
The bottom line​

Over 223 million people in the United States have been vaccinated. We have lots of real-world evidence – in addition to clinical trial data – to indicate these vaccines are safe, and that adverse reactions to them are rare.

Reporting even unrelated deaths​

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires health care providers to report any serious adverse event (including death) that happens after a COVID-19 vaccination – whether or not the provider thinks there is any link. The CDC says, "Health care providers are required to report to VAERS the following adverse events after COVID-19 vaccination…regardless if the reporter thinks the vaccine caused the AE." AE stands for adverse event and includes death.

That means that if a vaccinated person drowns, gets in a car crash or is struck by lightning, their death must be reported to VAERS as an adverse event. Since we've vaccinated over 223 million people in the United States, many deaths will occur coincidentally after vaccination.

As of Nov. 2, people have reported to VAERS 14,506 deaths that occurred sometime after COVID-19 vaccination. Doctors at the CDC review each reported death, looking at death certificates, autopsy and medical records. Additional CDC vaccine safety monitoring systems such as the National Healthcare Safety Network, Vaccine Safety Datalink, Clinical Immununization Safety Assessment Project and FDA's vaccine safety reporting systems are then used to provide more rigorous scientific investigation of potential adverse events. The true number of deaths currently attributed to COVID-19 vaccines in detailed scientific investigation is quite small.

False reports to VAERS​

VAERS is like the Wikipedia of data reporting. Anyone can report anything. Many reports are helpful. Some reports are nonsense – to prove the point, one anesthesiologist successfully submitted a VAERS report several years ago that the flu vaccine had turned him into The Incredible Hulk. More recently, a false report of a 2-year-old dying from a COVID-19 vaccine was removed from VAERS because the CDC says it was "completely made up."
Zero deaths with unvaccinated folks under 50 over a 2 week period. Enough said.

Pfizer not releasing data. Enough said.
Zero deaths, but triple the number of cancer cases and triple the number of miscarriages among the military, who are forcibly vaxxed.
Those under 50 unvaccinated had no deaths in a 2 week period. But the rage goes on with unvaccinated healthy younger folks. Pfizer has zero liability. They also won't release the data and they control the trials. Got it! Conspiracy Forum Turned Disinformation Factory

Written by W. F. Thomas | Jan 12, 2022 3:30:00 PM
With additional reporting by Ernie Piper, a disinformation outlet based in Germany, is bringing fake news to a timeline near you. Although it now presents itself on social media as a reliable news source, originated as a forum fixated on conspiracy narratives and UFOs. Its continued uncritical coverage of these topics reveals its links to fringe pseudoscience and conspiracy theories.
Currently, operates its main website, as well as accounts on Twitter (801K followers), Telegram (394K followers), YouTube (12K followers), Facebook (3 million followers), Gettr (583K followers), and Gab (180K followers). On these platforms, functions as a news aggregator, largely sharing information from other news sources, often without attribution or without links to other news sites. Its most popular posts tend to be videos or photos taken from other accounts. Its Twitter account currently has eight Tweets with over 20,000 likes, half of which lack attribution to any news source. tweet reads: JUST IN - UAE bans unvaccinated citizens from leaving the country starting from 10 January - state media.
A tweet from that does not include where its “breaking” news came from. consistently pushes anti-vaccine and anti-lockdown narratives. Many of their social media posts focus on negative aspects of government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and negative effects from the vaccine, usually presented in a misleading manner. Its own reporting misrepresents developments related to COVID-19, such as an article from October 2021 titled “German court declares Corona curfew unconstitutional,” which referred specifically to a curfew in the German state of Bavaria in March 2020 that the State Court retroactively ruled unconstitutional.

