
Despite his continual trolling ... he does make me laugh. But the 10th time of the same thing gets old. Glad he's trying to find more new things again.
Meh. He's got like 400 posts in this thread, not a single one that's worth a damn.

Then again, he is a closeted homosexual with hair plugs and has never been able to hold a relationship for more than a few weeks, so what should we expect?
Meh. He's got like 400 posts in this thread, not a single one that's worth a damn.

Then again, he is a closeted homosexual with hair plugs and has never been able to hold a relationship for more than a few weeks, so what should we expect?
And someone worried about the amount of discussion on a topic then creates spam on the topic.
Can you even imagine the amount of time that he spends looking for jerk-off memes and homo GIFs?
You 2 lovers look so cute together 😊😊😊😊.

And someone worried about the amount of discussion on a topic then creates spam on the topic.
I already suggested that we should ask about 'rate limiting' posters, whether by number of posts or total words, and ... even I'd fall under that classification too.

But everyone pro-vax said I was being a hypocrite. Oh well, just trying to be objective and considerate.
I already suggested that we should ask about 'rate limiting' posters, whether by number of posts or total words, and ... even I'd fall under that classification too.

But everyone pro-vax said I was being a hypocrite. Oh well, just trying to be objective and considerate.

I already suggested that we should ask about 'rate limiting' posters, whether by number of posts or total words, and ... even I'd fall under that classification too.

But everyone pro-vax said I was being a hypocrite. Oh well, just trying to be objective and considerate.
Rate limiting? How about just ban posters that flood the board with spam?

Even the most lightly moderated boards I've been on have rules against spamming and are enforced.
Woke chuds...get 20 booster shots and wear double masks.

Looks like everyone is moving to 3 months, and Germany has even endorsed 1 month as Crazy already posted. Soon, we will be welcoming a whole bunch of new "anti vaxxers" to the club as people smarten up and tell corrupt politicians where to shove their passports.

We haven't reached peak insanity yet. Not a peep about cumulative toxicity of mRNA, clots, myocarditis, neurological horrors, nothing. Not a peep about the supposed t-cell army they have been pumping non stop.

They couldn't hide the vaccinated filling up hospitals any longer. So what do they do? Double down on a losing hand. 💰🤦‍♀️

Rate limiting? How about just ban posters that flood the board with spam?

Even the most lightly moderated boards I've been on have rules against spamming and are enforced.


Stands for "Information Stands for "Information Technology," and is pronounced "I.T." It refers to anything related to computing technology, such as networking, hardware, software, the Internet, or the people that work with these technologies. Many companies now have IT departments for managing the computers, networks, and other technical areas of their businesses. IT jobs include computer programming, network administration, computer engineering, Web development, technical support, and many other related occupations. Since we live in the "information age," information technology has become a part of our everyday lives. That means the term "IT," already highly overused, is here to stay. Technology," and is pronounced "I.T." It refers to anything related to computing technology, such as networking, hardware, software, the Internet, or the people that work with these technologies. Many companies now have IT departments for managing the computers, networks, and other technical areas of their businesses. IT jobs include computer programming, network administration, computer engineering, Web development, technical support, and many other related occupations. Since we live in the "information age," information technology has become a part of our everyday lives. That means the term "IT," already highly overused, is here to stay.
Looks like everyone is moving to 3 months, and Germany has even endorsed 1 month as Crazy already posted. Soon, we will be welcoming a whole bunch of new "anti vaxxers" to the club as people smarten up and tell corrupt politicians where to shove their passports.

We haven't reached peak insanity yet. Not a peep about cumulative toxicity of mRNA, clots, myocarditis, neurological horrors, nothing. Not a peep about the supposed t-cell army they have been pumping non stop.

They couldn't hide the vaccinated filling up hospitals any longer. So what do they do? Double down on a losing hand. 💰🤦‍♀️

That literally can't be the fault of the vaccines. Clearly it has to be the recklessness of the unvaccinated causing this.
That literally can't be the fault of the vaccines. Clearly it has to be the recklessness of the unvaccinated causing this.

