
Are you talking about the same Adam Schiff that was JUST caught lying about claiming he never met or knew of the whistleblower before the report was filed? The same Adam Schiff who literally created fake quotes attributed to the President to start a House Committee Hearing that he was Chair of, when this entire debacle started?

Nancy Pelosi doesn't give a shit about ethics. Schiff is a good lapdog and does the dirty work for her and she's fine with it.
New polling from an outfit that had Trump in massive trouble 2-3 months ago now shows him winning in most every battle ground state thanks to this impeachment debacle.

As the impeachment process heats up in Washington, Donald Trump is seeing a boost in support in crucial swing states. Across the board, President Trump is polling well against the Democratic field in each of these battleground states. Notably, Vice President Biden has seen a sharp decline in support in our surveys as he currently runs behind President Trump in each of the three states.

As the race currently stands, President Trump is in the lead in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin in hypothetical match-ups against former Vice President Joe Biden, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Senator Bernie Sanders, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, and former Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Across the three states, Trump’s closest contest is against Joe Biden, although the president leads by an average of 6 percentage points against each Democrat.

Wisconsin was President Trump’s best state in this round of battleground polling. Against almost each of his Democratic challengers, President Trump held a double-digit lead. The president is currently running up nine percentage points against Biden, twelve points against Warren, thirteen points against Sanders, eleven points against Buttigieg, and twelve points against Bloomberg. Among non-partisan voters, Wisconsinites favored President Trump by double digits. For example, against Senator Elizabeth Warren, Trump led by over 18 percentage points among non-partisans.
Here's a moderate Democrat speaking to CNN anonymously, lamenting the fact that their leaders are killing them back home with this impeachment debacle and then dropping this doozy:

“The fact of the matter is this does have political consequences and the people who will suffer significant political consequences are our moderate members. In fact, there are on-year amounts of money being spent in districts all across our moderates. For our leadership not to engage with moderates at all to either talk about how they are going to message or what they are going to put in it, seems to be a giant oversight,” [one Democratic moderate] said.

Another moderate Democratic member lamented that the information about articles of impeachment are “secondhand.”

“I would say look I am concerned about not knowing what the articles will have in them. I am concerned about the timeline of this whole impeachment process. For me, right now, I am struggling to see how the evidence supports impeachment at this point,” the member said on the condition of background in order to speak freely about internal discussions.
He'll probably change that stance a bit. Polling is showing that the American people view this Democrat led debacle as a pathetic partisan exercise and Trump is doing very well in battle ground states on head to head basis, and many voters are referencing impeachment as a reason.

The Democrats created this mess, Senate Republicans should make them lay in it. Drag this out as long as they can. They finally get a chance to get this sham inquiry out of the hands of Adam Schiff, they might as well spend that time showing what a joke Schiff is and how many holes exist in their findings.
If you want to know what a disaster this debacle is for Democrats, there are now 10-12 D's in the Senate quietly asking House R's if they'd vote for a censure in exchange for killing off this impeachment vote. Any D who doesn't answer only to fringe left wingers back home is finding this sham to be very problematic.
One of the few Democrats who has refused to be bullied by Pelosi into going all in on this partisan debacle has said that he sees nothing warranting impeachment and will vote against it.

Jeff Van Drew, who was one of two Ds to vote against moving on an inquiry, just made clear to me he plans to vote against both articles of impeachment

“As I said before, my position never changed unless there was something new and unusual – and there is nothing new and unusual”
lol Exhibit 1,200 as to what a partisan sham this all is. Nadler had everyone ready to vote last night around 11 pm then abruptly refused to vote and went home for the night, wasting everyone's time, all so he could assure that he could grandstand and have the vote during the day when more eyeballs are watching TV.

Pathetic. Collins correctly ripped Nadler for this continued partisan debacle.

“This is why people don’t like us,” he said. “This crap like this is why people are having such a terrible opinion of Congress. What Chairman Nadler just did, and his staff, and the rest of the majority who sat there quietly and said nothing, this is why they don’t like us. They know it’s all about games. It’s all about the TV screens. They want the primetime hit. This is Speaker Pelosi and Adam Schiff and the others directing this committee. I don’t have a chairman anymore. I guess I need to just go straight to Ms. Pelosi and say, what TV hit does this committee need to do? This committee has lost all relevance. I’ll see y’all tomorrow.”
Imagine someone pathetically cheerleading the absolute debacle that was the hyper partisan Adam Schiff run proceeding in the House, and then having the gall to whine about McConnell not being "impartial" enough before the Senate proceedings have even begun.

First the polls in every swing state turned against the Democrat led, partisan impeachment debacle.

Now the Trump campaign just raised a record $46M in Q4 due largely to the overwhelming backlash against Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff's shameless actions.

Keep it going loonie lefties, this impeachment thing is really going well!
Lol it’s really simple:

Didn’t support Trump in primary
Didn’t vote for him
Watched the entire left wing go batshit insane
Watched lunatics like Shook Chicken emerge
Repulsed by left wing
Trump has great policy victories
Democrats pathetically try to kill Kavanaugh character
Russia hoax
Impeachment debacle
Lunatics like Shook Chicken
Left remains insane

There is literally nothing to like about the left post 2016. They are morally repugnant and people like Shook and Shookster have joined the rest of the party in endorsing extremism such as endorsing abortion under any condition and endorsing socialism.

pretty simple really. What’s funny is that I have an actual nuanced history here whereas Shook Chicken and the other moron liberals here have always been outright partisan hacks
Imagine if these loser Democrats had a way to remove the President from office in some other manner than ramming a partisan sham impeachment debacle through?

Oh well since no other means exist for replacing a President in this country, this national embarrassment must continue
He will be a shoe in. The Democrats are going to put forth insane lunatic Bernie Sanders and Trump will cruise to re-election. Being abrasive and less "normal politician" is exactly why he won and why people still massively support him.

the Democrats shamefully throw the kitchen sink at him for 4 years (Russia hoax, lying about collusion, trying to sink Kavanaugh, impeachment debacle, etc) and he just achieved his highest job rating since 2016. Just imagine when they must actually campaign against this laundry list of successes without some sham drummed up conspiracy to wave around?
There are ways to address admin costs without throwing the entire system out the door and eliminating private insurance and health care in this country. That's the issue with this MFA debacle, you are taking problems on the perimeter and making the case to throw out everything. Whatever savings you may have in admin cost reductions very well may simply be given back in other areas, especially given how much MFA would struggle to actually reign in costs in the service/delivery sector when they demand far more be done with far far less.
9/10 trolling. I'm impressed with this debacle of a thread.

We bold and set text size to 6 in this thread . Your formatting is a debacle on par with the Impeachment, Iowa Caucus, Roger Stone and Medicare for all debacles.
What a debacle it is that someone from UCF thinks debacle is an exotic, noteworthy word.
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masterful troll job but damn you have way too much time on your hands.
I honestly didnt think it would take that long but i was like half way through and I realized just how damn much he says DEBACLE it was a mistake but I had to finish the job
Next I will blow FC's mind by using words such as "plethora" and "insurmountable"