
Lol. Doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see through this level of bullshit.
They've been saying that for over a year now.

The mRNA vectors are taunting the innate immune system far worse than smallpox, especially for those under 40. And that's just the short-term compilcations!

"Oh, but, but, but ... it's going to happen if you get the disease too!"

Wrong! I know multiple people who recovered from Delta, but were mandated to get a vaccine after, and are having vaccine-only complications!
They've been saying that for over a year now.

The mRNA vectors are taunting the innate immune system far worse than smallpox, especially for those under 40. And that's just the short-term compilcations!

"Oh, but, but, but ... it's going to happen if you get the disease too!"

Wrong! I know multiple people who recovered from Delta, but were mandated to get a vaccine after, and are having vaccine-only complications!
What impetus was there for anybody to even look into this if it was just a matter of starting a menstrual cycle 1/2 day later than normal? And find me a single woman who could tell you if their cycle started 12 hours late?

This whole thing reeks of a cover-up. Pseudo science at its best, Monsanto level stuff. Conspiracy Forum Turned Disinformation Factory

Written by W. F. Thomas | Jan 12, 2022 3:30:00 PM
With additional reporting by Ernie Piper, a disinformation outlet based in Germany, is bringing fake news to a timeline near you. Although it now presents itself on social media as a reliable news source, originated as a forum fixated on conspiracy narratives and UFOs. Its continued uncritical coverage of these topics reveals its links to fringe pseudoscience and conspiracy theories.
Currently, operates its main website, as well as accounts on Twitter (801K followers), Telegram (394K followers), YouTube (12K followers), Facebook (3 million followers), Gettr (583K followers), and Gab (180K followers). On these platforms, functions as a news aggregator, largely sharing information from other news sources, often without attribution or without links to other news sites. Its most popular posts tend to be videos or photos taken from other accounts. Its Twitter account currently has eight Tweets with over 20,000 likes, half of which lack attribution to any news source. tweet reads: JUST IN - UAE bans unvaccinated citizens from leaving the country starting from 10 January - state media.
A tweet from that does not include where its “breaking” news came from. consistently pushes anti-vaccine and anti-lockdown narratives. Many of their social media posts focus on negative aspects of government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and negative effects from the vaccine, usually presented in a misleading manner. Its own reporting misrepresents developments related to COVID-19, such as an article from October 2021 titled “German court declares Corona curfew unconstitutional,” which referred specifically to a curfew in the German state of Bavaria in March 2020 that the State Court retroactively ruled unconstitutional.
Actually had coffee exit my nose.

HOLE E SHIT @Boston.Knight you do not live in th same reality as everyone else. I am actually impressed you are so far separated from real life and you are still able to function without an adult caregiver.
You know most of what you post is dead wrong, right?

I don't always agree with Boston ... but damn if he isn't at least posting things that semi-backup his claims, even if some of it is questionable.

You pull everything out of your rectum because you were a Reagan Republican and blame capitalism for the ills of the world.
You know most of what you post is dead wrong, right?

I don't always agree with Boston ... but damn if he isn't at least posting things that semi-backup his claims, even if some of it is questionable.

You pull everything out of your rectum because you were a Reagan Republican and blame capitalism for the ills of the world.
Booster shots of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines aren’t just preventing infections with the highly contagious Omicron variant — they’re also keeping infected Americans from ending up in the hospital, according to data published on Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The extra doses are 90 percent effective against hospitalization with the variant, the agency reported. Booster shots also reduced the likelihood of a visit to an emergency department or urgent care clinic. The extra doses were most effective against infection and death among Americans aged 50 and older, the data showed.
Over all, the new data show that the vaccines were more protective against the Delta variant than against Omicron, which lab studies have found is partially able to sidestep the body’s immune response.
You know most of what you post is dead wrong, right?

I don't always agree with Boston ... but damn if he isn't at least posting things that semi-backup his claims, even if some of it is questionable.

You pull everything out of your rectum because you were a Reagan Republican and blame capitalism for the ills of the world.
Isn’t it true that you don’t even work full-time in IT because you can’t hold down a job and are basically indigent?
  • Haha
Reactions: KnighttimeJoe
The "Bat Out of Hell" rocker, born Marvin Lee Aday, died on Jan. 20 at age 74. While no cause or other details were given, Meat Loaf had numerous health scares over the years.

The shock jock pointed out that the singer was opposed to masking and vaccine mandates.

"Poor Meat Loaf got sucked into some weird f---ing cult," the 68-year-old said on
Howard Stern is urging Meat Loaf’s family to speak out about COVID-19 vaccines.

his SiriusXM radio show, as quoted by Page Six on Wednesday.