Huh. Probably nothing more than a planned extermination level event. Conspiracy Forum Turned Disinformation Factory

Written by W. F. Thomas | Jan 12, 2022 3:30:00 PM
With additional reporting by Ernie Piper, a disinformation outlet based in Germany, is bringing fake news to a timeline near you. Although it now presents itself on social media as a reliable news source, originated as a forum fixated on conspiracy narratives and UFOs. Its continued uncritical coverage of these topics reveals its links to fringe pseudoscience and conspiracy theories.
Currently, operates its main website, as well as accounts on Twitter (801K followers), Telegram (394K followers), YouTube (12K followers), Facebook (3 million followers), Gettr (583K followers), and Gab (180K followers). On these platforms, functions as a news aggregator, largely sharing information from other news sources, often without attribution or without links to other news sites. Its most popular posts tend to be videos or photos taken from other accounts. Its Twitter account currently has eight Tweets with over 20,000 likes, half of which lack attribution to any news source. tweet reads: JUST IN - UAE bans unvaccinated citizens from leaving the country starting from 10 January - state media.
A tweet from that does not include where its “breaking” news came from. consistently pushes anti-vaccine and anti-lockdown narratives. Many of their social media posts focus on negative aspects of government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and negative effects from the vaccine, usually presented in a misleading manner. Its own reporting misrepresents developments related to COVID-19, such as an article from October 2021 titled “German court declares Corona curfew unconstitutional,” which referred specifically to a curfew in the German state of Bavaria in March 2020 that the State Court retroactively ruled unconstitutional. Conspiracy Forum Turned Disinformation Factory

Written by W. F. Thomas | Jan 12, 2022 3:30:00 PM
With additional reporting by Ernie Piper, a disinformation outlet based in Germany, is bringing fake news to a timeline near you. Although it now presents itself on social media as a reliable news source, originated as a forum fixated on conspiracy narratives and UFOs. Its continued uncritical coverage of these topics reveals its links to fringe pseudoscience and conspiracy theories.
Currently, operates its main website, as well as accounts on Twitter (801K followers), Telegram (394K followers), YouTube (12K followers), Facebook (3 million followers), Gettr (583K followers), and Gab (180K followers). On these platforms, functions as a news aggregator, largely sharing information from other news sources, often without attribution or without links to other news sites. Its most popular posts tend to be videos or photos taken from other accounts. Its Twitter account currently has eight Tweets with over 20,000 likes, half of which lack attribution to any news source. tweet reads: JUST IN - UAE bans unvaccinated citizens from leaving the country starting from 10 January - state media.
A tweet from that does not include where its “breaking” news came from. consistently pushes anti-vaccine and anti-lockdown narratives. Many of their social media posts focus on negative aspects of government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and negative effects from the vaccine, usually presented in a misleading manner. Its own reporting misrepresents developments related to COVID-19, such as an article from October 2021 titled “German court declares Corona curfew unconstitutional,” which referred specifically to a curfew in the German state of Bavaria in March 2020 that the State Court retroactively ruled unconstitutional.
Booster shots of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines aren’t just preventing infections with the highly contagious Omicron variant — they’re also keeping infected Americans from ending up in the hospital, according to data published on Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The extra doses are 90 percent effective against hospitalization with the variant, the agency reported. Booster shots also reduced the likelihood of a visit to an emergency department or urgent care clinic. The extra doses were most effective against infection and death among Americans aged 50 and older, the data showed.
Over all, the new data show that the vaccines were more protective against the Delta variant than against Omicron, which lab studies have found is partially able to sidestep the body’s immune response.
If you are vaccinated, not sure why you are still arguing with the celebrate loser. You have no further decision to make. Let him justify his decision of being a moron with 500 daily posts to 5 people who are his only means of social interaction.
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If you are vaccinated, not sure why you are still arguing with the celebrate loser. You have no further decision to make. Let him justify his decision of being a moron with 500 daily posts to 5 people who are his only means of social interaction.
You are 100% correct. Honestly, I think at this point no one is trying to convince the celibate loser, retarded Melvin, or parade float UCFBS about anything. It's clear they are all anti-science and stupid. It's more of a troll-a-thon to point and laugh.
Yep. That's why I post gay memes every day, multiple times a day.

Oh wait, that's the other guy.
I said anal sex, not pictures of gay guys. The pictures he posts may in fact be of two guys who are also celibate losers like yourself. I don't know.
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You sure are obsessed with anal sex.

Before crazy Mike, you were the OG cooler stalker. We used to have a vibrant cooler back in the day until you chased them all away.

This dude would thread crap every message of mine and others within 30 seconds. Talk about no life. That was before ignore existed.
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Before crazy Mike, you were the OG cooler stalker. We used to have a vibrant cooler back in the day until you chased them all away.

