Nickelodeon has gone off the rails

OK, since you are willing to have a good faith discussion about this topic, tell me what makes you a homosexual? Define it if you would.
You're not having a good faith discussion about this topic if you keep insisting that trans and drag is the same thing.
Lol. I'm just parroting the talking points from the loud voices in the trans community. Sounds pretty insane doesn't it?
You dug yourself a deep hole with your OP and have proceeded to dig that hole deeper and deeper with each new post.
At this point, I suggest you let this thread be and move on.
Whole lotta of picking the fly shit out of the pepper in this thread. Who cares? Seriously? Turn off Nick for your kids if you are that got damn concerned.
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I did earlier in this thread.
Are you referring to the video with someone called, DemonMama and Papa Fascist....?

Largest name on the internet? The video has 2,134 views....I can name many bigger names in the trans community.

Laverne Cox, Elliot Page, Jazz Jennings, Indya Moore, the list goes on...
Are you referring to the video with someone called, DemonMama and Papa Fascist....?

Largest name on the internet? The video has 2,134 views....I can name many bigger names in the trans community.

Laverne Cox, Elliot Page, Jazz Jennings, Indya Moore, the list goes on...
Demonmama has a huge following and they simulcast those debates on several platforms. I just use the politically provoked Youtube channel.
Demonmama has a huge following and they simulcast those debates on several platforms. I just use the politically provoked Youtube channel.

I'm not seeing a huge following anywhere I search. You aren't having a good faith conversation on this.
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Ummmmm.....10,000 followers is nothing.

I don't know what you're trying to prove here? Trans is not a sexuality. Someone who is trans can be gay, straight, bi, poly, etc.
I agree. There are people that don't and their voices are getting louder. I'm just trying to point out how far they are pushing things and have been consistent on that ITT.
I agree. There are people that don't and their voices are getting louder. I'm just trying to point out how far they are pushing things and have been consistent on that ITT.

I just don't get what point you're trying to make...I'm thoroughly confused.
I just don't get what point you're trying to make...I'm thoroughly confused.
I've been making the same point since halfway down on page 1 when the topic evolved. The trans community is trying to drive the narrative that not only is gender fluid, but sex isn't binary, biology doesn't matter, and that sexuality can change on a whim based on circumstances. I've sourced these claims.

I'm fine with ceding that gender is based on feelings and self-expression. I won't cede ideas like you could have sex with a biological woman who identifies as a man and that is homosexual sex. That's just insanity.
The very vast majority of people believe that biological sex is something that is set in stone and gender can be fluid.

Sexuality can also be fluid. For most, it's likely not, but just because you don't experience something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

And most of all, why do you care so much? How does this affect you in any way?
The very vast majority of people believe that biological sex is something that is set in stone and gender can be fluid.

Sexuality can also be fluid. For most, it's likely not, but just because you don't experience something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

And most of all, why do you care so much? How does this affect you in any way?
Why do I care? Explain how that is a relevant question.

I dont like the idea that they are trying to change the definitions of words that have definable meanings. When they are pushing the boundaries to the point of saying that if I have sex with a biological woman who says she is a man, that makes it homosexual sex. It's insanity. Why can't I point that out?
Why do I care? Explain how that is a relevant question.

I dont like the idea that they are trying to change the definitions of words that have definable meanings. When they are pushing the boundaries to the point of saying that if I have sex with a biological woman who says she is a man, that makes it homosexual sex. It's insanity. Why can't I point that out?

It just doesn't concern you, or affect you in any way. So why do you care? Words change in meaning all the time....
It just doesn't concern you, or affect you in any way. So why do you care? Words change in meaning all the time....
By that logic, you shouldn't care about mass shootings because you've never been involved in one.
So if it affects society, then it's OK to have an opinion on the subject.
How does it affect society other than letting people live the lives they personally want to live? It affects no one but themselves.
It's telling that "let people be who they want to be" is considered liberal "propaganda".
That's a pretty interesting way to phrase things. Do you really want to encourage everyone to be the person they want to be?
That's a pretty interesting way to phrase things. Do you really want to encourage everyone to be the person they want to be?

When the person they wants to be harms no one, yes. Let me guess, you're going to draw lines to pedophiles or killers? Lord....
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When the person they wants to be harms no one, yes. Let me guess, you're going to draw lines to pedophiles or killers? Lord....
What if they’re actually harming themselves?

Depressed people want to withdraw and stay in bed all day, but we don’t encourage that.
What if they’re actually harming themselves?

Depressed people want to withdraw and stay in bed all day, but we don’t encourage that.

No one WANTS to be depressed. And we should be encouraging and most of all, supporting, people who are depressed to be out in the open and get them the help they need. Society loves to turn a blind eye to depression and instead says, "grow up" or "get over it", instead of listening and supporting.
When the person they wants to be harms no one, yes. Let me guess, you're going to draw lines to pedophiles or killers? Lord....
Nope. I was thinking about something like giving Trump a spot where he talks about MAGA. They could make that fun.

Still good messaging?
Nope. I was thinking about something like giving Trump a spot where he talks about MAGA. They could make that fun.

Still good messaging?

Telling someone that they are free to be who they want to be (whether it be gay, bi, trans, etc.) should not be a political statement. You choose to get all up in arms about it and make it one.

Trump's immigration policies affect people, some random person being trans does not.
Telling someone that they are free to be who they want to be (whether it be gay, bi, trans, etc.) should not be a political statement. You choose to get all up in arms about it and make it one.

Trump's immigration policies affect people, some random person being trans does not.
But his immigration policies don't affect you, so why do you care?