"And somehow [he] really believed that – he made a statement, ‘I’d rather die a free man than take that vaccine.’ And now he’s dead!" Stern shared. "I wish the family would come forward and say, ‘Ya know, when Meat Loaf was laying there in the hospital and he couldn’t breathe, he said, ‘I made a mistake. I should have taken the vaccine.’ Like all these anti-vaxxers, they all say, ‘I made a mistake.’"
Who cares? it was his choice knowing he had many health problems. Did you care about someone's flu shot status in 2019? I doubt it. He is in the actual group that should get vaccinated. Tell me again why a 5 year needs a vaccine? Waiting
Did you go to his funeral? At least send flowers for killing him?
There is some irony that Howard Stern is bitching about meatloaf. The guy that spent his time on air always talking about free speech is now not wanting free speech and coercion of the family to make a statement. 🤷‍♂️
Very lame and weak argument. The 2 are completely unrelated. That makes sense for someone with shit for brains
You're the one posting about Mr free speech.

So again why do we need to vaccinate 5-11 year olds if it's not about money?
Who’s posting/talking about free speech or 5-11 year olds? Stay focused. I know it’s difficult for you with your learning disabilities
Meatloaf reportedly was vaccinated. It must have been his unvaccinated wife that murdered him 🙄

In other news cancers on the rise.


Oh wait, it’s not the unvaccinated that crippled this poor girl. Let’s blame covid instead! No that won’t work either. How about we blame anxiety? 💰🤦‍♀️


Oh wait, it’s not the unvaccinated that crippled this poor girl. Let’s blame covid instead! No that won’t work either. How about we blame anxiety? 💰🤦‍♀️


Is it true that VAERS says 14,000 people have died from the COVID-19 vaccines?

Answered from infectious diseases expert James Lawler, MD, MPH:​

No. Here's some context to explain the confusion.

After clinical trials, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) monitors vaccine safety.

VAERS is set up to capture potentialadverse events caused by vaccines. It is the best tool we have to find what may be previously unrecognized and extraordinarily rare adverse events that may eventually be linked.

VAERS cannot and does not determine whether a vaccine caused something. The CDC states this clearly in their disclaimer: "A report to VAERS does not mean that the vaccine caused the adverse event, only that the adverse event occurred some time after vaccination." The disclaimer continues, "The reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental or unverifiable."

Reporting even unrelated deaths​

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires health care providers to report any serious adverse event (including death) that happens after a COVID-19 vaccination – whether or not the provider thinks there is any link. The CDC says, "Health care providers are required to report to VAERS the following adverse events after COVID-19 vaccination…regardless if the reporter thinks the vaccine caused the AE." AE stands for adverse event and includes death.

That means that if a vaccinated person drowns, gets in a car crash or is struck by lightning, their death must be reported to VAERS as an adverse event. Since we've vaccinated over 223 million people in the United States, many deaths will occur coincidentally after vaccination.

As of Nov. 2, people have reported to VAERS 14,506 deaths that occurred sometime after COVID-19 vaccination. Doctors at the CDC review each reported death, looking at death certificates, autopsy and medical records. Additional CDC vaccine safety monitoring systems such as the National Healthcare Safety Network, Vaccine Safety Datalink, Clinical Immununization Safety Assessment Project and FDA's vaccine safety reporting systems are then used to provide more rigorous scientific investigation of potential adverse events. The true number of deaths currently attributed to COVID-19 vaccines in detailed scientific investigation is quite small.

False reports to VAERS​

VAERS is like the Wikipedia of data reporting. Anyone can report anything. Many reports are helpful. Some reports are nonsense – to prove the point, one anesthesiologist successfully submitted a VAERS report several years ago that the flu vaccine had turned him into The Incredible Hulk. More recently, a false report of a 2-year-old dying from a COVID-19 vaccine was removed from VAERS because the CDC says it was "completely made up."
I haven't seen anything official but it still doesn't matter. He made a personal decision as someone with serious health problems and 74 years old.

You're avoiding my previous question. Why do we need to vaccinate 5-11 year olds if it's not about the money?

Did you go to his funeral? At least send flowers for killing him?
Looks like Mike must've been pretty busy at work today. What a pathetic loser, spending this much time and effort on a message board just posting stupid memes. He's literally gay.
Looks like Mike must've been pretty busy at work today. What a pathetic loser, spending this much time and effort on a message board just posting stupid memes. He's literally gay.
I’ve been working from 8:00 A.M. until now loser. Still working You’re a celibate, unemployed, ugly handyman with no friends. Post your net worth and last paycheck loser
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Looks like Mike must've been pretty busy at work today. What a pathetic loser, spending this much time and effort on a message board just posting stupid memes. He's literally gay.
When you’re celibate 😂😂😂
