual assault.
The fact that our Supreme Court is a partisan circus should be upsetting to ALL Americans.

I want to like this 100 times. It is why I want Kavanaugh confirmed and want Senators booted from office. It's an absolute sham and disgrace.
I want to like this 100 times. It is why I want Kavanaugh confirmed and want Senators booted from office. It's an absolute sham and disgrace.
That's crazy. It's a circus because these allegations are credible. Ignoring them isn't the solution.
The best part about this whole thing is that the sex crimes prosecutor, who is an expert, says that she could NOT prosecute this case nor get a subpoena to move forward.

And we are supposed to believe that if even a local law enforcement agency wouldnt move forward that the FBI should.
I like how noting that the accuser was a drinker is off limits, but saying that BK liked to pound beers is apparently an admission that he's a sexual predator.

Unless we're simply at the point where the left wing MeToo narrative is that any man who has ever had more than 2-3 drinks has most probably sexually assaulted a female. If that type of insanity is where we're at then RIP American civil society.
I like how noting that the accuser was a drinker is off limits, but saying that BK liked to pound beers is apparently an admission that he's a sexual predator.

Unless we're simply at the point where the left wing MeToo narrative is that any man who has ever had more than 2-3 drinks has most probably sexually assaulted a female. If that type of insanity is where we're at then RIP American civil society.

All 3 accusers have stated that they were drinking at the time of these events.

He is not credible because he may have been drinking but they are to be believed 100% in spite of their own admission to being under the influence.
I like how noting that the accuser was a drinker is off limits, but saying that BK liked to pound beers is apparently an admission that he's a sexual predator.

Unless we're simply at the point where the left wing MeToo narrative is that any man who has ever had more than 2-3 drinks has most probably sexually assaulted a female. If that type of insanity is where we're at then RIP American civil society.
He lied under oath yesterday about ever having memory loss after drinking.
All 3 accusers have stated that they were drinking at the time of these events.

He is not credible because he may have been drinking but they are to be believed 100% in spite of their own admission to being under the influence.
He lied under oath yesterday.
RBG admitted to being drunk at the SOTU address when she passed out.

Precedent set.

Or, if you'd like to discuss lying under oath, RBG promised to defend the US constitution, but then stated publicly that she doesnt like it.

Additional precedent set.
He almost certainly lied under oath multiple times yesterday. But also think about this. We’re having a multiple day hearing on national news because someone said another person “groped” her some 40 years ago. I’m sorry, but that seems a little extreme. Who’s next?

That said, hopefully it prevents people, especially young people, from behaving so inappropriately.
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RBG admitted to being drunk at the SOTU address when she passed out.

Precedent set.

Or, if you'd like to discuss lying under oath, RBG promised to defend the US constitution, but then stated publicly that she doesnt like it.

Additional precedent set.
Lol thanks for going on the record that you have no intention of honest conversation. Keep shilling.
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