More useless, background, nonsense that can’t be debated from the unemployed, uneducated, celibate loser
This is what you get when you elect a corrupt politician like Biden. No wonder most of the world despises us.
This is the kind of response that any parent can recognize. Yeah, you're an adult but you still act like a child that wants attention and will use tantrums to get it. Just make an ass out of yourself and mom will have no choice but to put down her vodka bottle and deal with you.More useless, background, nonsense that can’t be debated from the unemployed, uneducated, celibate loser
The world despises us because we are full of weak, freeloaders living off of the government
😂😂😂😂😂. Tell us more!!This is the kind of response that any parent can recognize. Yeah, you're an adult but you still act like a child that wants attention and will use tantrums to get it. Just make an ass out of yourself and mom will have no choice but to put down her vodka bottle and deal with you.
This is the kind of response that any parent can recognize. Yeah, you're an adult but you still act like a child that wants attention and will use tantrums to get it. Just make an ass out of yourself and mom will have no choice but to put down her vodka bottle and deal with you.
Exactly. You act out to get attention. Waaaah! Mommy come and focus on me!!!!!
The best conditions for a chemical dispersion would be night, light steady wind, fully overcast. Rain would tear any cloud apart, as would anything more than a light breeze. The advanced modeling that DTRA, DHS, the DoD, etc. use will attempt to predict dispersions to concentrations far below dangerous levels for a lot of chemicals. This is gas in the air which is a danger to unprotected personnel who the cloud passes through. This does not account for settled agent that is then stirred up later. Generally, we don't worry about modeling settled with most industrial materials.It would actually be pretty cool to see the results of that model. From real-life experience, I can tell you that a major anhydrous spill isn't noticeable at all from about a half mile away even on a rainy day so I'd be curious to know how they come up with 3 miles.
This actually seems reminiscent of the cold war era agit-prop about setting up big fans to blow radiation dozens of miles. Just a little bit of common sense tells you that it isn't possible, but it was a great scare tactic to use on the weak minded.
Something like anhydrous ammonia might allow them to occupy without a huge decon. I wouldn't think that it would be the agent of choice for an attack. If they did use it, there wouldn't just be one event. I think it'd be something like sprayer trucks driving lines at the extent of the area and letting the wind blow it on in. This sounds more like an accident or the Russians happened to hit a tank and cause a spill.The Russians plan to occupy these cities. How does it make sense to use chemicals? Nukes make zero sense.
I have a lot of anxiety about this christmas. After 2 suicidal episodes this year I am really uncomfortable with the idea of being around the in-laws. This year has also brought about changes with my girls. I got divorced 8 years ago and had full custody of my kids until this year. They moved in with their mom in january and things have been pretty difficult between us since then. Nobody, including my wife, has been terribly supportive of what I've been dealing with this year and I've been putting on a happy face whenever I'm asked how things are going because when I'm honest it makes things worse. I'm just tired of it and now its going to be in my face for the next few days. Nobody understands but everybody has a solution.Exactly. You act out to get attention. Waaaah! Mommy come and focus on me!!!!!
As an adult, it's really unimpressive for you to continue acting this way.
Just going off of memory that probably isn't totally accurate, but I want to say it was 40,000 gallons plus or minus. I do remember the weather pretty vividly, it was mid 60s and light rain but really no wind. Pretty overcast.The best conditions for a chemical dispersion would be night, light steady wind, fully overcast. Rain would tear any cloud apart, as would anything more than a light breeze. The advanced modeling that DTRA, DHS, the DoD, etc. use will attempt to predict dispersions to concentrations far below dangerous levels for a lot of chemicals. This is gas in the air which is a danger to unprotected personnel who the cloud passes through. This does not account for settled agent that is then stirred up later. Generally, we don't worry about modeling settled with most industrial materials.
I have seen experiments at Dugway where a generator is put out in the desert and the resulting vapor agent is measured in a huge area representing about a 45 degree pie slice out for kilometers. Which is scary for very contagious bio agents or persistent chemical agents. NH3 isn’t persistent, though, and so in a chaotic environment is going to likely behave the way that you observed. Of course, we don’t know how large the container was and the volume of release. Nor do we know what else is present. NH3 vapor can be explosive when mixed with other vapors and that may also play a role. Bottom line, your initial response should be safe-sided and then you assess and adjust from there.
