
you can link to pubmed, but as you can see if you attempt to read the meta-analysis, it's not there. you can only read the abstract. surely you noticed this when you tried to read the paper?
So why would NIH publish it?
So why would NIH publish it?
they didn't...
they linked to it at the bottom of the page. being on pubmed does not equal peer review...
the highly esteemed indian journal of pharmacology handled the peer review on this baby. in any case, it was submitted in february of 2021, presumably before everyone became aware of the fraud contained therein. this journal published it much later though. sus.
4.No repetitive negative posting. What makes a repetitive post? If you come to the forum and consistently say the exact same thing about the exact same topic day in and day out, that is being repetitive. Be sure to understand that no one is saying that you can not be critical. But this site will not be overrun by the same people coming on the site day after day saying the same negative things.
No flaming: If a poster come onto the board with the intent only to flame, and continues to post nothing but flames or engages in no substantive discussion, the poster's posts will be deleted and the poster will be banned at the mod’s discretion.
Stop killing people with false, anti-vaxx propaganda snowflake ❄️

Seriously bad news for vaccine enhanced disease. mRNA is turning into a real shit show

More than 535 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine had been given in the United States from December 14, 2020, through January 24, 2022. To view the current total number of COVID-19 vaccinations that have been administered in the United States, please visit the CDC COVID Data Tracker.
COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. COVID-19 vaccines were evaluated in tens of thousands of participants in clinical trials. The vaccines met the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) rigorous scientific standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality needed to support emergency use authorization (EUA). Learn more about EUAs in this video.external icon
The Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson/Janssen COVID-19 vaccines will continue to undergo the most intensive safety monitoring in US history. This monitoring includes using both established and new safety monitoring systems to make sure that COVID-19 vaccines are safe.

Common Side Effects​

After COVID-19 vaccination, some people may feel ill, with symptoms like fever or tiredness for a day or two after receiving the vaccine. These symptoms are normal and are signs that the body is building immunity. Some people have no side effects. Others have reported common side effects after COVID-19 vaccination,such as:
  • Swelling, redness, and pain at the injection site
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Tiredness
  • Muscle pain
  • Chills
  • Nausea

Serious Safety Problems Are Rare​

In rare cases, people have experienced serious health events after COVID-19 vaccination. Any health problem that happens after vaccination is considered an adverse event. An adverse event can be caused by the vaccine or can be caused by a coincidental event not related to the vaccine.
Seriously bad news for vaccine enhanced disease. mRNA is turning into a real shit show

So ... I looked at the raw study (full table on page 50).

The overall deaths are so low and ... at times ... wacko. I mean ... getting only 1 dose was better than 2, and could be as good as 3. But then, as you showed, the unvaccinated and 1 dose was better than 2 doses! Then you had 3 doses, which looked the best.

But, again, the overall deaths are so low ... I mean, mortality per 100,000 when there are only a few million people, only 300K in the 1 shot category. It's really difficult to draw any absolute conclusion.

That's why no shots or 1 shot could be better than 2 shots. And then we had 3 shots which had the most individuals, but the deaths were then similiar, so lower rate, because there were more people.

In any case, not many people are dying ... vaccinated or not ... in Scotland.
it took a little digging because the full text wasn't even linked here for some reason (or maybe we all know the reason). It was published in the Indian journal of pharmacology, a very prestigious journal no doubt.

But of course, this meta-analysis and systematic review includes fraudulent data:


come on guys all you gotta do is actually read the things before you link to them...
in the largest RCT included in this meta analysis (the largest ever done so far in the world), NO BENEFIT WAS FOUND
That's why I tagged you. As I said, I wasn't entering the debate. ;)
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I'm as Libertarian as they come, but the hypocrisy of Progressives with stuff like this always cracks me up!

"Social distance and mask at work, school, mask!
No more than 10 people at church!
Unless, of course, you're at a protest with thousands of strangers you've never met."

"No school extracurricular activities!
No church services!
But we'll keep distributing condoms to athletic groups and fraternities so they have protection when sleeping with strangers."

Our governments at work ... and their 'mandates!'

No wonder even Liberals agree with Conservatives that Progressives have gone off the deep end and utterly lack common sense.