This dude would thread crap every message of mine and others within 30 seconds. Talk about no life. That was before ignore existed.
Hey stupid bitch, you going to answer for yourself here????? Or you gonna continue to run?????

Before crazy Mike, you were the OG cooler stalker. We used to have a vibrant cooler back in the day until you chased them all away.

This dude would thread crap every message of mine and others within 30 seconds. Talk about no life. That was before ignore existed.
@NinjaKnight and @Ucfmikes Can you believe this freaking guy?????? LOLOLOLLLLLLLLLLL
Are you trying to summon a circle jerk? Kinda seems like you want a circle jerk.
There you go again with the projecting. It's like you're not even trying to hide it anymore.

Yes, I know Mike posts circle jerk memes when you and parade float, melvin, and bostontwat circle jerk. Thanks in advance.
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There you go again with the projecting. It's like you're not even trying to hide it anymore.

Yes, I know Mike posts circle jerk memes when you and parade float, melvin, and bostontwat circle jerk. Thanks in advance.
So when you guys get together, do you just jerk off, or do vax shots on top of the jerking?
So when you guys get together, do you just jerk off, or do vax shots on top of the jerking?
We don't get together. Why are you trying to generate images for your spank bank, C.L.?

Now listen, I know this is as close to human contact that you're going to get all day long, but I am really getting bored here. Continue on if you'd like but really, I'm good.
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We don't get together. Why are you trying to generate images for your spank bank, C.L.?

Now listen, I know this is as close to human contact that you're going to get all day long, but I am really getting bored here. Continue on if you'd like but really, I'm good.
Fair enough. I'm sure that all of the jerking probably leaves you sore and tired.

Technical degree
Means that the degree you got from a school is not accredited except at the school itself. There is a standard degree in which at the least takes 4 years and there is a technical degree which can take as little as 4 weeks. Usually the schools that offer technical degrees are for-profit private schools which tend to butcher the course. Such as taking out the standard liberal art requirements, Taking out the requirements for advanced classes, etc.

For the most part they are not accepted by other schools except the school you got it from. They tend to not be valued by employers. Due to the fact that if a diploma says Masters(type of degree) on it it technically doesn't mean anything.
@NinjaKnight and @Ucfmikes Can you believe this freaking guy?????? LOLOLOLLLLLLLLLLL
I met him in person. We hung out a few times. He’s become a real tool. Super short, ugly, little professor-like geeky glasses. Gray hair. Looks like he’s 20 years older than he is and tries to hit on young women even though he’s married. Can’t even afford a hotel for away games

No wonder he’s big mad
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Before crazy Mike, you were the OG cooler stalker. We used to have a vibrant cooler back in the day until you chased them all away.

This dude would thread crap every message of mine and others within 30 seconds. Talk about no life. That was before ignore existed.
There you go again with the projecting. It's like you're not even trying to hide it anymore.

Yes, I know Mike posts circle jerk memes when you and parade float, melvin, and bostontwat circle jerk. Thanks in advance.
I’m only posting to mock and discredit these uneducated, unemployed, celibate imbeciles with no life. I wouldn’t waste my time debating with any of them. They are nuts. Total losers.
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I met him in person. He’s a real tool. Super short, ugly, little professor-like geeky glasses. Gray hair. Looks like he’s 20 years older than he is and tries to hit on young women even though he’s married. Can’t even afford a hotel for away games

No wonder he’s big mad
Yeah, about what I figured. I'm sure the girls he hits on have a real tough choice on their hands.

Hmmmm. Someone my age? Or this unvaxxed, drooling loser with the "FUKC YOU BIG PHARMA" t-shirt?

Tough call.
  • Haha
Reactions: Ucfmikes
Yeah, about what I figured. I'm sure the girls he hits on have a real tough choice on their hands.

Hmmmm. Someone my age? Or this unvaxxed, drooling loser with the "FUKC YOU BIG PHARMA" t-shirt?

Tough call.
To be honest, he’s totally lost it over COVID. He wasn’t THIS BAD. We did hang for beers. Even my buddy said he was cool to hang with. It’s ashame he went crazy, honestly. Guess it was just a front