Exactly. You act out to get attention. Waaaah! Mommy come and focus on me!!!!!
As an adult, it's really unimpressive for you to continue acting this way.
Just going off of memory that probably isn't totally accurate, but I want to say it was 40,000 gallons plus or minus. I do remember the weather pretty vividly, it was mid 60s and light rain but really no wind. Pretty overcast.
Light rain and no wind means the plume would’ve likely spread circularly and stayed pretty close to the location of the spill. If there was an explosion then some of it would’ve been propelled by the explosions but, absent any wind, the rest would’ve stayed localized. The concentration (vapor in the air over time) and surface deposition models would look like a gobstopper with the center at the spill location. If there was fire involved, it would change a lot as well.Just going off of memory that probably isn't totally accurate, but I want to say it was 40,000 gallons plus or minus. I do remember the weather pretty vividly, it was mid 60s and light rain but really no wind. Pretty overcast.
This was a distribution hub. I'll have to ask my dad if he remembers how many gallons of storage the tank had but I'm pretty sure it wasn't nearly 120 x 60. Maybe I'll drive out there and measure the pad it sat on but I don't think it was that large.Light rain and no wind means the plume would’ve likely spread circularly and stayed pretty close to the location of the spill. If there was an explosion then some of it would’ve been propelled by the explosions but, absent any wind, the rest would’ve stayed localized. The concentration (vapor in the air over time) and surface deposition models would look like a gobstopper with the center at the spill location. If there was fire involved, it would change a lot as well.
An ammonia nurse tank will have between 1000 and 2000 gallons generally (sits on a trailer for transport). Distributors will often have much larger stores, from 6 million to 24 million gallons. A typical 6 million gallon pressurized tank has a diameter of about 120 feet and is about 60 feet tall. A catastrophic failure of one of those would be quite the spill.
You should be OK in your mother’s basement in Nebraska 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Do you support Ukraine enough to go without electricity or heat for several days? That's what Russia is capable of doing to us, and they have a list of targets that was hand delivered by our own president.
No respectful person can take a suicidal pro-Russian person seriously
Love how you highlighted the part that you did. Is it "respectful" or "respectable"? Not that it matters because neither apply in your case, but its still kind of funny.No respectful person can take a suicidal pro-Russian person seriously
I have a lot of anxiety about this christmas. After 2 suicidal episodes this year I am really uncomfortable with the idea of being around the in-laws. This year has also brought about changes with my girls. I got divorced 8 years ago and had full custody of my kids until this year. They moved in with their mom in january and things have been pretty difficult between us since then. Nobody, including my wife, has been terribly supportive of what I've been dealing with this year and I've been putting on a happy face whenever I'm asked how things are going because when I'm honest it makes things worse. I'm just tired of it and now its going to be in my face for the next few days. Nobody understands but everybody has a solution.
Sorry to vent. Merry christmas to everyone"
It’s really both. You’re a pathetic, lonely, celibate loser. You have no friends and no life. Another 16+ hour day in the WC posting irrelevant BS background noise.Love how you highlighted the part that you did. Is it "respectful" or "respectable"? Not that it matters because neither apply in your case, but its still kind of funny.
I just really enjoy seeing a country beat the hell out of corrupt Nazis. I'll post about that 24/7.It’s really both. You’re a pathetic, lonely, celibate loser. You have no friends and no life. Another 16+ hour day in the WC posting irrelevant BS background noise.
As always, we'll see. For now, let's just wait for the facts.
Sort of like waiting to hear about the one confirmed death from the maternity hospital bombing?As always, we'll see. For now, let's just wait for the facts.
We all know that you will. You are pathetic and have no life.I just really enjoy seeing a country beat the hell out of corrupt Nazis. I'll post about that 24/7.
I have a lot of anxiety about this christmas. After 2 suicidal episodes this year I am really uncomfortable with the idea of being around the in-laws. This year has also brought about changes with my girls. I got divorced 8 years ago and had full custody of my kids until this year. They moved in with their mom in january and things have been pretty difficult between us since then. Nobody, including my wife, has been terribly supportive of what I've been dealing with this year and I've been putting on a happy face whenever I'm asked how things are going because when I'm honest it makes things worse. I'm just tired of it and now its going to be in my face for the next few days. Nobody understands but everybody has a solution.
