Of those accused in the #MeToo scandal, leftists (or “progressives”) outnumber conservatives by a shocking 5 to 1 margin.

1— Ben Affleck, actorBen Affleck, actor
2 — Roy Price, former chief of Amazon Studios
3 — Bob Weinstein, movie producer
4 — The Gaslamp Killer, musician
5 — Chris Savino, creator of Nickelodeon’s Loud House
6 — Oliver Stone, movie director
7 — John Besh, celebrity chef
8 — Leon Wieseltier, former editor of The Atlantic and The New Republic
9 — Matthew Mondanile, former guitarist of Real Estate
10 — Lockhart Steele, former editorial director of Vox Media
11 — Lars Von Trier, movie director
12 — Andy Signore, creator of Honest Trailers
13 — Alex Calder, musician
14 — Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor
15 — Twiggy Ramirez, former bassist Marilyn Manson
16 — Terry Richardson, photographer
17 — George H.W. Bush, 41st president of the United States
18 — Ethan Kath, founding member of Crystal Castles
19 — James Toback, movie director
20 — Kevin Spacey, actor
21 — Jeremy Piven, actor
22 — David Blaine, magician
23 — Brett Ratner, movie director
24 — Mark Halperin, political journalist
25 — Dustin Hoffman, actor
26 — Andy Dick, actor
27 — Michael Oreskes, former head of NPR News
28 — Kirt Webster, publicist
29 — Rick Najera, director of CBS’s Diversity Showcase
30 — David Guillod, movie producer
31 — John Singleton, movie director
32 — Ed Westwick, actor
33 — Charlie Sheen, actor
34 — Robert Knepper, actor
35 — Jeffrey Tambor, actor
36 — Steven Seagal, actor
37 — Louis C.K., comedian
38 — Matthew Weiner, creator of Mad Men
39 — André Balazs, hotelier
40 — Roy Moore, Senate candidate in Alabama
41 — Russell Simmons, hip-hop mogul and founder of Def Jam Records
42 — Jann Wenner, founder of Rolling Stone
43 — Jesse Lacey, frontman of Brand New
44 — Sepp Blatter, former president of FIFA

And the list actually goes on into the hundreds.
The hypocrisy of the left is so thick, and the US Media is just a joke at this point.
why is antifa so cringe? they need shields and flashbangs to take on a fat guy and some dude who probably uses "m'lady" unironically?

why is antifa so cringe? they need shields and flashbangs to take on a fat guy and some dude who probably uses "m'lady" unironically?

The Media is currently confusing 2 different events, one attended by the Proud Boys, the other not, with just some church members who were technicians and security. I kinda tire of the narrative.

I mean, even if it was more than just a church service, people still showed up, attacked them, threw their equipment into the river, and stole their provisions.
That's the point. It's a right-wing account designed to search out and highlight the views/idiosyncrasies of nutjob lefties to amuse his right-wing followers.

Does that diminish what's going on with the tik-tok videos that they share?
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This guy used to work in my town. He was always openly gay and weird around kids. Let's just say he wore out his welcome and was asked to move on.
Actual penetration. That's the thing, we need to do a better job of identifying these types of assaults versus someone just 'looking' at something (which is still wrong, because a child was violated as a minor being photographed at some point).
^ Objectivity (NOT). Sadly, this is the Mass Media now.
When you've got one political party that's become certifiably batsh!t crazy since Trump was voted out of office, what do you expect??

Is the "Main Stream Media" supposed to follow the Texas education example and present 'both sides' of all 'controversial' issues? Is the MSM at fault for not taking Trump's 'Stop The Steal' nonsense seriously while on the other hand, taking the January 6th Capitol riot too seriously?

This situation starts with the social media outlets manipulating people into angry batsh!t crazies for higher profits. Then those people pressure their elected leaders to support their batsh!t crazy views. Most of these politicians know better but they follow the crowd for fear of getting voted out of office by a primary challenger. It all creates this moronic situation where HALF of Congress doesn't even bother to participate in the process anymore.

But sadly, it's all the MSM's fault for not being 'objective,' right guys? :rolleyes:
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When you've got one political party that's become certifiably batsh!t crazy since Trump was voted out of office, what do you expect??

Is the "Main Stream Media" supposed to follow the Texas education example and present 'both sides' of all 'controversial' issues? Is the MSM at fault for not taking Trump's 'Stop The Steal' nonsense seriously while on the other hand, taking the January 6th Capitol riot too seriously?

This situation starts with the social media outlets manipulating people into angry batsh!t crazies for higher profits. Then those people pressure their elected leaders to support their batsh!t crazy views. Most of these politicians know better but they follow the crowd for fear of getting voted out of office by a primary challenger. It all creates this moronic situation where HALF of Congress doesn't even bother to participate in the process anymore.

But sadly, it's all the MSM's fault for not being 'objective,' right guys? :rolleyes:
This is a pretty thought provoking post.

I don't really like the whatabout game, although there is an obvious one here, but the point about the MSM is interesting. I wonder how Ted Koppel or Sam Donaldson would have approached the stories of the last few years. And then the part about how representatives are being pressured by their constituents is definitely worth its own thread. At first glance, you would think that's how it's supposed to be, but we can now see the risk that comes with it. Lots to unpack here.
Is the MSM at fault for not taking Trump's 'Stop The Steal' nonsense seriously while on the other hand, taking the January 6th Capitol riot too seriously?
obviously, is that really a question?

when you have a population of people who feel disenfranchised and silenced, protests happen. is that not the same argument you would use about the hundreds of summer riots in the name of George Floyd/police violence? you think one of those two doesn't have a case, and I think the other one doesn't have a case. no matter how you slice it, the logic is the same.

This situation starts with the social media outlets manipulating people into angry batsh!t crazies for higher profits. Then those people pressure their elected leaders to support their batsh!t crazy views. Most of these politicians know better but they follow the crowd for fear of getting voted out of office by a primary challenger. It all creates this moronic situation where HALF of Congress doesn't even bother to participate in the process anymore.

But sadly, it's all the MSM's fault for not being 'objective,' right guys?
genuinely confusing how you started your point about media riling people up, then ended it with a weird straw man (typical of you) to alleviate them of any fault.