How do death rates from COVID-19 differ between people who are vaccinated and those who are not?​

To understand how the pandemic is evolving, it’s crucial to know how death rates from COVID-19 are affected by vaccination status.
by Edouard Mathieu and Max Roser
November 23, 2021 - Last updated on December 10, 2021
To understand how the pandemic is evolving, it’s crucial to know how death rates from COVID-19 are affected by vaccination status. The death rate is a key metric that can accurately show us how effective vaccines are against severe forms of the disease. This may change over time when there are changes in the prevalence of COVID-19, and because of factors such as waning immunity, new strains of the virus, and the use of boosters.
On this page, we explain why it is essential to look at death rates by vaccination status rather than the absolute number of deaths among vaccinated and unvaccinated people.
We also visualize this mortality data for the United States, England, Switzerland, and Chile.
Ideally we would produce a global dataset that compiles this data for countries around the world, but we do not have the capacity to do this in our team. As a minimum, we list country-specific sources where you can find similar data for other countries, and we describe how an ideal dataset would be formatted.

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December 13 (GMT)​

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And the applause from the left is deafening. 85 says "it's the law". Big gay Mike says "where can I find more jerk off memes".

The rest of us see that this shit is weakening our country and it is by design.

This is also a really good thing in the minds of leftist retards like Mike, 85, and Joe. The government needs to crack down on the shipment of pharmaceuticals that are completely safe.
Go hide and take 10 boosters. 🤣

Go tear up your boyfriends rectum on the unemployment line 😂😂😂😂

Stop being so scared pussyman

Technical degree
Means that the degree you got from a school is not accredited except at the school itself. There is a standard degree in which at the least takes 4 years and there is a technical degree which can take as little as 4 weeks. Usually the schools that offer technical degrees are for-profit private schools which tend to butcher the course. Such as taking out the standard liberal art requirements, Taking out the requirements for advanced classes, etc.

For the most part they are not accepted by other schools except the school you got it from. They tend to not be valued by employers. Due to the fact that if a diploma says Masters(type of degree) on it it technically doesn't mean anything.
Omicron loved the vaccinated according to the Dane data. Looks like the vaccines aren’t working at all. Then of course you have this mess still. 💰🤦‍♀️

Omicron loved the vaccinated according to the Dane data. Looks like the vaccines aren’t working at all. Then of course you have this mess still. 💰🤦‍♀️


Stands for "Information Technology," and is pronounced "I.T." It refers to anything related to computing technology, such as networking, hardware, software, the Internet, or the people that work with these technologies. Many companies now have IT departments for managing the computers, networks, and other technical areas of their businesses. IT jobs include computer programming, network administration, computer engineering, Web development, technical support, and many other related occupations. Since we live in the "information age," information technology has become a part of our everyday lives. That means the term "IT," already highly overused, is here to stay.

And yet some will still insist that natural immunity sucks.

I don't know if you saw, but highly respected immunologist Michael Mina came out of the closet on natural immunity, saying that the vaccine immunity is superior narrative is propaganda to increase vax uptake. He and others are finally breaking ranks on government propaganda.

I remember debating friends in the Dungeon on this. It was somewhere around 50 to 3 believing the government propaganda. Quite sad really.

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It brings into question whether the narrative of only unvaccinated people catch covid can be accurate.

You mean the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" nonsense? People in the dungeon were still at 99.5% as recently as a few weeks ago. :rolleyes: I think I got them all straightened out on that by pointing them to the publicly available state data, but NBC Nightly news and most other MSM still runs that propaganda

The fringe of MSM has started to flip calling a spade a spade. Including NYT, WSJ, Atlantic , some of the medical journals too. They will still hide behind the efficacy claims around hospitalizations, which during Delta were partially true - thank God. But with this new variant? The efficacy appears negative, other than for 2-4 weeks after boost

You mean the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" nonsense? People in the dungeon were still at 99.5% as recently as a few weeks ago. :rolleyes: I think I got them all straightened out on that by pointing them to the publicly available state data, but NBC Nightly news and most other MSM still runs that propaganda

The fringe of MSM has started to flip calling a spade a spade. Including NYT, WSJ, Atlantic , some of the medical journals too. They will still hide behind the efficacy claims around hospitalizations, which during Delta were partially true - thank God. But with this new variant? The efficacy appears negative, other than for 2-4 weeks after boost