I have a lot of anxiety about this christmas. After 2 suicidal episodes this year I am really uncomfortable with the idea of being around the in-laws. This year has also brought about changes with my girls. I got divorced 8 years ago and had full custody of my kids until this year. They moved in with their mom in january and things have been pretty difficult between us since then. Nobody, including my wife, has been terribly supportive of what I've been dealing with this year and I've been putting on a happy face whenever I'm asked how things are going because when I'm honest it makes things worse. I'm just tired of it and now its going to be in my face for the next few days. Nobody understands but everybody has a solution.
Thanks for sharing, interesting hearing multiple perspectives... I lost faith in news/info sources years ago, so mainly debate on principle and philosophy.For those of us objective Americans, we can be critical of Ukraine, while still being against Russia and Putin.
She got dressed down pretty hard there - and rightfully so. America is great because you are free to have whatever opinion you want, and others are free to draw inferences and form opinions of you as a result. That feedback loop is an important part of maintaining 1st Amendment Rights. But we'd probably agree that the dialogue in that conversation was better than prime time cable news for sure.For those of us objective Americans, we can be critical of Ukraine, while still being against Russia and Putin.
Honestly she did a terrible job. She was blaming the west for the Maidan Revolution, which completely strips Ukraine of their agency. It'd be like if the British blamed the French for the American Revolution.Thanks for sharing, interesting hearing multiple perspectives... I lost faith in news/info sources years ago, so mainly debate on principle and philosophy.
Side note, she mentioned Putin's goddaughter is Ukraine-ian twice to emphasize relatives exist between Ukraine & Russia... 2 of my children have unrelated godparents, so that is an invalid assumption/example.
Now is when Democracy means everything, it's the perfect time for sleight-of-logic.She got dressed down pretty hard there - and rightfully so. America is great because you are free to have whatever opinion you want, and others are free to draw inferences and form opinions of you as a result. That feedback loop is an important part of maintaining 1st Amendment Rights. But we'd probably agree that the dialogue in that conversation was better than prime time cable news for sure.
Of course you are free to be critical of Ukraine - but keep in mind timing.
So if I go-out-of-my-way to also punch two other, even weaker, neighborhood kids ... first ... before I even stop the bully, before no one is supposed to give a ****, right?!It's like living in a neighborhood where consensus exists that a particular kid is a bully. If you walk outside and see said bully with a kid pinned to the ground getting punched, your objective is to stop the violence. In the moment of crisis, that's the only thing that anyone cares about.
This is not merely about blame. This is about Z going out of his way to punch two other, even weaker, neighborhood kids ... first.No one in the neighborhood wants to listen to someone explain how the kid getting punched actually deserves part of the blame. Maybe that's true, and the time for that discussion will happen. It's just not now. And if you insist on having that conversation while the kid get is getting punched, expect people to judge you.
Actually ... the French were pretty involved with our Revolution and the British did blame the French (and Spanish)! That's why the British Crown quickly re-kindled relations with the US.Honestly she did a terrible job. She was blaming the west for the Maidan Revolution, which completely strips Ukraine of their agency. It'd be like if the British blamed the French for the American Revolution.
Now is when Democracy means everything, it's the perfect time for sleight-of-logic.
Just like Blue states claiming they need to 'stop' alleged 'Republican geremanding' by increasing the number of signatures required by 3-5x (and that made similiar moves on finance back in 2019) ... which does nothing to stop Republicans, but definitely does hurt Greens, Libertarians and other 3rd parties!
Z is doing the same sh-- to opposition parties in Ukraine.
So if I go-out-of-my-way to also punch two other, even weaker, neighborhood kids ... first ... before I even stop the bully, before no one is supposed to give a ****, right?!
That's exactly the problem! "Never let a good crisis go to waste." This is everything I cannot stand about the Progressive attitude movement in the US. It's how Lenin and Hitler were 'made.'
This is not merely about blame. This is about Z going out of his way to punch two other, even weaker, neighborhood kids ... first.
But you'll be happy to note Twitter and YouTube have been censoring her, along with Rising, regularly. They are hardly Trump supporters either.
That does not give him the right to remove opposition parties. He should embrace them and maintain an union government in a time of war. They are against the Russians too. They have pledged their support to him.Look - Zelensky is a wartime president dealing with an invading force ...