Hey ... let's try this out ... why don't we just let people decided for themselves?! Because, obviously, the government really doesn't know WTF it's doing!
they didn't...
they linked to it at the bottom of the page. being on pubmed does not equal peer review...
the highly esteemed indian journal of pharmacology handled the peer review on this baby. in any case, it was submitted in february of 2021, presumably before everyone became aware of the fraud contained therein. this journal published it much later though. sus.
I guess I just don't get it. You say that the publisher is highly esteemed and its consistent with dozens and dozens of US doctors that are saying the same thing, but its still bunk. Why, and for what reason? We aren't talking about healing crystals and magnets here, it's an actual proven pharmaceutical.
I guess I just don't get it. You say that the publisher is highly esteemed and its consistent with dozens and dozens of US doctors that are saying the same thing, but its still bunk. Why, and for what reason? We aren't talking about healing crystals and magnets here, it's an actual proven pharmaceutical.
Because it contains falsified data. I provided a link earlier with an explanation that was published in the journal Nature.

I was being facetious when I called them a good journal
Because it contains falsified data. I provided a link earlier with an explanation that was published in the journal Nature.

I was being facetious when I called them a good journal
If it contains falsified data, why wasn't it taken down?
If it contains falsified data, why wasn't it taken down?

Are there long-term side effects caused by mRNA COVID-19 vaccines?
The medical and scientific community is confident in the long-term safety of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines for several reasons:
  • The history of vaccines shows that delayed effects after vaccination can happen. But when they do, these effects tend to happen within six weeks of receiving a vaccine. This is why regulators in Canada and many other countries require at least eight weeks of safety data before approving a vaccine. The vaccines have now been in use for months, with over 9.5 billion doses given worldwide.
  • The mRNA vaccines have been in development for many years and have been studied before for flu, Zika, rabies, and cytomegalovirus (CMV). In addition, cancer research has used mRNA to trigger the immune system to target specific cancer cells. Decades of studying mRNA vaccines have shown no long-term side effects.
  • Canada’s vaccine safety system has proven time and again that the data necessary to get through the approval process is sufficient to prove safety, even for the long term. The end data and safety tests for the mRNA vaccines met the same standards as other vaccines that have been approved in Canada.
Jan. 24, 2022 -- Booster shots of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines appear to be highly effective at preventing hospitalizations due to the Omicron variant, according to three new CDC studies published on Friday.

The extra doses were 90% effective at keeping people out of the hospital after infection and 82% effective at preventing emergency department and urgent care visits.

“These reports add more evidence to the importance of being up to date with COVID vaccinations,” Rochelle Walensky, MD, director of the CDC, said Friday during a news briefing by the White House COVID-19 Response Team.

Data from Israel and other countries have suggested that booster shots can prevent severe illness and hospitalization, but it hasn’t been clear until now whether extra doses would have the same effect in the U.S. In the three CDC studies, researchers reviewed millions of cases and tens of thousands of hospitalizations and deaths during the Delta and Omicron waves.


In one study, researchers analyzed hospitalizations and visits to emergency departments and urgent care clinics in 10 states between the end of August 2021 and beginning of January 2022. Vaccine effectiveness against hospitalization with Omicron fell to 57% for those who had received their second dose more than 6 months earlier. A booster shot restored protection to 90%.
Just read the article it explains the issues with your study and why the original preprint server that hosted it withdrew it.
If u cite a study you should read it first at least

You’re dealing with a lonely guy that is just desperate for human interaction. Don’t stoop to his level. You’ll drive yourself crazy trying to reason with him and BS. I’m sure you figured that out already. They just don’t listen. Crazyhole is a lazy thinker who spends his entire life locked in his house alone.

Him and his WC buddies continuously post articles and Twitter feeds 24/7 and never bother to read most of them, understand them, or check their authenticity
So no doctors read PubMed for information? What's the point of having it?
Congratulations. Poor guy wasted 5 minutes of his life coming over here and figuring you out. Say goodbye to who you thought was your new friend. 😂😂😂.
Just read the article it explains the issues with your study and why the original preprint server that hosted it withdrew it.
If u cite a study you should read it first at least

Basically what you are saying is that pubmed should not be a reliable source, just like VAERS. Why is the government using these systems if they are worthless?
Basically what you are saying is that pubmed should not be a reliable source, just like VAERS. Why is the government using these systems if they are worthless?
That isn’t what I’m saying about pubmed. I’m saying your particular study is bunk and the full text of it isn’t on pubmed so I know u didn’t even read it
How many millions of boosted people tested positive between September 1 and December 4? Answer that or go back to your boiler room
The answer is who cares. Irrelevant just like you. Go back to your basement
That isn’t what I’m saying about pubmed. I’m saying your particular study is bunk and the full text of it isn’t on pubmed so I know u didn’t even read it
I read everything that was there and it says the date is Dec 2021.

When was it debunked, and if it was prior to publication why was it printed on a government website? I'm open to whatever data you have that debunks it and whatever your analysis of the data is, but to just say "you didn't read it" is weak sauce.
I read everything that was there and it says the date is Dec 2021.

When was it debunked, and if it was prior to publication why was it printed on a government website? I'm open to whatever data you have that debunks it and whatever your analysis of the data is, but to just say "you didn't read it" is weak sauce.
This explains the problem. Give it a read

As far as I know the elgazzar paper never passed peer review after being pulled in preprint

this is the guy that discovered the plagiarism etc.

This explains the problem. Give it a read

As far as I know the elgazzar paper never passed peer review after being pulled in preprint

this is the guy that discovered the plagiarism etc.

Those are from July and August. My link was to an article in November. Explain why it was published if you would, because this really doesn't add up.
Those are from July and August. My link was to an article in November. Explain why it was published if you would, because this really doesn't add up.
I am not the Indian journal of pharmacology so I cant do that for you friendo.
When someone tries to engage in an intellectual conversation with crazyhole and he tries to act educated so that they will be his only friend. He goes on and on about tiresome irrelevant trivial BS.


Hundreds of Millions of People Have Safely Received a COVID-19 Vaccine​

More than 535 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine had been given in the United States from December 14, 2020, through January 24, 2022. To view the current total number of COVID-19 vaccinations that have been administered in the United States, please visit the CDC COVID Data Tracker.
COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. COVID-19 vaccines were evaluated in tens of thousands of participants in clinical trials. The vaccines met the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) rigorous scientific standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality needed to support emergency use authorization (EUA). Learn more about EUAs in this video.external icon
The Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson/Janssen COVID-19 vaccines will continue to undergo the most intensive safety monitoring in US history. This monitoring includes using both established and new safety monitoring systems to make sure that COVID-19 vaccines are safe.

Common Side Effects​

After COVID-19 vaccination, some people may feel ill, with symptoms like fever or tiredness for a day or two after receiving the vaccine. These symptoms are normal and are signs that the body is building immunity. Some people have no side effects. Others have reported common side effects after COVID-19 vaccination,such as:
  • Swelling, redness, and pain at the injection site
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Tiredness
  • Muscle pain
  • Chills
  • Nausea

Serious Safety Problems Are Rare​

In rare cases, people have experienced serious health events after COVID-19 vaccination. Any health problem that happens after vaccination is considered an adverse event. An adverse event can be caused by the vaccine or can be caused by a coincidental event not related to the vaccine.
To date, the systems in place to monitor the safety of these vaccines have found four serious types of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination, with evidence that suggests a link to certain types of COVID-19 vaccinations that were administered. They are:


Is it true that VAERS says 14,000 people have died from the COVID-19 vaccines?

Answered from infectious diseases expert James Lawler, MD, MPH:​

No. Here's some context to explain the confusion.

After clinical trials, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) monitors vaccine safety.

VAERS is set up to capture potentialadverse events caused by vaccines. It is the best tool we have to find what may be previously unrecognized and extraordinarily rare adverse events that may eventually be linked.

VAERS cannot and does not determine whether a vaccine caused something. The CDC states this clearly in their disclaimer: "A report to VAERS does not mean that the vaccine caused the adverse event, only that the adverse event occurred some time after vaccination." The disclaimer continues, "The reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental or unverifiable."